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Can any of you trigger any type of exposure with galvanic shards using the exposure support gems? every time i try i never see the enemies resistances change.

also its really funny that they allow you to put chain support on plasma beam, the beam has infinite pierce so the chain will never activate (but you still get to reduce your damage by 50%)

that is unless theres maybe a way to remove your own ability to pierce? anything like that exist?

As somebody stated, there is some fine print in skills where some are just hardcoded to prevent interactions. You can try to find it in the tooltips or in the skill breakdown.

I think there was a mechanic that removed pierce from projectiles in PoE 1, but don’t quote me on that.
Imp0815#7644 wrote:
Another one:

The Ice Wall from Glacier Shot taunts mobs, blocks projectiles, and pushes back smaller mobs. It also instantly triggers if you shoot it at a large mob. So, if you need breathing room and freeze buildup, Glacier Shots feels really, really good as a CC tool.
When you're using Fraground, you can explode the Ice Wall for massive clearing and freezing potential. The explosions scale with increased area of effect.

This is basically my build. Glacier Shot -> Frag Rounds -> Herald of Ice -> Zealous Inquisition basically deletes mobs in less than a second.

For single targets like bosses I use HVR with Scattershot, Double Barrel, and Inevitable Crit. With some gems or passives you can turn it into a burst rifle. Coupled with Low Life DMG passives, you just gotta get bosses down to ~50 Percent and you can burst them down.
Last edited by excumulgado#1983 on Dec 14, 2024, 8:44:49 AM
Tip: do not use Crossbow until they finally buff this weapon.
Auctioneer House - is a MUST!
'POE2' is not 'POE1 2.0'!
There seems to be a bug with the second node for Sorcery Ward (Ceremonial Ablution) where the 50% increased cooldown isn't working, but you'll still get a bigger barrier.

And for anyone wondering about Concentration, there is an icon that appears under monster health bars letting you know what the % of concentration a mob is at. When mapping with Galvanic Shards, everything was going to 0% pretty much instantly. Against a boss it didn't take me long to lower its concentration down to 0%, and it stays there but will recover (slowly) if you don't damage it. So you can think of the second node after it as free 30% damage.
SilverWF#6383 wrote:
Tip: do not use Crossbow until they finally buff this weapon.

why ?

when you got a decent one it starts to feel like speed running the game

i mean right now im ~ 12 lvl higher than my crossbow but i still shred through the bosses/monsters

got my weapon around lvl 41

and right now i run through emeny lvl 53 areas
SilverWF#6383 wrote:
Tip: do not use Crossbow until they finally buff this weapon.

why ?

when you got a decent one it starts to feel like speed running the game

i mean right now im ~ 12 lvl higher than my crossbow but i still shred through the bosses/monsters

got my weapon around lvl 41

and right now i run through emeny lvl 53 areas

He does not know what he's talking about. Crossbows easily go up to 400 DPS, and that is just the base skills scale from. They are perfect—not too strong to get into nerf territory, but not too weak to make the game unbearable.
Imp0815#7644 wrote:

I chose Gemling Legionnaire because it seemed convenient. The 10% quality was only noticeable because my Glacier Bolt now has two ammo instead of one. Beyond that, it’s underwhelming and not worth the hassle.

That extra ammo is actually kind of insane, it has similar value to the double barrel support which is really good on skills that have only one ammo per reload. I think if you use multiple skills that get that extra ammo from quality, then that node is definitely worth it.

Apart from that, I would agree that the double supports is the best node on Gemling Legionnaire. It's too bad it requires the +3 number of skill gems node that's highly situational. Still, I think the ascendancy is quite strong. It's just that almost all the nodes are situational to a degree.

That extra ammo is actually kind of insane, it has similar value to the double barrel support which is really good on skills that have only one ammo per reload. I think if you use multiple skills that get that extra ammo from quality, then that node is definitely worth it.

Apart from that, I would agree that the double supports is the best node on Gemling Legionnaire. It's too bad it requires the +3 number of skill gems node that's highly situational. Still, I think the ascendancy is quite strong. It's just that almost all the nodes are situational to a degree.

I find it funny that i saw more off-brand Gemlings useing anything but Crossbows/Nades. But i expected that after reading the nodes in the preview.
Imp0815#7644 wrote:
SilverWF#6383 wrote:
Tip: do not use Crossbow until they finally buff this weapon.

why ?

when you got a decent one it starts to feel like speed running the game

i mean right now im ~ 12 lvl higher than my crossbow but i still shred through the bosses/monsters

got my weapon around lvl 41

and right now i run through emeny lvl 53 areas

He does not know what he's talking about. Crossbows easily go up to 400 DPS, and that is just the base skills scale from. They are perfect—not too strong to get into nerf territory, but not too weak to make the game unbearable.

Ever tried Monk or Witch?

Also I am not talking about paper numbers on nades - they are dumb and clunky to use.
Auctioneer House - is a MUST!
'POE2' is not 'POE1 2.0'!
In Gemling the ascendant node that your highest stat supports skill gems. Yes you can use any skill that meets the requirements. Also it will increase the the capacity of how many support gems can use of that color. Get the minimum of what you need for the support gems. As you get more accident points the color of gems increasing your resistance might be useful.

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