PoE 2 Constant crash on Trial of Sekhema and Trial of Chaos bosses.

To all that are crashing, I too faced multiple crashing during the 2nd boss fight when ice boss does his big rune slam. I gave up on the run and popped in a new trial and guess what IT WORKED!!! I finished my 3rd ascendancy just now

To all that are raging out about this. Yes it sucks to give up on your current run, BUT...just pop in a new one and you will have a big chance it wont happen again. I figured it might be an instance bug instead of more major bug because i had no issues getting passed 2nd boss earlier yesterday when trying.

Just pop in a new one and you good to go ;)!!

Stay sane Exile!!!
This happens to me too. Tried to get through it a couple of times, but once the guy with the ice hammer slams the ground with his ability, game crashes to desktop.

Ryzen 5900x/rtx3080/16gb ram.
Long time diablo player.
Scorl0re#1061 wrote:
To all that are crashing, I too faced multiple crashing during the 2nd boss fight when ice boss does his big rune slam. I gave up on the run and popped in a new trial and guess what IT WORKED!!! I finished my 3rd ascendancy just now

To all that are raging out about this. Yes it sucks to give up on your current run, BUT...just pop in a new one and you will have a big chance it wont happen again. I figured it might be an instance bug instead of more major bug because i had no issues getting passed 2nd boss earlier yesterday when trying.

Just pop in a new one and you good to go ;)!!

Stay sane Exile!!!

Bump for visibilty for temporary solution
same here, i keep crashing no matter what i try and i keep losing honour everytime i atempt it... hope they fix this soon :(
Achar a moeda do trial é difícil, fazer o trial é difícil, agora crash quase no final da provação é extremamente desanimador.
O mínimo seria eu voltar de onde parei.
Não tenho vontade fazer a provação novamente.
Bump Geforce 4060 Latest driver.

Happens often on any boss fight for me actually
+1 me too

(Not sure how to load the picture)

For me it crashed on floor 10 Ultimatum for 4th ascendancy, when killing the boss.

Game freezes but i could still hear my character moving, i managed to load the next room but then the game crashed.

No backup option, you are kicked from the trial if you crash. If there could be a temporary solution to this, like being able to rejoin a trial in case of a crash or something?

EDIT for specs:

Motherboard MS-7D98
CPU: Intel Core I5-14600k (20cpus) 3.5ghz
DirectX 12
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060

This kind of freeze also happened to me outside of Trial of Chaos, during a Ritual event in map iirc.
Last edited by SlayerT77#0028 on Dec 16, 2024, 3:20:40 PM
I did as the others said and rerolled my sekhema. It works, but I die and do a new run and it happens again. Think I'm gonna take a break until this stuff is fixed. It's really annoying and I can't progress my character.
Long time diablo player.
Still happening.

The first trial of chaos on room 3.
Mostly on the room with the 3 soul cores, when pulling the lever to move the walls.

I hope you're investigating this GGG. been an issue since EA launch

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