Disconnecting when entering a map (POE2)
same here
same for me
To me it is only happening with a specific node on my Atlas, I went to other map nodes, but I'm just starting my Atlas so it could happen on others. Every Waystone used on my first Hidden Grotto has this issue. The downside is that this node also locks me out of an entire region of my Atlas, which includes the first hideout, until it gets fixed.
same here on my first hideout node...
same here
same issue here. get immediately disconnected. whole group of us just got to maps and we have 4 new players to POE and they are incredibly turned off by this endgame experience
Just want to say it's also happening to me. It happens when I'm in a party. Every other map dcs me to login and I have to waste another map.
Why hasn't this been fixed yet. There is nothing to do in the game after spending all your waystones on disconnects. Seems like something GGG should work on before Xmas break...
same here. Began when i got my hideout and tried teleport to it. Happen often but then it stabilize and can play all evening without problem. But now it did that when i used a waystone and lost it in the process. Sad Sad Sad
Sill happening. losing waystones, bricking single-try maps.