[WIP] Norse's Giant's Blood Titan Slam build [Video Demo]
There is a very good chance hammer of the gods and the armour explosions will be nerfed! Aside from that the build the build will still fully function with those nerfs.
This build is based around taking giant's blood to wield a two-hander while equipping a shield. Achieving maximum block with a shield with base 40%+ block requires little investment while making gearing easier with the stats from a shield.
Current Tree at Level 88
Weapons: Probably the trickiest part of gearing this build is getting the strength requirement to equip the weapons you need, since giant's blood keystone makes us able to one-hand our two-hander it does triple the strength requirement. As for the mods we're looking a high physical 2-handed mace, over 400pDPS should carry you along through the endgame. Having elemental damage can also be beneficial since none of the nodes on the tree are physical only, so it scales elemental damage also. Reduced attribute requirement on the suffix can also make the strength requirement a lot easier to hit. As for suffixes attack speed, gem level, life leech, strength are all good. Shield: Increased block is the most important mod, you want a shield with a base block of about 40 while optimally 42-43, then the second most important is life then armour. As for suffixes, optimally having increase to cold or lightning maxiumum resistance for endgame but just resistances and strength should be fine. Body Armour: There aren't many options for mods on a body armour, you want a high armour body armour with about ~2000 armour while having life is a bonus but not a requirement. As for suffixes strength and resistances is optimal. Helmet: Helmets can be pretty generic of just a high life armour base with resistances or strength, some minor other options would be high rarity helmet. Gloves: For gloves you want high life as a priority and armour or flat physical as a second priority while the suffixes have more options. Gloves have a few more options for suffixes such as attack speed, life leech so while filling out your resistances keep an eye out for these mods. Boots: For boots the most important stat is movement speed, aim for 30% having life and resistances is secondary. Amulet: For amulet aim for a high life amulet. There are a lot of options for amulet for instance, armour %, recoup life taken, strength, resistances, spirit. So a life amulet filling out any resistances you might need then the other stats as secondary. Rings: Rings are for resistance, you want to try get these before filling out other gear, life being secondary on these, so try get a ring with as much resistance as you can to help free up room for other gear. Belt: For belt aim for a high life with resistance belt, endgame you would want an extra charm belt but these can be expensive. Any increased flask charges gained or reduced used is also nice.
The skill I use mainly for clearing is rolling slam, the main gems I have linked are
Rolling Slam
Magnified Effect (40% Increased AoE)
Martial Tempo (25% More Attack Speed) Over Power (50% More Stun Buildup) Armour Explosion (Enemy Explodes on armour breaking) Devastate (Break armour on heavy stun) The synergy between armour explosion and devastate is insanely good and one shots packs, sometimes the explosions chain and kill packs outside of the area.
EQ is a situational skill, I mainly only use it for large open areas where I'm about to be swarmed, or specific content like ritual, breach etc.
With ascendancy I rushed hulking form for the extra strength to help with wearing a 2hander with giant's blood. If you only have one ascendancy I would recommend taking Earthbreaker or Stoneskin if you're dying a lot during acts. As for my third ascendancy I took Mysterious Lineage for the extra life since survivability seems more important in the endgame. First - Colossal Capacity Second - Hulking Form Third - Mysterious Lineage Fourth - Up in the air, all three options seem good. Earthbreaker would be nice for the extra aftershocks. Stone Skin would fit well if you have a very high armour chest piece. Crushing Impacts makes stunning more consistent, personally I might take this one when I get my fourth ascendancy.
T14 Video Demo with Boss
If you have any questions at all about the build don't hesitate to message me in game @Norse or if I'm offline then leave a message here. IGN: @Norse Last edited by norseman21#2818 on Dec 13, 2024, 4:28:33 PM Last bumped on Jan 10, 2025, 6:26:05 AM
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Just started going through this build after my CoF was nerfed, video looks fun. I just wanted to ask if you could provide more info - Gem links and most importantly ascendancy points Atm am leveling with it and it's going strong |
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Hi, started like you after CoF nerf and asked Norse a bit in dms, ascendencies are rush into 50% more stats from nodes, so your first is bag and then stats, third one is Hp i believe, EQ gems are fire infusion and faster effect from what i remember, i am currently on act3 and i believe you should adjust tree lvling so you take shield nodes after you grab second ascendancy and titans blood, anyway would like some update on build but aince i am not on a maps yet its not a rush for me, but if you got more questions ask Norse in dms, really cool guy and responds willingly.
Last edited by Mersers#5817 on Dec 14, 2024, 3:11:28 AM
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" Touched up on the ascendancies, still testing a lot of different gems so should get around to doing that soon. IGN: @Norse
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Got to act2 cruel with your build so far, once i got second ascend (which was pain in the ass to obtain, ended up just cheesing chimera boss with seismic warcry with corrupted blood) things became relatively easy, wanted to ask what do you prefer in term of gems on seismic cry/hamer of the gods/spirit skills? Also once i got to blood magic it became even more comfy to play, maps soon i guess.
My tree on 53 lvl if anyone curious, decided to grab shield passives after i got all the damage ones since i was able to grab shield/two hand only after second ascend. ![]() |
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Is this build possible without a shield and with only one two-handed weapon? |
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" You could take off giant's blood and the shield nodes and play the build almost exactly the same, the survivability might be a fair bit worse but It's definitely doable! IGN: @Norse
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I can't wait to see your build (which looks a lot like mine). Especially in terms of gems. Do you think that with the patch Rolling Slam is better or worse than Stampede? Indeed now that the expulsions can no longer "bounce" from one enemy to another, is it still viable to use Rolling Slam? |
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How is now performing after Armor Explosion nerf?
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>Rolling Slam's Second Slam now deals 50% more Damage to Heavy Stunned Enemies
Also this |
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