PS5 Game Performance is just awful and unplayable

Everything was mostly fine until I put the wildshards gem on fireball and then all action slows to snail pace (when activated) and when it catches up I'm dead on the ground surrounded by enemies.
whats sad is they kind of just...get away with it? like all the pc fanboys are dick riding saying how great GGG is and theyre so "transparent" and "honest" and "communicative"...meanwhile console players get completely scammed ignored and treated like garbage. sure as a pc player it must be great but the way GGG treats console is indistinguishable from your average scummy AAA corpo. heck its kind of worse in poe2 case. at least d4 is playable and meets basic standards for a current gen game,
@ Psytralla#5508

It would be very impolite to write like you on your intellectual level so you can have this instead :

You’re the reason God created the middle finger .
Last edited by PandaRyuk#7500 on Jan 4, 2025, 3:07:13 AM
Hey guys,
ouch, 20 pages already omg. Seems like the console optimization issue is the REAL thing.
Btw, playing solo can help with fps little bit, but this game was sold as something you can enjoy in couch-coop mode easily and with a lot of fun. Fun with 10fps.
Yes that's the worst part they invited content creators to play couch co-op, those content creators made YouTube videos saying the game looked good and performed well.

From my experience the game doesn't perform well on PS5. I wouldn't mind bad graphics with a good stable 60 fps but we can't even get that. Like FF7 Rebirth Quality setting looks good but you get 30 fps. In performance mode the game is kinda blurry and bad graphics all around but you get a very stable 60 fps.

I have every reason to be angry as GGG robbed me by selling me total crap of a game instead of properly prepared EA game , I don't think they even tested out before releasing it on ps5 that is . I understand that people are entitled to holiday but come you telling me that out of 158 employees they all gone for holiday and shut down company completely ? and since this thread appeared 7th of December non of them even acknowledge that , totally ignoring console players . And you say that they working hard ? I don't see any improvement since launch . If you purchase something you as a customer you are entitle to be angry and rise your voice from time to time if the product is sh.t .

It has been more than 2 weeks since and still nothing .

PC players have everything or most out there working as it should be but us on consoles - forgotten .

They are happy to take your money it seems but they do not deliver so far on consoles , seems to me that all they care is pc players and cash grabbing overpriced skins which are available in 100's only for pc players and only few
for ps5 . Same goes for overpriced supporter pack like $480 for some cheap t-shirt and the hoodie with just logo of the game , no signatures of the development team . And most items are not even usable in game which is pointless .

So if the GGG charge all of this money for all that junk they can afford to work during holiday and take in turns to maintain servers or work on updates if needs be if they would care about player base on all platforms not just pc or just xbox . But they do not care as it shows .

It’s Fkn embarrassing to be such a crybaby as an adult person 😂
Nothings gonna change for you just because you go on a rant in a forum
What do you not understand about holidays? It’s summer in New Zealand and I think it’s fair that they enjoy their days off. They are going to come back and change the game you genius, it’s your fault for being impatient little angry guy 😂 go refund the game if you have such problems Fkn cringe hahahah

Not that cringe as you kneeling GGG XDDD
Nearly a month now. Mark my words, nothing positive will change before a year or so, if that, for consoles.
I got on with 3 buddies to run some maps… all ps5s. The FPS dipped as low as 10-12 fps due to everything going on. And it happened over and over again. It was unplayable. We would die to our screens freezing and enemies killing us that hadn’t appeared on the screen yet. Not getting to play with your friends sucks.

The game i great. But its unplayable on ps5. 10 fps in most fights at late game. Running t14 maps right now and when i open a breach its like a crash or 5 fps. I pray that they improve the performance on consols cause its sucha great game. Do you think guys its possible to have 60fps in the future?

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