[Titan] Explosive Stampede | Tanky Super Fast clear and superb boss dmg (ENDGAME)

Stun them, break their armour and explode them!

Tier 15 map:

This build can obliterate the maps with a very fast clear while being very tanky:


Video of Tier 15 Map run:
This layout is not the best for this build so i got stuck a couple of times.

Video of tier 7 map BOSS kill:


Video of Tier 15 map Breach:



The main mechanic of this build is arround:
Stampede + Overpower + Devastate + Fire Infusion + Armour Explosion

The idea is to build stun very fast with OVERPOWER, and insta heavy stun them. When they are heavy stun their armour will be broken due to DEVASTATE and this will trigger an explosion due to ARMOUR EXPLOSION. Fire Infusion is there just to increase dmg.

For the Spirit gems it's key to have:
Hearld of Ash (This will add explosive damage to the dying mobs)
Overwhelming Presence (Will make the mobs insta stun easier)

Also is recomended:
Scavenged Plating to increase armour during mapping.

On endgame we are picking Blood Magic, so you'll need +10 spirit from your gear yo equip Vitality as a support for any of the Spirit gems.

For bosses you can just spam Stampede until they are heavy stunned and then we do the combo with Seismic Cry and then Hammer of the Gods.

This is the gems i have for those two skills:

Hammer of the Gods + Brutality + Fist of War + Heft + Exploit Weakness

For Seismic Cry:

Seismic Cry + Inspiration + Premeditation

As an utility and moving skill I have Leap Slam to get out there fast on an emergency.

Leap Slam + Holy Descent

Another Dmg skill I use is Sunder. It's important to finish unique monsters when you miss your hammer of the gods. So you don't need to wait for HoG cooldown, you can finish it with sunder. Also it's usefull when bossing, sometimes it's hard to get on melee distance, so you can use Sunder to increase the stun buildup and heavy stun it with Stampede when it's ready to be stunned.
I use:
Sunder + Martial Tempo + Upheaval + Aftershock + Concetrated Effect


On the tree we are getting three notables:
Resolute Technique
Giant's Blood
Blood Magic (This is only on endgame)
Due to Giant's blood we are going to need ton of strenght so every small node goes to STR.
Then the main objective is: Area of Effect + Stun buildup + Dmg (Make sure not to take + Melee Dmg since will not scale with the explosion)
Secondary: Armour + Resistances
On late game, once you get a good shield with good amount of Block Chance, get the nodes that increased block chance, this adds a big defence layer. Also with Lay Siege and potentially annointment of Offensive Stance we can scale dmg while scaling a very important defensive layer.

Here is the skill tree currenty on level 87:

Here you can see the prio for every stage of the game:


1-When you get your first 2 Ascendency points, you'll probably need the STR to equip a 2h Mace, so go for Colossal Capacity.
2-On your next 2 Ascendency points go for Hulking Form, this is pretty good on this build since we use a lot of small passive nodes. And will also help you on getting STR with the 4 small passive nodes arround Beef.
3-Once you get 2 more points, go for Mysterious Lineage, at this point you'll need to start to improve on your defences, to be able to run higher tier maps.
4-I didn't reach 8 Ascendency points yet, but I think i'll go for Earthbreaker

The gear is kind of tricky to get since every piece of gear needs good str on it so we can equip a big 2h mace to achieve big dmg.
All the gear here is arround 300-400 exalts

Most important stats on your 2h Mace: PHYSICAL DMG. So look for >+100% Increased Physical Dmg and +x to x physical dmg on a good base. Consider that better bases require more str, and since this build uses Giant's Blood youll require x3 that str. Also a great stat on the weapon is +x To level of All melee skills, 2h weapons can have up to +6, but anything from +3 is good if the physical dmg is good on it.

For helmet, body armour, gloves and boots all of them must be Armour bases, as much armour as you can, and the priority is the following:
STR>RES>LIFE (With as much armour as you can, specially in your body armour since we are using Sturdy Metal early on)

For the shield we need high block chance, str, life, some res and armour.
The block chance is important since we are scaling it in the skill tree, we need a good base of block chance for those skill points to get value. Anything above 40% is good.

On rings and amulet:


IMPORTANTE NOTE: This is my first character in Poe2, so my leveling experience is not a lot, my experience may not work for everyone. So please be creative and try to get through the first 3 acts as you can, it's a struggle with warrior, I know. Also look at page 7 on this thread, the leveling issue was discussed and there are some tips and tricks there.

To get through the campaing this are the skills you need to get in order:

Rolling Slam + Boneshatter (Buildup stun with rolling slam and finish with Boneshatter)
Shockwave Totem, get it to increase dps and build up stun.
Get Hearld of Ash as soon as possible, this will increase your clear speed very fast.
As soon as you can get Sunder pick it as your main dps skill.

You will struggle with some bosses at this stage, you might need to get them down with basic attacks, but this will improve soon. don't get frustrated.

You can pick Hammer of the Gods and Seismic Cry, using Sunder as your main clear skill and Hammer of the gods + Seismic Cry for bosses.

Continue with this build until you get a Lesser Jeweler's Orb. Once you have one you can switch to Stampede!. Now that stampede can have 3 support gems, use it with: Overpower + Devastate + Armour Explosion. And make sure you have a bunch of Stun Buildup nodes in your skill tree.

Also make sure you have as soon Giant's Blood in your skill tree as posible so you can use 2h mace and Shield.
Nodes you need to take early on:
Reverbering Impact
Singular Pose
Crushing Veredict

If you Ascend for your first time and your str is enough to carry a good 2h mace for your level go for Earthbreaker, if not go for Colossal Capacity for that +4% str small node, and try to go fast for your next ascendency to get Hulking Form or Earthbreaker if your str is enough.

At this point you can freely scale up to what you see on the build.


If you notice that the minions are not exploding while you are running, but they are exploding on the slam part of the stampede, that means you need more Stun Buildup, try to get it through the skill tree, the weapon, or gems.


UPDATED DEC 14th with new info and skill tree on level 87.
Main change: Removed everything related to Rage, it required a lot of Skill Points that we could use them to scale Block Chance which not only improves our defence layer but also improves our dmg with Lay Siege and Offensive Stance.
Also I picked Blood Magic, and it feels way better, make sure to have enough regeneration for sustain.
Last edited by matiasgil#6967 on Dec 22, 2024, 5:42:16 PM
Last bumped on Feb 20, 2025, 4:21:07 AM
Seems kinda bonkers ngl! hope u will make this into a guide or some sort that be cool! i like to try this but i dont know how to go through the leveling cause i assume u need the 6 link for it to work? due to it being a setup?
Last edited by VolticSaurus#2458 on Dec 13, 2024, 5:24:07 PM
I'll try to make a video guide soon. I know there are some details not covered here, but the core about the build is there. It's feeling pretty strong.
Youre killing the screen in 1 hit. Expect your build to get bricked soon!
Youre killing the screen in 1 hit. Expect your build to get bricked soon!

I think it's a fair build, just mechanics. Also it feels like the other builds for warrior are pretty bad in comparison with the rest of the clases. It would be sad if the only build that i've found to be fun with a warior is bricked.

Also it requires a pretty specific gear with lot of STR, each item must have high str to be viable and have enough dmg.
Last edited by matiasgil#6967 on Dec 12, 2024, 9:01:08 PM
Interesting, but how do you get there during leveling?
Im interested too that build so how about a leveling guide. Thanks.
Sure i've left a brief on leveling up.
Last edited by matiasgil#6967 on Dec 13, 2024, 6:33:14 AM
Seems kinda bonkers ngl! hope u will make this into a guide or some sort that be cool!

I tried to make a guide with this post, do you mean a video guide?
Thanks for the great post ! This build seems really fun

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