Please PLEASE PLEASE can you fix the font size for consoles?

It's so tiny & having to squint a lot is causing eye strain.

It's a simple fix & i am sure for many, not just myself it will help massively too.

The font needs to be fixed for items on map, skills, gems & quests.

I am literally no less than a couple of ft away from my T.V and it is still not very clearly readable.

Thank you very much in advance.
This little fix will make the game much more enjoyable.
Last bumped on Jan 30, 2025, 8:05:46 PM
Just bought a 55 inch 4k tv from the holiday sales cause my old 32inch 720p tv was no longer cutting it with visibility in gaming. Was excited about all the games I can now actually play on the TV and enjoy without squinting. I bought POE2 last night and couldn't wait to load it up.. and I'm back to not being able to read any text on screen. The best I can find is some UI scaling and it helped a little but unless I'm sitting a few feet in front of the tv, I still cant read 98% of the text on the screen. How am I supposed to relax in my favorite recliner and kill some stuff? Please do something about Text Size, I beg.
Last edited by JasonInTheWood#4506 on Dec 13, 2024, 4:03:02 PM
Yeah want to +1 this (more than +1 really). It's the most major point of frustration every time I play.

Strangely I don't have as much issue running the game remotely on my Portal, but it's probably bc the screen is much closer to my face. But even on 70" TV, I constantly have to lean forward and sit closer to my TV than *anything* else on the PS5.

No settings have been able to fix this, though turning up the HUD lighting kind of did a little. Just pls add a 5 scale font size slider or something, I don't know. It feels right now like if there was one, it's universally set for 1/10 ultra small. Even increasing it a tiny bit but would be *chef's kiss*
It is a big problem in POE but they do nothing. I hope they will add this possibility in a second part.
Last edited by korwinps#9450 on Dec 14, 2024, 2:39:42 AM
Omg, please add the option to enlarge description font size! I originally got poe2 for the PC and thought to myself, hey, this will be great on the couch and much more comfortable but it most definitely is not. lol

My TV is 54 inch and 4k and I have to grab a pillow and drag myself about 3 feet from the TV so I can make out the text of whatever my character just grabbed.

Please, please fix. Very qol lol
Agree, need bigger font, +1 +1, for local coop its tiny af
Commenting for visibility - fully agree, fonts need a size option.
Commenting for visibility. Please GGG, help our old men eyes out here..
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Commenting for visibility - fully agree, fonts need a size option.

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