DPS indicator not showing next to poe2 skill ps5

DPS indicator not showing next to poe2 skill ps5

It shows up in the pc version, but not in the ps5
Last bumped on Feb 4, 2025, 8:47:22 AM
I could see DPS since beginning of EA but I had situation last night just after respawn at the checkpoint when I couldn't check DPS. It helped me to move char for couple meters (then this aura happened when pots are filling up) and skill had DPS again.
Last edited by Kachinf#9658 on Dec 13, 2024, 1:17:03 AM
I also have only Dps numbers on the main Crossbow skill, but no on the other skills. Ps5.

I only see DPS for the crossbow skill, no other skills.

So, I'm having the same issue as you. I assume it's a bug.
Same issue playing Mercenary - I can only see main Crossbow shot and Explosive Grenade.

Just wanted to bump the thread
I’m having the same issue too. Is it just a ps5 thing? Dps shows only
For crossbow skill and not other “load” ammo skills like explosive shot. Is the crossbow skill dps what it actually is as we are just adding the multiplying ammo effect?
Not sure if same for ps5 but on xbox it only shows after you use the skill. Even if its just pressing the putton while in town.
there is no DMG shown next to the skill? Xbox Totem
there is no DMG shown next to the skill? Xbox Totem

Exit out of the skill and inventory and press the button for the skill. Go back into the skill page and it will show. This will work in town as well.
Same problem for me on ps5. Also Herald skill do not display the damage

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