poe2filter.com - A PoE 2 custom loot filter generation website

I built an easy-to-use PoE2 custom loot filter generation website, allowing you to generate your own filter which does exactly what you want: filter out clutter you're not interested in, and highlight items you probably don't want to miss.


- Easy to use, nothing to learn.
- Hides items you're not interested in.
- Only shows weapon and armour types of your choice.
- Highlights important items with a tiered beam and displays them on the minimap.
- Fully economy-tiered items.
- By default doesn't change label styles, keeping the original game's atmosphere.
- Optionally offers extensive customization options.

You probably only want to start using these filters around halfway the campaign.

You can keep track of what's on the todo-list on this Trello. All feedback very welcome here, or on Discord!

If you like the filter, spread the word, leave a message here, or you can buy me a coffee (so I write less bugs! ^^)

But what helps me most is if you talk about this on social Gaming media (Reddit, Youtube, Twitch, Discord), PoE2 content creators, or by contacting PoE2-related website owners to link to it! :)

Having a problem with the filter?

- Make sure you are loading the correct file, and refreshed the filter in game.
- Are you sure there's no custom, cosmetic or free rule which is causing the issue?
- Still not working? Send me your .filter file in a PM or on Discord and I'll have a look!

Theme song! :)
Author of http://poe2filter.com/ - A Path of Exile 2 Custom Filter Generation Website
Last edited by BlackDeathBE#0559 on Jan 14, 2025, 3:22:02 PM
Last bumped on Mar 7, 2025, 4:39:53 PM
Gear Tiers - v0.9.69 - 07/03/2025

- The 'Drop Tier List' tab was renamed to 'Tier Lists'. The tab contains three sub-tabs: 'Currency', 'Uniques', and a new 'Gear' tier list.
- Uniques were moved to their own tab; which more clearly explains where these are referenced. Also, you can now search 'Other' uniques by their name, to more easily drag and drop them to the desired tier.
- On the 'Gear' tier list, you can review and change which Base Type belongs to which Tier. Tiers are used on the 'Quick Filters' tab, to hide gear below a certain Base Type tier, or show Weapon and Armour Exceptions.
- A new 'Elite' tier was introduced, which contains all the top base types. For Helmets, Gloves and Boots, this is just the one with the highest defences. For all other armour slots and for all weapon types, this is an opinionated list, based on average usefulness and market value.
- Quivers, Sceptres, Staves and Wands, which don't have 'Advanced' or 'Expert' versions, are now also divided over the different tiers. You no longer have to specify 'All' when making Weapon and Armour Exceptions for these types. Be sure to review the selection though.
- Improved the layout of the Unique item info dialogs to show a larger image.
- Fixed a bug which caused not all low-value uniques to be included in the tool.

Multi-filter support - v0.9.68 - 20/02/2025

- You can now create and manage multiple filters in the tool. The active filter is displayed in the top-right-hand corner of the page. Clicking (Change) will open up the Filter Selector dialog.
- You will always start with a default filter named 'poe2filter', which you can rename.
- All filters are stored in your browser's local storage, so they are saved between sessions. You can still download local copies as .filter files. These will have your filter's name.
- The new Filter Selector dialog has three sections: Stored Filters, Account Filters, and Other Filters.
- The 'Stored Filters' section lists all filters stored on this browser, which are immediately available to edit and use. Here you can also rename a filter by clicking on its name and entering a new (unique) name.
- If you are logged in, the 'Account Filters' will display all other filters that were created with poe2filter.com which are stored on your pathofexile.com account, but not yet stored on your browser. The only thing you can do with those is download them to your browser. Then you can start editing them.
Note: If you are not yet logged in to pathofexile.com, the dialog will display a link to do so.
- If you have any filters stored on your pathofexile.com account which were not created with poe2filter.com, they are displayed purely for your information in the 'Other Filters' section.
- To create a new filter, click the 'Create New' button to create one with the default settings, or click the Clone button next to an existing filter stored on the browser. Be sure to change the name.
- You can switch between filters by clicking on the row.
- You can remove filters from your browser's storage. Note that if you have syncronized them to your pathofexile.com account, they will still continue to exist there. It is not possible to delete filters from your account through GGG's API's. To delete a filter from your account, you must navigate to your pathofexile.com account's filters page.
- Lastly, from the Filter Selector dialog, you can synchronize your stored filters to your pathofexile.com account. This does the same thing as using the 'Sync to PoE2' button on the filter tool.

Disable Waystone highlights, new migrator, new filter structure - v0.9.67 - 17/02/2025

- Added the option to disable Waystone highlights entirely.
- Switched to a new filter migrator. This should reduce the risk of migration issues in the future.
- Layed the groundwork for a new way to store and manage filters, necessary for upcoming work on multi-filter support (coming soon).

Unique Quick Filter and other improvements - v0.9.66 - 12/02/2025

- Boss-only uniques are now also highlighted.
- Ventor's Gamble unique ring is now always fixed to S-Tier even though it has a low average market value.
- You can now toggle the (?) help tooltips open and closed by clicking on them. This also allows you to copy/paste text, for example.
- Improved the layout of the highlight section to better convey what the 'Good' and 'Other' checkboxes are about.
- When you choose to hide all gear of rarity Normal, Magic and Rare, clarify that all gear is hidden, and disable the 'Hide Gear by Base Type Tier' and 'Hide Gear Below Item Level' checkboxes.

Custom Tiers, Highlights Rework - v0.9.65 - 04/02/2025

- In the Cosmetic Tab, you can now create and style Custom Tiers. Give them a short name, and optionally a label.
- Assign items to custom tiers in three ways: using the Drop Tier List; using the drop-down in Custom Rules; or using the Highlights section of the Quick Filters.
- When deleting a Custom Tier, any item that was assigned to it will reset to its default tier.
- For all Highlights, you can now specify the way they are highlighted. You can either specify one of the standard Drop Tiers, or a Custom Tier. When you specify a standard Drop Tier, only the highlight (Minimap Icon and Beam) are applied; with a 'Kite' Minimap Icon to distinguish them from currency. When - you specify a Custom Tier, all its cosmetics are applied.
- You can now choose whether to highlight not only Rare Gear Exceptions, but also Normal and Magic Gear Exceptions.
- You can now specify the types of Jewels to highlight.
- You can now choose different highlight styles for Rare and other Breach Rings.
- There is now an explicit highlight rule for Pinnacle Keys. Strangely enough they cannot be added as items; it's not possible to use their base types.
- The Endgame Fragments that can be added as items, now have been: the three Fates, and An Audience With The King. They can be moved around between the Drop Tiers.
- The default Static Waystone styles and 'Strict' Waystone styles now also use the actual tier colors.
- Checkboxes in rules have been redesigned to now always be shown just before their label.
- The 'Continue' statement has been renamed to 'Partial', to better reflect its purpose.

Advanced Conditions Improvements - v0.9.64 - 29/01/2025

- Only Advanced Conditions relevant to the selected item class should now be shown.
- Added Advanced Conditions for Waystones: Tier and 'Any Enchantment' (currently only for Delirious maps).
- Small bugfix where Waystones hidden by the Dynamic Filters didn't have their highlights removed.

Custom Background Images - v0.9.63 - 28/01/2025

- The tool now uses a different background by default, to more clearly separate it from the official trade website.
- You can select a different background image (including the one from the trade website) by selecting 'Change Background Image' on the Settings tab.
- Alternatively you can also select 'Zen mode' to remove the background entirely.
- Preset 'Early Campaign' now sets skill gem level to 1 in the Dynamic Filters; 'Mid Campaign' to level 7.
- Deleting a Custom (Cosmetic) Rule now asks for confirmation (you can press 'Enter' to speed it up if you need to delete many rows).

Several small improvements and fixes - v0.9.62 - 26/01/2025

- It is now easier to re-order Custom (Cosmetic) Rules. Check the 'Re-order rules' checkbox (available if you have 2 or more rules) and just drag rules up and down.
- The 'Continue' statement on Custom Cosmetic Rules now gets automatically disabled when you select a Highlight. In most cases, this should be the intention, and it will prevent the tool from unintentionally overriding your custom Highlight with a Drop Tier Highlight, which caused a lot of confusion.
- You can now select multiple Defence Types in the 'Armour Exceptions' quick filters. This should remove most of the use cases for multiple lines per armour slot.
- In the 'Advanced Conditions' for Custom (Cosmetic) Rules, you can now specify fine-grained rules for armour Defence Types (Armour, Evasion, Energy Shield).
- The help tooltips (?) for disabled rules are no longer transparent.
- Lesser Jeweller's Orbs are now by default considered D-Tier.
- The two sections on the Cosmetic tab are now always shown.
- Fixed a small bug where Custom Rules using S+ Tier would be labeled as S-Tier in the UI when re-navigating to the Custom Rules tab.

Improvements to Uniques - v0.9.60 - 24/01/2025

- You can now 'Show All Uniques' on the Drop Tier List tab. This allows you to move the uniques you are hunting for to a higher tier, so they are included in the 'Highlight Chance Bases' or 'Highlight Uniques' quick filters.
- Changed the wording on the 'Highlight Chance Bases' and 'Highlight Uniques' quick filters to explicitly state which tiers they affect.
- You can now choose to highlight 'All uniques', 'potential B-Tier or higher only', or 'S-Tier or higher only'.
- Fixed a bug where the filter wasn't immediately updated when changing the tier of unique items.
- GGG only allows synchronizing the filter up to 2 times in a 10-minute interval. After that, your request would get queued. The tool now prevents you from trying to synchronize your filter more often than 2 times in a 10-minute interval.
- Prevent beams, drop sounds and minimap icons from being shown for items which are hidden by a custom rule, quick filter, or drop tier style.
- Added Overseer Precursor Tablet.

LOGIN - v0.9.59 - 22/01/2025

- You can now log in at pathofexile.com and synchronize your filter directly to PoE2. A default filter will be created automatically upon logging in.
- The filter will be available in the list of filters in the Game Options menu. You must still select it. The name is poe2filter, in cyan.
- You can review your filters and delete this filter from your account page on pathofexile.com, under the 'Item Filters' section.
- In a future version, you will be able to create, store and synchronize multiple filters.
- This version additionally contains several performance improvements, such as smaller images.

Move items between Drop Tiers - v0.9.58 - 20/01/2025

- You can now move items between Drop Tiers. When market values are updated, items you moved to another tier will stay in their tier.
- Click the arrow behind an item to move it back to its original tier, or use the link at the top to reset all currencies to their default tiers.
- Added a new S+ tier, for everything worth > 500 exalted orbs. Made this purple by default, so changed the previous S-Tier to Red by default. "S-Tier - Uniques" have been moved to this new S+ Tier.
- Drop tiers 'E - Shown' and 'F - Hidden' are now also shown on the Drop Tier List, and can be styled on the Cosmetic tab. Note that the 'Hide Currency' and 'Hide Scrolls of Wisdom' Quick Filters still exist and take precedence.
- On the Drop Tier List tab, display the date at which the market value data was last refreshed.
- Use a more sophisticated method to calculate items' values from poe2scout.com, based on historic data, filtering out outlier values and suspicious values of '1 ex'. This should resolve most of the incorrect values. We hope this will be further improved in the future.
- Removed the 'Quick Cosmetic Settings'. It is now easy enough to apply these to the Drop Tier Cosmetics. Any Quick Cosmetic Settings you had set should have been automatically migrated to their corresponding Drop Tier's Cosmetics.

Hide flasks by Area Level, several small fixes and improvements - v0.9.57 - 18/01/2025

- Added the option to hide Flasks based on Area Level. The first two Campaign presets use this.
- Added Cosmetic Sound option to disable the default drop sound.
- When a Custom (Cosmetic) Rule is added which shows or hides everything but has no other conditions or effects, it is ignored, to prevent accidentally showing or hiding everything.
- When selecting 'Skill Gem' as Item Type, base type 'Uncut Skill Gem' is now selected automatically.
- Switch the color of 'selected' and 'hovered' options in the multi-select.
- On the highest level preset, add both '>= Rare' as well as 'Normal' exceptions, so Magic items are still filtered out.
- Added Quivers to Ranger weapon presets.
- Fixed a bug with the weapons presets where weapon classes which don't have Advanced or Expert versions would not receive the 'All' base type tier.
- Prevent the tool from crashing when importing a filter with a custom cosmetic rule which somehow has inconsistent data.

Presets - v0.9.55 - 15/01/2025

- During the tutorial, you can now set presets, specifying where you are at in the game, and which class you're playing. Several settings will be preset based on your choices.
- At any point, you can change the presets by clicking on the 'Presets' button on the Quick Filters tab. Note that this will override your current Quick Filters!

Custom Import: Choose which Sections to Import - v0.9.54 - 14/01/2025

- You can now either use the default 'Import' which imports everything, or use 'Custom Import' which allows you to select which sections you want to import.
- You can choose between Quick Filters, Free Rules, Drop Tier Styles, Custom Rules, and Custom Cosmetic Rules.
- For the latter two, you can choose to append them rules to yours, or overwrite yours.

Drop Tier Colors applied Everywhere - v0.9.52 - 14/01/2025

- Map Icon and Beam were merged into one cosmetic setting: Highlight, with a color, map icon, and beam. This results in there now only be one 'Highlight Color'.
- Colors used for the Drop Tier styles now apply everywhere: tier headers on the Drop Tier List, Currency drops, Custom Rule highlights, and Dynamic Waystone & Gem filters.
- These changes pave the way to largely remove the issues with the complicated 'Continue'-statement in the Custom Cosmetic Rules tab.
- The Exalt value of Currency shown in the select lists is now shown. You can disable this in the Settings tab.
- Improved the Item Description tooltips.
- Updated all market values.

Updates on 12/01/2025 - v0.9.51

- Added a changelog page. When you revisit the tool and a new version was deployed since the last time you visited, this page will be shown automatically. You can disable this in the Settings tab.
- Tabs now have corresponding routes.
- Spirit gems now have their own dynamic levels, one level lower than Skill gems. Let us know if this should be fine-tuned.
- You can now also use '=' for the weapon and armour rarity comparator.
- Added an explicit option in the Highlights section where you can disable highlighting of Rare Weapon & Armour Exceptions.
- Bugfix: Moved hidden currency higher up, so they come before the cosmetic rules, which might otherwise still highlight them even though you specified them to be hidden.

Updates on 11/01/2025 - v0.9.47

- In the multi-select dropdowns (e.g. base type selection in custom rules, exceptions in quick filters), when you hover over an item, it will shown its effects, description, or implicits.
- Added the remaining orb-specific alert sounds.
- Like free Base Types, you can now also filter on free Classes in Advanced Conditions.
- Uniques are now displayed on the Drop Tier List. The best uniques are displayed as 'S-Type Uniques'.
- These are now dynamically used to generate the filter.
- They are also displayed on the tooltip for Chance Base Highlight.
- On the Drop Tier List, high-value items now display their divine cost, rather than their exalt cost.
- The Drop Tier List now sorts all items descending by their value.
- Split the Advanced Conditions into 3 rows.
- Socket & Quality Exceptions are disabled when you don't specify any hide rules.
- Added a 'Previous' button to the tutorial, and moved the 'Next' button to the right.
- Bugfix where, if you had set the Uniques highlight to 'Top-Tier Only', non-jewellery and non-jewel uniques would be hidden instead of just not highlighted.

Updates on 10/01/2025 - v0.9.42

- Added settings page where you can reset tutorials and warnings
- Removed Utility Belt again from Chance Bases (Inegnuity is a boss-only unique)
- Fixed a bug where on some OS/text editors, filter files could not be imported
- Fixed some minor styling issues

Updates on 09/01/2025 - v0.9.35

- Added a Tutorial to the Quick Filters tab.
- Made several changes to the Quick Gear Filters:
- Split up the 'Hide Weapons & Armour' filter into separate filters on Rarity, Base Type Tier, and Item Level.
- Split up the Quality Exceptions by the 3 types of Weapons.
- You can now manually specify a minimum Quality for each.
- Added Item Level to the Weapon & Armour Exceptions sections.
- Custom rules highlights now actually use the Drop Tier's styles.
- You can now filter on sockets in 'Advanced Conditions'.
- Moved all remaining highlight rules which were still implicitly in the filter, to receive their own Highlight settings.

Updates 08/01/2025 - v0.9.32

- Added Custom Tier Styles, allowing you to change the default style of all currency of that tier.
- Further improved the styling of the Example Label.
- Improved the 'How to use this site' section with an explanation of how to create, update, and import filters.

Updates 07/01/2025 - v0.9.29

- Further much improved the look & feel of the color picker and added preset colors for all of the thematic PoE colors
- The color picker & label example now use an actual in-game background
- Added Skill Gems as an item type (this was actually a challenge, they're probably the only item which doesn't have a Class in the game)
- Added more options for the 'Highlight Uniques' and 'Highlight Chance Bases' quick filters
- Added a warning message about the 'Continue' functionality

Updates 06/01/2025 - v0.9.23

- Each Custom (Cosmetic) Rule is now displayed on one line; with toggle buttons to see and change all types of settings.
- The Example label will now always use the correct default in-game style, like using the correct rarity color and borders for waystones.

Updates 05/01/2025 - v0.9.21

- Added 'Advanced Conditions' to both Cosmetic and regular Custom Rules, so you can specify any base types (with or without a class), filter on item/area/drop level, stack size, and more.
- Added Trial Coins and Ultimatums to item type lists.
- Added the possibility to re-order Custom (Cosmetic) Rules.
- Added 'Clone' button to Custom Cosmetic Rules.
- Switched to hex format in color input field, so you can easily copy/paste manually.
- Nicer styling of color picker dialog.

Updates 04/01/2025 - v0.9.17

- Added an (opinionated) 'strict' option for Waystones.
- Added 'Drop Tier List' tab, which displays which tier the tool categorizes currency in.
- Added currency icons where applicable.
- You can now customize (and hear) alert sounds for the the default top-tier currency and for your custom cosmetic rules.
- Changed the defaults around to slightly decrease brown-tier (like Exalt) alert sound.

Updates 03/01/2025 - v0.9.8

- Added Precursor Tablets to custom and cosmetic rules
- Added the option to remove the 'Continue' statement from cosmetic rules
- Rephrased several explanatory texts and labels on the cosmetic tab to hopefully be less confusing (or outright wrong)
- Large technical refactor which hopefully didn't introduce any bugs :s

Updates 02/01/2025

- The filter configuration is now included when you download or copy the filter. Hence, the 'Export' button is not longer needed.
- To import a filter, you now select the actual .filter file.
- The tool will tell you whether it managed to successfully import the file, or show an error message. You can only import filters generated by this tool, as of this version (9.2).
- You can now freely choose which currency items to hide, instead of using presets from a dropdown. Your preset should have been correctly migrated.
- You can now choose to only show Rare weapons and armour of your selected types.
- Updated the currency tiers. Exalted orbs now moved down to Yellow, along with Orb of Alchemy, Gemcutter's Prism, and Glassblower's Bauble. Orb of Annulment, Orb of Chance, and Chaos orb now make up the Orange tier.
- The Top-Tier Currency Cosmetic settings now apply to currency of all types.
- Added Splinters as item type for the custom filters.
- It is now possible to close all of the messages.
- The filter now has a 'build number' which increases on each deploy.
- 'Body Armours' class is now always displayed in plural.

Updates 01/01/2025

- Added 'Custom Cosmetic Rules' on the 'Cosmetic' tab.
- Added 'Bare Bone Mode': the option to remove all beams and minimap icons. This makes the filter just hide stuff, not highlight anything anymore. Or can serve as a basis if you want to use your own styles.
- Added the option to always show and highlight good and excellent Chance Bases.
- Empty rules which don't filter on anything are left out. This prevents accidently showing everything by clicking the button to add a custom rule.
- Bugfix: You can now add custom (cosmetic or regular) rules for 'all' Distilled Emotions, Catalysts and Essenses.

Updates 30/12/2024

- Added a clearer warning on the Custom and Free Rules tabs that they could end up showing or hiding everything
- Added more options in the 'Hide Weapons and Armour' filter: you can now also choose to hide 'Rares < Advanced', 'Rares < Expert', and 'All Rares' (with the warning that you then have to add rules to show your preferred weapon and armour types)

Updates 29/12/2024

- Complete overhaul of 'Quick Filters' section and structure: grouped by item category, and with 'exceptions' baked into the quick filters.
- Split the filters for different jewellery types (amulets, rings, belts)
- Added the option to filter on Mana Flasks
- Added the option to still show specific runes
- Modified some of the default filter options
- Addex export/import functionality
- Moved Shields over to the 'Armour' section, and added a (default) 'All but Shields' option for armour types
- Added option to still show Chance shards
- You can now also set a minimum quality for charms
- Bugfix: added Quivers to the list of weapon typse which don't have Advanced or Expert versions

Updates 28/12/2024

- Temporarily removed 'Continue' option in custom rules to avoid confusion, until it serves more purpose.
- Added the option to also hide rare weapons and armour of non-Expert Base Types.

Updates 27/12/2024

- Added the 'Custom Rules' tab (renamed the existing one to 'Free Rules'), where you can show/hide/highlight any item based on class, basetype and rarity. Includes a complete database of all items.

Updates 22/12/2024

- On popular request, added a 'Cosmetic' tab, currently allowing two things: change the size of top-tier currency, and add an alert sound when they drop.
- Added highlights for keys dropped in the Trial of the Sekhemas

Updates 20/12/2024

- Added the 'Custom Rules' tab that lets you append any rules yourself, such as custom styles, highlighting, showing the jewellery you still want to see,...

Updates 19/12/2024

- Introduced 'Dynamic Skill Gem' system. Hides skill gems lower than the specified level, and support gems based on that level (might still need tweaking).
- Show Brown & Purple-Tier drops larger on the minimap
- Sceptres, Staves and Wands don't have Advanced and Expert base types: don't allow filtering on those.

Updates 18/12/2024

- Important bugfix: no longer add Golden rings and Golden keys! (and did a double-check to very that there are no more 'wildcard'-rules -- won't happen again)

Updates 17/12/2024

- Overhauled the 'Show Armour Types' section to work more like the 'Show Weapon Types' section
- Added the option to show 'All' types of Armour or Weapons, e.g. Expert only
- Added the option to filter out Shards only; still showing common Orbs
- Highlight breach rings

Updates 16/12/2024

- Added the option to hide common currency. Hides Orb of Agumentation, Orb of Transmutation, and shards. Also, currency worth less than an Exalted Orb is shown a Drop Tier lower (e.g. white instead of yellow).
- Moved copy button to a more prominent spot
- Renamed 'Clear' button to 'Reset', and added a confirmation dialog
- Switched to exact match everywhere (except for the safety catch-alls)
- Bugfix: Setting bows as preferred weapon type no longer also shows crossbows
- Bugfix: Focuses are called Foci

Updates 15/12/2024

- All currency and endgame currency items are now fully integrated and have their highlight tier adapted to their actual market value.
- Added 'filter philosophy' section
- Added example images
- Set filter font to monospace
- Bugfix: Expedition logbooks are now highlighted

Updates 14/12/2024

- Fixed a bug where both Two Handed and One Handed Maces were shown when filtering on just either
- Added highlight option for skill gems starting at a specified level
- Provided initial and default values for number fields
- No longer highlight runes and added the option to hide them
- Added the option to hide common Charms. Thawing, Golden and Amethyst Charms are still shown, as well as unique and quality Charms.
- Removed highlights from lowest level currency, and moved some currency tiers around.
- Highlight stacks 20 and 100 times larger than minimum amount
- Allow showing magic weapons and armour. Unfortunately this required the saved filters to be cleaned.
- Added 'Dynamic filters' for Waystones: hide/show/highlight waystones based on your current Waystone level.

Updates 13/12/2024

- Fixed wording: I somehow managed to write 'Rare' where it should have been 'Magic' in a couple of places, which wade everything very confusing. To be clear: this filter NEVER hides Rares or Uniques, only Normal and Magic items which you don't specify.
- Added some tooltips
- Added highlight for Logbooks
- Simplified jewellery filters: no longer highlight, just allow hiding normal and/or magic. Dropped the item level filter.
- Added filter for small gold stacks (you still pick it up)
- Rearranged to clearer categories: filter, exceptions, highlights
- Added highlight for Rare Jewellery again
- Added 'Copy to clipboard' button
- Bugfix: Don't hide Belts with the 'Hide Normal and Magic Items' filter option
- Bugfix: 2 and more socketed items were not shown
Author of http://poe2filter.com/ - A Path of Exile 2 Custom Filter Generation Website
Last edited by BlackDeathBE#0559 on Mar 7, 2025, 4:40:11 PM
Thanks so much for this, working great. Is there a way to highlight logbooks somehow? o/
Added! Reminds me; would you happen to know whether there is Expedition currency other than 'Exotic Coinage'? The other ones from POE1 don't seem to be recognized anymore. I haven't done any expedition content (got me killed once, been skipping it since then xD)

If you could give it a testrun on some Expedition content that would be great!

By the way, you will have to enter your preferences again. When I do an update to the structure of the filter, I invalidate the stored values.
Author of http://poe2filter.com/ - A Path of Exile 2 Custom Filter Generation Website
Cheers, besides exotic coinage there is only 'Broken Circle Artifact', 'Order Artifact' and 'Black Scythe Artifact'.
Nothing else drops that's expedition specific except the expedition precursor tablet but those tablets are highlighted already.

Last small improvement I would suggest is hiding small piles of gold completely, they look exactly the same as relatively good currency (I clicked on gold so often thinking its currency xD) and are more distracting than useful + you drown in gold in late game anyway.

Ty again for filter, will redownload o7
Ok, thanks, think it was already OK than, just adding highlighting for the logbooks.

Great suggestion on hiding gold, added! Configurable amount, 50 by default.
Author of http://poe2filter.com/ - A Path of Exile 2 Custom Filter Generation Website
if you check "Hide Normal And Magic Items" and uncheck "Hide Jewellery" it will still hide all normal&magic belts.

also could there maybe be a way to filter belt bases?

Last edited by Araxeus#5153 on Dec 13, 2024, 6:42:05 PM
Well spot! Belts shouldn't have gotten hidden by the 'Hide Normal And Magic Items'. Fixed.

Regarding filtering belt bases: good point. But then I suppose we'd need some kind of muti-select. That sounds like quite a bit of work :D. And then I could imagine people wanting that for rings and amulets too. Would be nice, but definitely not a quick fix.

As a temporary quick fix, what I could do, is add some general Exceptions text area, where you can write your own rules which get appended to the top?
Author of http://poe2filter.com/ - A Path of Exile 2 Custom Filter Generation Website
Last edited by BlackDeathBE#0559 on Dec 13, 2024, 7:26:24 PM
Fixed a bug where both Two Handed and One Handed Maces were shown when filtering on just either.
Author of http://poe2filter.com/ - A Path of Exile 2 Custom Filter Generation Website
Bigger update with a dynamic filter for Waystones!
Author of http://poe2filter.com/ - A Path of Exile 2 Custom Filter Generation Website

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