Dark Effigy Quality Bugged

Also trying to use quality on dark effigy and it doesn't apply any withered stacks
Again, confirming.
Still bugged, i suspect the same as OP, the quality should give the vile shot the chance to wither, not the Totem :)

Kind Regards
+1 here too. Quality applies to the totem and not the spell skill of the totem.
+1 still no wither with quality
Just came to report the same bug. Quality has no effect on a 7% corrupted Dark Effigy. It also has no effect on 20% uncorrupted.

A shame as this would be a very nice quality of life improvement - One of the few gems I genuinely as looking forward to quality on.
+1 still bugged
Quick reminder that this bug still persists and is probably something that can be quickly hotfixed :)

Kind Regards

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