The Minion Infernalist that melts them all

There is too many terrible builds out there that I have had to help fix and respec from over the past days.
Here is the build that I uploaded a week ago.
It steamrolls early, mid and late campaign, and has been tested to steamroll up until T5 maps. I will keep you updated on higher tier maps.


a) Until you obtain SRS

Contagion + Chaos Bolt (replaced by Essence Drain) with Pierce + Controlled Destruction

b) afterwards

Flammability + Pain Offering on bosses or difficult packs.

2x Flame Wall for 10 SRS and for your Arsoinists to fire fire bombs.
(I have Flame Wall on my RMB)
Refresh whenever Wall runs out or SRS are less than 10.
Don't spam it though, otherwise you keep respawning SRS before they can do much.

Your Arsonists will kill every pack in 2-3 seconds, especially with the Flame Wall buff.

If a boss is too dangerous, just drop Flammability + Pain Offering on the ground and keep walking in circles, letting minions handle the rest.


Wand + Sceptre for campaign.
You can go for Sceptre + Shield if you find a really good shield, or if you struggle with high tier maps.
If you pick up a shield, pick up the Wide Barrier node.

1. Pick up every white, blue and yellow gearpiece.
2. Use all the good gear that dropped and that you can buy from merchants.
3. Buy all the current level whites from merchants for gear pieces you need.
4. Bench every gearpiece with slots (buy the ones you see merchants have!)
5. Disenchant blue and yellows you don't need. Sell all the whites you don't need to craft.
6. Buy as many random gearpieces you can from Finn / Alva. They might turn out amazing. If they are bad, disenchant them.
7. How to craft better gear:
a) Use a transmutation orb on all relevant white gear pieces. Bad affix: Disenchant. Good affix: proceed with b.
b) Use an augmentation orb on it and turn it blue (magic). Bad affix: Disenchant. Good affix: proceed with c.
c) Use a regal orb on it (regal orbs are very rare and should only be used with 2 great affixes) to turn it yellow (rare).
d) If you got another good affix, you can commit to it and use exalted orbs to increase its affixes.
e) Artificer Orb it (Head, Gloves, Boots = 1 slot; chest = 2 slot) and drop a Fire / Ice / Electric resistance rune on it to help with elemental resistances.


SPECIFIC GEAR (likely post-campaign, but obtainable earlier)

Midnight Braid belt for 50% of taken damage recouped as mana.
Oaksworn Shield for Block chance, Spirit, Chaos res.
There are also Amulets with damage recouped as mana, Spirit and also +% to all ele resists.

The rest of your gear will be "whatever has the best stats".



Affix ranges depend on item level. A low level ring might give you 5-10% Lightning res, a higher level item would have 25-30%.

You always want Fire, Ice, Electric resistances as high as possible. Grab all the Chaos res you can as well. Max is 75%.
Ideally 1 ele res on chest, head, boots, gloves and 2 ele res on each ring.
Also + and +% Energy Shield.

+ Minion level skills, then +% Spirit, +% allies in your presence damage, +Mana regen.

+ Fire level skills, then +% Spirit, +% Spell damage, +Mana regen.



Fight The King in The Mist (Act 1) and Ignagduk (Act 3) for +30 Spirit each.
Otherwise, only from affixes.





Contagion + Energy Drain (Pierce, Controlled Destruction) until you obtain Raging Spirits in Freythorn, Act 1.
From then on, spam Flame Wall (automatically procs Raging Spirits).
I am using Flame Wall with Arcane Tempo (cast speed) + Fortress (more AoE = more Raging Spirits).
Put damage / attack speed increasing Support gems on your Raging Spirits.
I liked Skeletal Arsonist best. It fits the fire theme, synergises with the Flammability Curse, and just generally melts maps.

The game has been a breeze from start until now.



Flame Wall (lv 3 Skill Gem): Arcane Tempo for maximum spam. Fortress for more AoE (yes, even after the SRS nerf, for Arsonist projectiles). Inspiration because Mana.
Summon Raging Spirits (lv 1 Spirit Gem): pack a bunch of fire damage increase supports on them, such as Fire Infusion + Feeding Frenzy (lv 2) + Immolate (lv 3) + Fire Mastery (lv 3) + Elemental Focus (lv 3). Probably in this order.
Martial Tempo is a good placeholder.

Skeletal Warriors (from Sceptre): Meat Shield for survivability. They solely exist as meat shields (and as fodder for Pain Offering). Blind for debuffing.

Skeletal Arsonist: Magnified Effect (more AoE = hit enemies multiple times) + Scattershot (even more AoE) + Martial Tempo (Scattershot reduces our speed; this is to balance that out).
You can take Fire Penetration (lv 2) + Minion Mastery (lv 3) afterwards.

Pain Offering (lv 5 Skill Gem): Elemental Army + Persistence to make it last longer and die less quickly. Ablation (lv 3) to make the "Offering" buff even stronger.

Flammability (lv 7 Skill Gem): Heightened Curse + Ritualistic Curse (lv 2) (impending Doom as placeholder)

Hellhound (Ascendancy): [PRIO!] Fire Exposure (lv 3) is the most important support, and you want it on the dog, who can best afflict it.
Ruthless + Maim (lv 2) for CC, Culling Strike (lv 3) as an execute. Splinter (lv 2) to increase hound's damage.

I have a Skeletal Cleric (lv 52 + 119 INT + lv 13 Skill Gem) with Ingenuity (lv 2) because I want my minions to be revived faster. Last Gasp.

You can put Font of Mana on Pain Fffering / Flammability, as both of them have a high mana cost.'



Q: Did the SRS nerf kill the build?

A: No.

Q: Cast on Minion Death?
A: No.

Q: Grim Feast?
A: No.

Q: Energy Shield build?

A: Compromises damage, you will hate your life early, and even lategame it will cost you hundreds of Exalts to make it compete with my Mind over Matter build.
Not viable.

Q: Fortress after SRS limited to 5 / cast?
A: Yes. Arsonists attack with projectiles we convert to Fire. If you don't have Fortress and your Arsonists are on the wrong side of Flame Wall, sucks to suck.

Q: Build showcase please.

Q: Venoms?
A: Chaos res.



1. Always collect all items, and return to town to salvage bench gear with slots, disenchant yellows and blues you don't need and sell whites.

2. Make sure to get all your passive points
(bosses with a + next to their name; ones you don't have yet are bright, the ones you have are greyed out)

3. Make sure to get your free 2x10% elemental resistances each in normal + cruel:
Beira (Clearfell, Act 1): +10% Cold
Sisters of Garuhan (Spires of Deshar, Act 2): +10% Lightning
Blackjaw (Jiquani's Machinarium, Act 3): +10% Fire

4. Always Transmute + Augment white (normal rarity) maps you get for increased map drop chance.

5. Make sure to keep (or buy) a gearpiece set with +% increased rarity of items found. I am using a full set with this affix separate from my normal gear for when I farm maps and things aren't too difficult.
Last edited by Fae_Lyth#6750 on Dec 16, 2024, 3:32:41 PM
Last bumped on Dec 22, 2024, 9:22:27 PM
Thanks, this is a good build, and makes it pretty easy.

Maybe you could add some info on ascendancy.
Thanks, this is a good build, and makes it pretty easy.

Maybe you could add some info on ascendancy.

What info would you like?
Are you stacking ES or running ES/Armor gear?
Are you stacking ES or running ES/Armor gear?

Raw ES yes, because it gets converted with Eldritch Battery.
ES modifiers no.
Last edited by Fae_Lyth#6750 on Dec 16, 2024, 4:29:46 PM
Fae_Lyth#6750 wrote:
Are you stacking ES or running ES/Armor gear?

Raw ES yes, because it gets converted with Eldritch Battery.
ES modifiers no.

So ES base with no ES mods?
Fae_Lyth#6750 wrote:
Are you stacking ES or running ES/Armor gear?

Raw ES yes, because it gets converted with Eldritch Battery.
ES modifiers no.

So ES base with no ES mods?

Great and simple guide, works well so far.
Thanks a lot!
On a whim I respecced my minion build following this thread. The change in efficiency is exponential. Clearing much faster now and feel more defensively capable. Good stuff. Thanks.
Should I grab Beidat's Will or Gaze first? Thanks

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