Path of Exile 2: Upcoming Changes and Improvements

Game is boring
start over would help
Please add Lootfilter support for X-Box
PLEASE remove 1 death per map - makes it feel like you need to be 100% focused and stressing during mapping. Isn't fun, enjoyability massively lacking due to this. If it were a little bit more laid back in terms of deaths being a little more forgiving. Already seeing people complain that on-death effects have been causing people to lose loot, random oneshots causing people to lose a nicely rolled map whereas on PoE1 it would be an "Ah shit, lost a portal" situation. Make maps behave like the story, allow revives in multiplayer but make it cost a portal, why introduce a feature like that only to rip it away in endgame (the main thing people look for in a PoE game).

inb4 skill issue

I am on board with the portals. Random one shots are very frustrating when everything else does not one shot. My char has 3k Energy shield and 1.1k life and nothing even remotely one shots me, not even an endboss. But at the end of an t4 map without crazy modifiers 2 adds from a boss (not even the boss himself) threw 2 flame grenates eg. explosives towards me and i was immediatelly dead. It wasn't even chaos dmg, which i am most weak against by far.

No one sees that comming when every other hit from the same map eg. bosses, championes and end bosses at max deal 40% of my energy shield as damage (no matter which element).

As long as there are some enemies who seem to be unbalanced, one portal per map is a bad idea.

My mind is with the poor souls who play hardcore in this madness >.>
Game is boring
start over would help

That is your seasonal/league/F R E S H mind-virus talking. Why would you want to start over a boring game? A better solution would be to make the game not boring.
all bug ,fuck you
Fix trial of chaos it's way overtuned, not fun at all
Buff loot by A LOT! with all the nerfs no life on tree and unrewarding/weak gimmicks to do a bit of dmg you are VERY gear dependant. the loot is abysmal.
especially during the campaign. and when you find a rare item, 9 out of 10 times it just trash.
and crafting sucks. waaaaaay to much RNG!
Last edited by Rekill#3893 on Dec 19, 2024, 11:12:20 AM
Figured out some graphical processing issues on my end yesterday and finally enjoying the game without excessive stuttering and inability to play - a reminder to everyone to keep your GPUs graphic drivers up to date and make sure you are selecting your dedicated graphics cards instead of on board performance ones! Seems simple, but haven't played a computer game in years - hope this helps someone.

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