Path of Exile 2: Upcoming Changes and Improvements

You guys done real good, can't wait to see what is next
So many [Removed by Support] in this thread.

So this post is to all of them.

Yes, it's Early Access, deal with it.
No, they had bazillion years for development. And what about that? Did they need to release perfect product because some Brian or another Jessica going to cry-cry about how they was scammed?
Touch the grass for the first time in your life, don't be entitled, high demanding entity with ZERO impact into game fixing. Report bugs or don't, up to you. You cannot do much more than that.

Because you cry aloud (yes, you are crying, poor and sad "wanna-getta" kid behaviour) doesn't mean that this game fix itself.

I know that you wish to see developers under your command that are obeying your commands. You know what? Fine. Start paying them regular wage on monthly basis. It's called employment and if you can afford that - you can realize your dreams.
No? Then please, don't demand.

No, your supporter pack purchase is optional, not mandatory. You are not happy about that? Do a chargeback, one problem less for those who accept the terms.

It's EARLY ACCESS. You got it, you paid for early access. It's not called beta because that's not beta with instability and all the issues in-between.

Game is playable, from 1 to 3, normal to cruel, endgame as well, too. All as they mentioned. Crashes? Happen, even in the non-early access productions.

Bugs? They will be there. It's early access, once again.
Stop behaving like this is your entire life, because it isn't.

It can be, for developers, for GGG, for anyone who had their part in production of PoE2. But not for you. If it's everything for you then I advise you: look for help as Earth is spinning around the sun, not you.

If that title is triggering you due to any reason: stop playing it, permanently or for some time - it's up to you. A lot of adult, fully employed people are playing this game and they enjoy it. Despite issues, that are more than sure to happen during Early access. Gaming is for stress-relief, not for making your day more stressful. If you feel that something is wrong - take a break. It's early access, you will lose nothing.

Someone who was 11 years old at best when PoE1 came out, or who is working as " TT influencer" or don't know what want to do in age of 24 shouldn't be the voice of all people. Don't listen to people who this kind of people, it's not worth.

You are voice of yourself, and you are embarrassing yourself with whining, complaining and threats. You can do better, but the question is - you want to?

To all others:

Great job, guys and gals! Many people are waiting for next improvements!
It's fun to see enormous patch notes, great changes, and that you are listening to the people.
Last edited by JC_GGG#0000 on Jan 7, 2025, 6:50:07 AM
Noooova#6275 wrote:
DrFasty#2068 wrote:
hello its 2025, game crash, act 2 and 3 are unplayable, teleporting to different instances crashes every single time, FPS drop, multithreading is total disaster, 4 weeks no patch no fix, zero button build with billions of damage, dupe items, no drop, glitchy mobs, should I continue.

Hey buddy, its called EARLY ACCESS. Ill explain this real clear since you seem to not know even the most basic thing about it. It means things are not finished, the beta version of the game released so that the developers could get feedback and time to fix bugs, crashes, exploits and other issues before the game RELEASES.

Since you are so stuck up about this, how about you just take a break, touch some grass and find something valuable to do. Shitposting trying to be a smartass doesnt look good on anyone. It has been christmas, and most people have more important and meaningful things to do in this holiday. The developers have worked on this game for a long time and need a break. Im sure you would love to work 9 hours during christmas, but that just you.

You realize they worked about 5 years on the game and want to publish it in 6 months? What do you expect them to fix in that time frame?

Nice censorship btw @ mod. At least protecting scammers, keeping duping method running and censoring works fine here.

They have a goal of 6-12 months EA period. The foundation, assets, skills and writing is all or mostly done which is what usually takes the most time. Ive gotten over 100hours of fun already. If it is 1.5 years EA before release im fine with that. All these people bitchin about the game not being perfect already. If its such an issue stop complaining like your life depends on it and just wait for full release. They are aware of the crashes, and exploits, and balance issues, and lackluster endgame, it will be fixed. But some seem to think because they paid 30 bucks for EA and ingame currency the developers owe them their christmas holiday and full attention with instant fixes and feedback to their individual pain points. Cut them some slack, regardless of how long its been in development you as a consumer of games in 2025 should be aware what early access can and often does mean. An unfinished, still somewhat buggy game. Yet the content here is well over 100 hours for 30 bucks. There is nothing to complain about.
Well done and a happy new year GGG. A fantastic Early Game so far, have a lot of fun in that Early Status from the game and cant wait for the Future Upgrades. Cant also wait for the other Classes and further improvements from Endgame and Crafting for example.
Can we get an item filter on console please like pc has thanks
boowa86#1517 wrote:
kicksaw#3358 wrote:
So many [Removed by Support] in this thread.

So this post is to all of them.

Yes, it's Early Access, deal with it.
No, they had bazillion years for development. And what about that? Did they need to release perfect product because some Brian or another Jessica going to cry-cry about how they was scammed?
Touch the grass for the first time in your life, don't be entitled, high demanding entity with ZERO impact into game fixing. Report bugs or don't, up to you. You cannot do much more than that.

Because you cry aloud (yes, you are crying, poor and sad "wanna-getta" kid behaviour) doesn't mean that this game fix itself.

I know that you wish to see developers under your command that are obeying your commands. You know what? Fine. Start paying them regular wage on monthly basis. It's called employment and if you can afford that - you can realize your dreams.
No? Then please, don't demand.

No, your supporter pack purchase is optional, not mandatory. You are not happy about that? Do a chargeback, one problem less for those who accept the terms.

It's EARLY ACCESS. You got it, you paid for early access. It's not called beta because that's not beta with instability and all the issues in-between.

Game is playable, from 1 to 3, normal to cruel, endgame as well, too. All as they mentioned. Crashes? Happen, even in the non-early access productions.

Bugs? They will be there. It's early access, once again.
Stop behaving like this is your entire life, because it isn't.

It can be, for developers, for GGG, for anyone who had their part in production of PoE2. But not for you. If it's everything for you then I advise you: look for help as Earth is spinning around the sun, not you.

If that title is triggering you due to any reason: stop playing it, permanently or for some time - it's up to you. A lot of adult, fully employed people are playing this game and they enjoy it. Despite issues, that are more than sure to happen during Early access. Gaming is for stress-relief, not for making your day more stressful. If you feel that something is wrong - take a break. It's early access, you will lose nothing.

Someone who was 11 years old at best when PoE1 came out, or who is working as " TT influencer" or don't know what want to do in age of 24 shouldn't be the voice of all people. Don't listen to people who this kind of people, it's not worth.

You are voice of yourself, and you are embarrassing yourself with whining, complaining and threats. You can do better, but the question is - you want to?

To all others:

Great job, guys and gals! Many people are waiting for next improvements!
It's fun to see enormous patch notes, great changes, and that you are listening to the people.

You can't be serious...or you are one of those bots selling divs for real money.
Can't believe someone is that stupid.
And btw if it comes to diablo 4 you are posting shit on it.
Which in my opinion is better atm.
At least they didnt leave for like a 3 weeks without any posts.
Yeh it sucks, but poe 2 atm is garbage.

Actually there is no need to prove who is stupid anymore and who isn't.
Nor that I agree with selling divs for real money. In fact, purchasing stuff like that for real money, especially in EA game is proof of highest IQ possible :>

The facts are clear:
- it's early access
- there are bugs, anyone was excepting anything else?
- no one is forced to play it. You can do chargeback if it's a scam for you and you value more amount of money spent than this game, no one is holding anyone and asking to not to do that
- a lot of streaming kids are whining about how terrible this balance is, yet, they got paid for views so..
- complaining about stuff that is painful but you still into that is called masochism.

I don't get point about Diablo 4. Purchased it, with expansion. Played, enjoyed for a moment but there is no end game nor major updates, unlike in PoE. It's different game, with different target. If you are not enjoying something then it's only reasonable to not to take part in it.

You can point me where I was not serious or where I was wrong in my response, I will check that with you gladly.
Any counterarguments except "you can't be serious"? Anything that can show that your opinion is the one and only valid one?

And the argument that's their next game, not the first one - I agree, they have experience with previous title. And they used it, hence why PoE2 in early access is way better than PoE1 was in early access.
But this doesn't mean that they copy-pasted and still messed this product.
Actually, the most of changes are good one. A lot of veteran players were complaining about the pace of game. About systems. About that picking Sanctuary and Ultimatum as trials was terrible idea.

And I don't negate that. But I enjoy what we got offered so far. This is incomplete game, with half classes, half acts and not all systems (third trial is not present, too). Some crashes are 100% related to that, too.

What we can do? We can either assist GGG in improving this game by feedback and bug reports, we can quit it temporarily/permanently or we can complain and be angry about everything around us just because something is not as we dreamed.

I think that's all from me, if there is anything else to add - I will gladly read that. And waiting for that constructive points of why this game is a scam or why my arguments was wrong. Because I can explain them, expand and try to understand someone's point if needed.
Last edited by kicksaw#3358 on Jan 7, 2025, 8:41:24 AM
kicksaw#3358 wrote:
boowa86#1517 wrote:
kicksaw#3358 wrote:
So many [Removed by Support] in this thread.

So this post is to all of them.

Yes, it's Early Access, deal with it.
No, they had bazillion years for development. And what about that? Did they need to release perfect product because some Brian or another Jessica going to cry-cry about how they was scammed?
Touch the grass for the first time in your life, don't be entitled, high demanding entity with ZERO impact into game fixing. Report bugs or don't, up to you. You cannot do much more than that.

Because you cry aloud (yes, you are crying, poor and sad "wanna-getta" kid behaviour) doesn't mean that this game fix itself.

I know that you wish to see developers under your command that are obeying your commands. You know what? Fine. Start paying them regular wage on monthly basis. It's called employment and if you can afford that - you can realize your dreams.
No? Then please, don't demand.

No, your supporter pack purchase is optional, not mandatory. You are not happy about that? Do a chargeback, one problem less for those who accept the terms.

It's EARLY ACCESS. You got it, you paid for early access. It's not called beta because that's not beta with instability and all the issues in-between.

Game is playable, from 1 to 3, normal to cruel, endgame as well, too. All as they mentioned. Crashes? Happen, even in the non-early access productions.

Bugs? They will be there. It's early access, once again.
Stop behaving like this is your entire life, because it isn't.

It can be, for developers, for GGG, for anyone who had their part in production of PoE2. But not for you. If it's everything for you then I advise you: look for help as Earth is spinning around the sun, not you.

If that title is triggering you due to any reason: stop playing it, permanently or for some time - it's up to you. A lot of adult, fully employed people are playing this game and they enjoy it. Despite issues, that are more than sure to happen during Early access. Gaming is for stress-relief, not for making your day more stressful. If you feel that something is wrong - take a break. It's early access, you will lose nothing.

Someone who was 11 years old at best when PoE1 came out, or who is working as " TT influencer" or don't know what want to do in age of 24 shouldn't be the voice of all people. Don't listen to people who this kind of people, it's not worth.

You are voice of yourself, and you are embarrassing yourself with whining, complaining and threats. You can do better, but the question is - you want to?

To all others:

Great job, guys and gals! Many people are waiting for next improvements!
It's fun to see enormous patch notes, great changes, and that you are listening to the people.

You can't be serious...or you are one of those bots selling divs for real money.
Can't believe someone is that stupid.
And btw if it comes to diablo 4 you are posting shit on it.
Which in my opinion is better atm.
At least they didnt leave for like a 3 weeks without any posts.
Yeh it sucks, but poe 2 atm is garbage.

Actually there is no need to prove who is stupid anymore and who isn't.
Nor that I agree with selling divs for real money. In fact, purchasing stuff like that for real money, especially in EA game is proof of highest IQ possible :>

The facts are clear:
- it's early access
- there are bugs, anyone was excepting anything else?
- no one is forced to play it. You can do chargeback if it's a scam for you and you value more amount of money spent than this game, no one is holding anyone and asking to not to do that
- a lot of streaming kids are whining about how terrible this balance is, yet, they got paid for views so..
- complaining about stuff that is painful but you still into that is called masochism.

I don't get point about Diablo 4. Purchased it, with expansion. Played, enjoyed for a moment but there is no end game nor major updates, unlike in PoE. It's different game, with different target. If you are not enjoying something then it's only reasonable to not to take part in it.

You can point me where I was not serious or where I was wrong in my response, I will check that with you gladly.
Any counterarguments except "you can't be serious"? Anything that can show that your opinion is the one and only valid one?

And the argument that's their next game, not the first one - I agree, they have experience with previous title. And they used it, hence why PoE2 in early access is way better than PoE1 was in early access.
But this doesn't mean that they copy-pasted and still messed this product.
Actually, the most of changes are good one. A lot of veteran players were complaining about the pace of game. About systems. About that picking Sanctuary and Ultimatum as trials was terrible idea.

And I don't negate that. But I enjoy what we got offered so far. This is incomplete game, with half classes, half acts and not all systems (third trial is not present, too). Some crashes are 100% related to that, too.

What we can do? We can either assist GGG in improving this game by feedback and bug reports, we can quit it temporarily/permanently or we can complain and be angry about everything around us just because something is not as we dreamed.

I think that's all from me, if there is anything else to add - I will gladly read that. And waiting for that constructive points of why this game is a scam or why my arguments was wrong. Because I can explain them, expand and try to understand someone's point if needed.

Yes ea from 2019. No more questions.
Can we please get some patch notes or a statement or at least look our way? Im not having fun anymore, My fun is quickly being replaced with frustration and discouragement.
Fun things, Sad things... We can't share everything, But what we can, we should share... That is what it means to be a guild. A single persons happiness is everyone's happiness. A single persons anger is everyone's anger. And a single person's tears are everyone's tears.
Last edited by scriptmonkey#2846 on Jan 7, 2025, 8:59:40 AM
Can we please get some patch notes or a statement or at least look our way? Im not having fun anymore, My fun is quickly being replaced with frustration and discouragement.
I got 8th Accendancy from Chaos Trial with easy but today, i tried some Sekhemas again for checking and it still very difficult for melee, mostly failed by run out of honour in 4th floor when mobs hit eat up 1k each hit, even i get almost 100% honour ressitance.
And maps run still very negative for melee, mobs have many hit/bomb that 1 hit mellee while range/caster can safely snipe them.
It's over ten year but devs couldn't balance this melee problem in POE2???
Last edited by hoqdat#5236 on Jan 7, 2025, 11:17:51 AM

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