Crit Eye/Comet Chronomancer (Nerf Safe)
Here's my build - Crit Eye of Winter and Comet with frost wall and frost bolt utility and blink.
This build is not dependent on freeze buildup, and should be fine with the nerf to freeze. T15 map clip: Finished all map quests through T15, currently Level 88. 7700 ES, CI Eye of Winter has ~50% crit chance and ~350% crit dmg. Comet is 60% and ~450%. Keep in mind Eye of Winter applies critical weakness, which makes the CC higher. ![]() ![]() EoW - Considered Casting, Ricochet, Acceleration/Fork, Extraction Comet - Unleash, Spell Echo, Inevitable Critical, Supercritical Frost Wall - Glaciation, Font of Mana, Icicle, Frost Nexus Frost Bolt - Wildshards, Scattershot, Arcane Tempo Arctic Armor - Cold Mastery, Bludgeon, Deep Freeze Blink - Second Wind, Ingenuity Time Freeze - Persistence, Magnified Effect Gear: Probably nowhere near best in slot. I know gloves can have crit on them. Rings could be better. Amulet is the worst roll possible. The chest piece could have spirit on it allowing more buffs. Wand:
Item Class: Wands
Rarity: Rare Loath Chant Attuned Wand -------- Requirements: Level: 58 Int: 133 -------- Item Level: 62 -------- Gain 16% of Damage as Extra Fire Damage 49% increased Cold Damage +43 to maximum Mana +4 to Level of all Cold Spell Skills 81% increased Critical Hit Chance for Spells 22% increased Critical Spell Damage Bonus Chest
Item Class: Body Armours
Rarity: Rare Beast Carapace Expert Keth Raiment -------- Quality: +20% (augmented) Energy Shield: 725 (augmented) -------- Requirements: Level: 70 Int: 157 -------- Sockets: S S S -------- Item Level: 75 -------- 60% increased Armour, Evasion and Energy Shield (rune) -------- 41% increased Mana Regeneration Rate (implicit) -------- +83 to maximum Energy Shield 96% increased Energy Shield +17 to maximum Life +19% to Fire Resistance +11% to Cold Resistance 4.1 Life Regeneration per second -------- Corrupted Boots
Item Class: Boots
Rarity: Rare Hate Tread Advanced Feathered Sandals -------- Quality: +20% (augmented) Energy Shield: 163 (augmented) -------- Requirements: Level: 59 Int: 101 -------- Sockets: S -------- Item Level: 76 -------- 20% increased Armour, Evasion and Energy Shield (rune) -------- 25% increased Movement Speed +42 to maximum Energy Shield 16% increased Energy Shield 18% increased Rarity of Items found +30% to Cold Resistance +24 to Stun Threshold 50% reduced Freeze Duration on you Gloves
Item Class: Gloves
Rarity: Rare Plague Fist Expert Sombre Gloves -------- Energy Shield: 63 (augmented) -------- Requirements: Level: 65 Int: 104 -------- Sockets: S -------- Item Level: 79 -------- +12% to Fire Resistance (rune) -------- +21 to maximum Energy Shield Adds 1 to 10 Lightning damage to Attacks +69 to maximum Mana +37% to Fire Resistance +20% to Cold Resistance +37% to Lightning Resistance Shield
Item Class: Foci
Rarity: Rare Phoenix Refuge Advanced Plumed Focus -------- Quality: +20% (augmented) Energy Shield: 211 (augmented) -------- Requirements: Level: 61 Int: 112 -------- Sockets: S -------- Item Level: 71 -------- 20% increased Armour, Evasion and Energy Shield (rune) -------- +74 to maximum Energy Shield 22% increased Energy Shield 99% increased Cold Damage 28% increased Cast Speed +36% to Fire Resistance +40% to Lightning Resistance Belt
Item Class: Belts
Rarity: Rare Rage Locket Mail Belt -------- Charm Slots: 1 -------- Requirements: Level: 56 -------- Item Level: 71 -------- 15% reduced Flask Charges used (implicit) -------- +37 to Armour +158 to maximum Mana 13% increased Flask Mana Recovery rate +39% to Cold Resistance +39% to Lightning Resistance 25% increased Flask Charges gained Helm
Item Class: Helmets
Rarity: Rare Damnation Horn Advanced Chain Tiara -------- Quality: +20% (augmented) Energy Shield: 306 (augmented) -------- Requirements: Level: 55 Int: 101 -------- Sockets: S -------- Item Level: 77 -------- 20% increased Armour, Evasion and Energy Shield (rune) -------- +64 to maximum Energy Shield 65% increased Energy Shield 24% increased Rarity of Items found +26 to Intelligence +23% to Cold Resistance 10.1 Life Regeneration per second Amulet
Item Class: Amulets
Rarity: Unique Beacon of Azis Solar Amulet -------- Requirements: Level: 30 -------- Item Level: 53 -------- Allocates Shrapnel (enchant) -------- +10 to Spirit (implicit) -------- +60 to maximum Mana +30 to Spirit 30% increased Light Radius Critical Hits ignore Enemy Monster Elemental Resistances -------- The homeguard signalled for aid against a surprise attack, but it was not their dekharas that responded. It was Solerai herself. Rings
Item Class: Rings
Rarity: Rare Carrion Band Sapphire Ring -------- Requirements: Level: 60 -------- Item Level: 77 -------- +22% to Cold Resistance (implicit) -------- Adds 2 to 40 Lightning damage to Attacks 27% increased Cold Damage +196 to Accuracy Rating 21% increased Rarity of Items found +21 to Dexterity +36% to Fire Resistance
Item Class: Rings
Rarity: Rare Phoenix Band Topaz Ring -------- Requirements: Level: 51 -------- Item Level: 71 -------- +27% to Lightning Resistance (implicit) -------- 26% increased Cold Damage +56 to maximum Mana 36% increased Rarity of Items found 13% increased Cast Speed +16% to Lightning Resistance I also use Beacon of Aziz unique amulet to bypass elemental resists. It is annointed with Shrapnel, which is a relatively cheap anoint that gives us extra pierce and terrain bounce. Another important mod on your boots is Reduced Freeze Duration. Freeze will prevent you from escaping, and you will die often in the tower maps. Skill Rotation: Drop Frost Walls. Cast Frost bolts to get chilled ground. Start firing Eye of Winter over the Chilled ground for bonus damage. Stand near Frost Walls for protection and more mana regen. Drop comets when you see the opportunity. They delete rares. Last edited by Seeders#7506 on Dec 18, 2024, 1:47:28 AM Last bumped on Jan 27, 2025, 2:44:01 PM
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Can you do a skill tree mapping layout guide when you get a chance? Thank you for the build. I'm gonna try it out on a new character. Also, can you comment/show your ascendancy skill tree? Last edited by RaynGlaive#0776 on Dec 17, 2024, 4:38:02 PM
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" Hey, I'm not sure what you mean? Do you mean what order you should take for leveling? I would respec in to crit later on when you have enough points. For leveling it will probably feel pretty bad to go instantly into crit on the tree. I would go for cold damage nodes, or whatever supports the skills you want to level with. You could level in fire or lightning damage and respec in to crit if you wanted. I use cold skills with crit because the base crit is so high on cold skills. Also Eye of Winter applies Critical Weakness, so you can stack that and then drop a comet for better crit chance. But you dont even get Eye of Winter or Comet until much later in the campaign. Last edited by Seeders#7506 on Dec 17, 2024, 4:41:09 PM
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I think he meant like use maxroll
Build looks great im 55 wonder if i can start this | |
Heyo! I appreciate you breaking down your wand specs, but is there any chance you would be willing to give details for all your gear (probably in an imgur or something so you don't need to type it all?)
I'm in A3C playing Frost Sorc, but am really starting to feel my gear. I know that I need to be looking towards maxing my resistances, but some guides beyond that for someone new to poe2 would be super useful. Even if that's a bit much though, thanks for the stuff you've already posted! I've been relying on Freezing Shards for the most part, gonna try pivoting to this skill setup that you've got rocking |
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" Updated guide with complete gear |
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Just wanted to thank you soooo much for this build! After respecing into many different ones and spending milions of gold on it, finally found one that feels great to play!
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Tahnk you so much for your Build (:
i am going to try it as a Co-Op Build / Freez Support ^^ do you think it is a wise idea to maybe put in a armor/ez hybrid shield for some block chance and some 20%+ ish armor? |
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I likely missed it, but what are your ascendancy choices? Did you beeline straight to Time Freeze?
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Great build, tried it at ~60 - having fun.
I hope you will post your advancments in this thread! |
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