Nerf Trials of Chaos ASAP
I did it around the same level with my merc with mediocre gear on the second try. You are doing something wrong, whether is lack of survivability from tree/gear, lack of proper damage scaling or lack of skill it's hard to say without seeing your build.
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To those people saying it's just mechanics, that's rubbish in my opinion. It's ALL RNG! You can cruise through getting debufs that are no problem for your character, or your entire attempt can be ruined by a trio of really bad options where you must choose the least worst option and hope for the best.
This goes doubly for the trials of the skehekemama's or whatnot where you can easily end-up in stupid choices between losing half your honor or having 5% of honor and water lost when any enemy hits you. I've 3 out of 4 so far but the 4th is really in my opinion more of a crapshoot than the third. Last edited by rampagingrabbit#6453 on Dec 25, 2024, 12:18:44 PM
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Just wanted to post my two cents from my experience and from talking with a few of my friends that are already in end game mapping with all their ascendency points.
At first I thought Trials of Sekhemas wasn't too bad - the room management seems fair enough, but that really only applies when you do just 1 floor. Temple of Chaos seemed easy enough to me but I got really lucky debuff RNG the first two times I played it (2 different characters). My friends mentioned to me they hate Sekhemas more than Chaos, especially when having to do 3+ floors to get your 3rd set of ascendency points at level 61. And multiple others I've heard talk about doing the multiple floors are also not fans of Sekhemas at all. Like it just sucks. I can only imagine it's really the honor management system that makes it so annoying. For me, I only got really annoyed with Temple of Chaos when I got bad debuff RNG, but the plus side to this, is you can just retake the Chaos run (first time doing it) until you get good debuff RNG and a manageable run. I kinda don't think it should be nerfed especially when it's just luck of the draw. But I'm also unaware if you lose your ultimatum tokens for the 4th set of points or not. The first time you do not lose the ultimatum token so it's not that big a loss. With Sekhemas you can just keep farming the trial with multiple tokens, look for relics that grant honor resist to help with managing your honor bar. This is what I've been recommended to help prepare for my 3rd set. Again, it's all RNG, so it's really about how lucky of a run you end up with as well. Because of that, I really am not sure either Trials or Ultimatums should face a nerf. Maybe some balancing to bring things a bit more in line, but certainly not a nerf. And who knows GGG likely already has ideas for a third and fourth trials arenas for the next 3 acts, and what we have with Chaos and Sekhemas are just testing grounds to see what works and what doesn't. I don't think we should be clamouring for a nerf just yet, but call attention to things we are annoyed with specifically. Well that was a bit more than two cents, but I've been mulling this over as I play through the game and it helps to type out thoughts lol. |
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I did it pretty easily on my first try just by spamming ice wall. They draw aggro for some reason, so half the time the monsters don't even target me. It also does tons of damage vs the boss.
While small enemies are stuck behind your ice wall, you can either comet or frost bolt to cold snap. |
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lv47 stormweaver 1816 shield, owned every time.
Game just chucks an army of melee, and rares with elemental immunity; Dead I don't want to farm it, I just wanted to get my points and forget it. The "Rewards" are far worse than the gear I already have thus far. |
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Just learn the game 6 affixes that not benifit your class iss worth nothing and i think thats ur main problem. I done 6 characters and all of them done the 38 trail at 36-40 without a problem.
So as i said take the time to learn what ur class needs. | |
i will say tornado bird boss is pretty overtuned, back before overgearing to the point of 1 shotting the bosses that thing was close to unbeatable with the tornado being a 1 shot if you were melee range and the dark wind attack being hard to even see where the damage zone was and it killed you in less than a second.
the other two bosses should be fairly manageable for you though, the chimera you already beat to get in there and while he is annoying with how much he flies he's not that scary, and while the zombie bird is new only one of his attacks is really dangerous and you live it by just continuing to move during it. i'm sure if you just keep putting in the effort you'll get it done, 4 rooms of the trial doesn't take too long per attempt just learn which modifiers you can and can't play with some aren't so bad despite sounding scary, i will also say they could prob tune some of the modifiers and also add clarity on some. |
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You can get your 4th in Trial of Sekhemas as well (level 75). I agree some of the bosses are hard.
I don't think they should Nerf it: I think they need to open new avenues for different play styles to complete the trial. I miss completing my trials through The Lord's Labyrinth. --Izaro "Complex machinations converge to a single act of power." |
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To every one poping at people asking for trials nerfs get stuffed I done them all now and as some one who completed them it is over tuned to hell with exception of few builds but for a game we're they said we had way my character build options n yet skill gems limited 1 coppy of support gems except helm unique or crossbow guy is bs n then you lock acendency behind trials ye more build options but only a handful can have fair shot of doing content is just bad strategie on ggg part. That said in total I love the more challenging style but chaos is over tuned n the honour system sucks. There was reason it was one of there least played content wasn't hard just tedious. Other that that I think the game rocks n am loving it.
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In the last stream they said they will not change things in it...
this is not a build thread btw Last edited by Wilmots#7633 on Jan 24, 2025, 6:03:33 AM
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