Bloodmage - "The Needler" Arbiter of Ash DOWN & T16+ (Bonestorm + Detonate Dead) Lategame Guide!
" Great to hear, also make sure to check out the other guides that I linked within this guide as they can offer some great insights as well! What I have here is just mostly what's worked for me to clear all endgame content w.o too much trouble. |
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" Hey interesting take on the skill tree, my question would be back for you.. would you plan on building energy shield whatsoever or go a full life build? I could see this tree working well for a max life build, but w.o that energy shield talents (% increased energy shield, energy shield recharge rate, and start of energy shield) you'll be gimping your survival as the energy shield is there to keep your life pool safe for casting. Personally going up into the Witch tree and not doing energy shield seems kinda counterintuitive to me, but people have already made Bonestorm life builds so maybe it works! Get back to me on this question and maybe we can work out a skill tree that better suits what you want! As for soul offering, I'll admit it's likely optimal to be using soul offering for late game bosses, however I just don't feel like using an additional ability. You definitely want to get some extra duration for your soul offering if you go that route as it's pretty short! I'm just too lazy to press another button :P For charms I like to use that one that gives me additional Chaos Res as I lack the funds to max out my Chaos res in conjunction with the other stats I buy on gear. Another great option is choosing the one that makes you immune to freeze as that can be quick death sentence. For flasks I'm just kinda winging it with flasks that give "increased amount recovered" and "reduced charges used." I'll admit I haven't put much thought into it so maybe it's not optimal. If you have any other ideas that'd be great to hear! Last edited by Apoc8#0634 on Dec 24, 2024, 4:47:28 PM
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Hi and thanks for the reply!
My own concept is - bleed as much as possible and do it with bones. However, this raises a huge question which I wanted to avoid testing( which would naturally cost me currency) - Is ONLY life viable? If we think about this sanguine, blood and bone mage that concept of having only life sounds good, however I am still under that moment where you upgrade your gear(nearly 75 so I want to hit 75 level first, to get to wear end game items to have best possible base) So even now, I feel the lack of some sort of mechanisms of defense. My idea is to cast bonestorm as fast as possible(I watched your video where you cast is fast as heck) And have that juicy bleeds and good initial dmg. I got that now(except for cast speed, must figure out that one) but I get tons of dmg/stuns that can eat me quite easily, so after checking out your guide, my first thought was - He is running ES, that's probably it! The build I've pasted is centered towards dmg but it also leans toward shield wielding, tho I wanted to drop concept of shield for this build and stick to focus, so my idea was that if I would understand what's the most proven way of survival in your build, and meddle that to mine, I could complete this two curses, aura bone-blood mage. I must admit it works well now, but I am way under your cast speed and of course lacking survivability, but if you will check the talents on the right side of the tree - Crashing weave, Deadly force...that is so juicy Regarding flasks I'm quite clueless. I remember the POE 1 times where I just rerolled the heck ouf of them. For now, I think that going for Increased recovery amount and part of recovery happens instantly could be the way to go, at least for me. As I said, after collecting the blood baubles from Blood Mage Passive, I can hit 3k+ hp but that might get down really fast so I'm looking for some options here |
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" So with my recent revelation of using Scattershot with Bonestorm thanks to some helpful comments, I strongly recommend trying that out, especially if you lack cast speed. Is only life viable? I'm gonna go out on a limb and say possibly, though I don't know for sure? I'd personally not pursue it as there's just so many insanely well stat'd ES nodes including one that gives us +1 All Res. Just having that energy shield as a buffer to our life pool when we're sacrificing so much of it makes it so much more comfortable. Once you get enough "faster start of ES" & "increased ES recharge rate" you feel nearly invincible on late game bosses, as assuming you dodge 50% of the mechanics your 4-5k+ ES shield is right back up to defend you from another big hit. Maybe there's a Eldritch Battery variation to be developed that focuses on a gigantic mana pool. That's definitely something to look into, otherwise the tried and true hybrid ES variant has felt amazing. Yeah give me some time to take ideas from your skill tree and make up a mock version of my ES defenses fused with your offensive nodes you choose to take and I'll see what I can come up with! I have like 4 Million gold right now so I don't mind testing it in game as well to see how it feels. Yeah I'm also clueless on the flask situation sorry I can't really help ya there :/ |
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" Awesome! Thanks. I think nodes like Flow like Water, Pliable Flesh and the whole left side with shield related talents aren't viable here and I totally must check out that arcane surge thing |
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What do you think? - Technically I've reduced a bit mana regen + ES and as you can see I've remvoed node with +25 int because you simply get stat nodes on the bottom right. Not sure how my mana pool will look like but in worst case I can re manage that when I hit mana issues Not sure if that Deadly Force is worth it tho, but it surely boosts some dmg. Another issue with Deadly Force, at least for me is that two nodes before it, state that they boost damage if RECENTLY. Meaning in last 4 seconds, I assume bonestorm is not being able to fully trigger before that right? Last edited by Argi12148#7025 on Dec 26, 2024, 11:56:21 AM
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" I really like this tree! Let me know how it feels and I'll give it a shot! Sorry with Holidays I've been a bit busier than I thought I'd be :/ Oh btw I'm removing the arcane surge points on the far left due to the recent inclusion of scattershot making the ability cost nearly nothing, I'll update the build and skill tree to reflect that. |
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" Good to know thanks! Hm, If the Arcane surge is good to go, I'll be looking for some replacement then as well. I thought it's one of your most crucial talents I also wondered if Psychic Fragmentation is a considerable option, however holding shift says no skills affected Last edited by Argi12148#7025 on Dec 26, 2024, 2:36:44 PM
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" Yeah Arcane Surge WAS insane, but post including Scattershot it's not needed nor feasible anymore because it takes too long to channel and gain arcane surge. Basically Scattershot solves our cast speed/mana regen for the most part. I gotta both rework the tree and change that gem out, probably for phys mastery? I'm not totally sure yet. Psychic fragmentation would also similarly give us ridiculous amounts of "cast speed." So yeah that could be something I try out and consider. Edit: Psychic Frag is really good, however the inconsistency in cast speed is a bit annoying and not my cup of tea. Last edited by Apoc8#0634 on Dec 26, 2024, 4:37:13 PM
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Let me preface this with that, although I have played PoE for years, I am rather inexperienced when it comes to understanding the mechanics behind skill scaling.
I read over your build and I have quite a few questions. First, why do you get so many ES recharge nodes? Why do you get arcane intensity? What is the purpose of pathing so far on the left just for some ES recharge rate and crit? Why spell cascade instead of spell echo? Perhaps it has to do with bossing, giving you quicker recharge and thus survivability on bosses? I guess to me, unless I build MoM and stacked mana, Arcane intensity would be rather poor. It takes 7 points to path to it. Sure its scalable, but given that I could improve the stats such as cast speed, crit damage, and crit chance instead. As long as you satisfy your res needs. Even at 2500 mana you are getting 75% spell power for 7 points ~ 10% per point. Shy of scaling this to huge numbers (which I cannot imagine how) its almost more efficient to get Ruin, Potent incantation, or path into any number of other damage areas. As for spell cascade, it seems to target other corpses so unless you have a plethora of extra corpses lying around that can quickly run them dry which leaves you with nothing to scale your clear off. For me the smaller AOE compared to spell echo causes it to clear less. Maybe I would swap into it for breach but even then Echo has the effect of firing off a second time in a similar location and given its increased AOE of the echo, leads to more pushback / more of the map cleared giving me a springboard for my next DD. Anyways, let me know what you think. Honestly not trying to critique it, just having trouble understanding why "this instead of that" mentality. |
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