Network issue is back - POE 2 EA game is currently unplayable

The most frustrating thing about the network problems is:

you can get lucky and get a normal instance server (check the Client.txt in your Log folder, it logs the IP of the instance server you connect to), or you can get a screwed-up one.

Sometimes, re-zoning (or relogging) will assign you to a different one, but you can waste whole keys (and therefore, citadels, bosses, etc) if you always get a bad one.

Nozral#3090 wrote:
The most frustrating thing about the network problems is:

you can get lucky and get a normal instance server (check the Client.txt in your Log folder, it logs the IP of the instance server you connect to), or you can get a screwed-up one.

Sometimes, re-zoning (or relogging) will assign you to a different one, but you can waste whole keys (and therefore, citadels, bosses, etc) if you always get a bad one.

this is exactly whats happening to me. is there any fix ?
Can't play the game right now because it's freezing and then crashing randomly even though the server and all my CMD log say I have low 20's ping...
From Denmark, tried all possible servers with less than 100ping.


It's not PC specs as I'm running on a i9 and 3070ti. In fact CPU levels are below 30% of usage and GPU at the very peak can go to 80% of usage. But the network latency in game, even in the hideout, goes to 3000+ (infinite ms).

Seams a game client/server issue? But I don't see this issue a known issue that GGG is working on, which is concerning.

Anyone that found a relative solution?
HJames#0625 wrote:
From Denmark, tried all possible servers with less than 100ping.


It's not PC specs as I'm running on a i9 and 3070ti. In fact CPU levels are below 30% of usage and GPU at the very peak can go to 80% of usage. But the network latency in game, even in the hideout, goes to 3000+ (infinite ms).

Seams a game client/server issue? But I don't see this issue a known issue that GGG is working on, which is concerning.

Anyone that found a relative solution?

VPN solved my problem. i dont know how but this comment from reddit helped me: "It depends on where you live in the world. If you live in Europe the issue is that there is a few real bad nodes on the way to the servers that poe has no control over. Try again with the vpn and do a further away server that could help."
I tried that as well. I feel like, at this point, I’ve tried everything. It seems like this game is far from being optimized or playable in many countries.

Here’s what I’ve tried so far:

-Updated all drivers and software (graphics, BIOS, Windows, etc.).
-Adjusted all kinds of in-game configurations (even going back to windowed mode with downscaled, low resolution).
-Tweaked various Nvidia settings.
-Used a VPN and network gaming boosters.
-Reinstalled the game (multiple times).

My system specs:
1 Gbps fiber internet
Intel i9
Nvidia RTX 3070

At this point, I really don’t know what else to do.

Same here, regularly get server disconnects that go up to 16000ms, over half of my deaths have been because of this lag. The most annoying part is that it isn´t consistent.
Sometimes I can play for several hours with no problems and other times it freezes my screen for 16 seconds and I die (or not if I'm very lucky and there aren´t alot of monsters nearby), completely erasing all the progress I have made in those few hours. I have only been able to clear 3 or 4 citadels, all of the other ones I lagged out and died, now there are none left on my map and I am left to go searching again, even with the new patch showing them more clearly, I can see 0 right now.
I have started using omens of amelioration to attempt to get to level 93, because I have been level 92 for nearly 2 weeks now getting to over 50% several times and then dying multiple times in a row, because of this fucking lag shit. I am slowly going BROKE with having to buy these omens just to not lose ALL of my progress, it's infuriating.
Same problem. Start with the latest update.
I live a few zip codes away from their Cali servers and it still spikes to the 1000s and occasionally disconnecting mid breach. This makes endgame content UNPLAYABLE. Im not wasting hours farming some bs to lose it because the game doesnt pause on boss fights. Its been months and not a single day without lag spikes. I have a tab of breachstones that I cant run. Fix your dogwater servers or im refunding in Steam with 300 hours played idgaf
From Norway here.
For me its randomely getting spikes of 4000-16000 MS Network spikes with everything on the screen freezes but the game goes on in the background and when it catches up again it just plays what happend in the freez time in like 4x speed and i end up (most of the time) dead ....

I have tryed EVERYTHING. And my pc is good and my network is solid af, GPU MS is Stabel as a rock and same with the CPU...

PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ GGG Make this a ( VERY HIGH ) Prio problem, cuse i see alot of people having the issue.

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