Cannot get level 82 zones - Organised Forces not working

Bump, happened to me as well. Fixed it by unallocating the passive and reallocating it. Hopefully doesn't happen again. Hate wasting t16 maps
How is this still a thing... If the map has corruption, Organized Forces doesn't work
Bump. Same for me.
Bump, same thing happening for me.
Same here.
Bump… this is so annoying

Edit: I think it might be the Organised Forces node on the atlas tree. It happened to me on a map that was irradiated by this following speccing into the node. Think it might be bugged and not working even though says level 82 on the map device.
Last edited by Jas1612#2130 on Feb 1, 2025, 3:44:45 PM
Bug still here.

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