Minimap resets when leave & re-enter

On leaving an re-entering a map, the minimap is now resetting - all fog is back.
This is a bug that has existed in PoE1 for some years now, i had hoped it would not be present in PoE2. The old fix was just do a full re-install which is kind of a pain.
My assumption has always been it's a problem with the local cache - can we just get a button to delete/rebuild the local files?

I leave explired map, When i reenter the map, its all fog.

Bonus question - how to get onto the island in the middle of this lake on the atlas at 0:15? No paths lead to the locations there.
Last bumped on Feb 13, 2025, 12:05:35 AM
Same here hope this gets fixed soon
Facing the same issue here in ps5. It wasn't like that in the beginning...
The unfortunate truth is, this bug is known to PoE 1 players for years and has never been fixed!
The current workaround for the last PoE1 league was, as mind-boggling as this may sound, to close the game, boot up a different game of your choice and finally reboot PoE1 again.
Yes, that means just rebooting PoE1 wasnt even enough to fix this.
If you think i am crazy, which i would totally understand, given the context i am talking about, search the PoE1 forums.
GGG never bothered to actually fix and its beyond irony that it now reappears in PoE2.
Same problem here. Game is hardly playable with huge maps. You just go to town with loot, return back, and didnt se anything. Needs to be fixed!
Close poe2, start another game, close it, start poe2 again did NOT work.
Erase console memory did NOT work.
Reinstal the game WORKS.
same problem here
Hi, reinstall the game on ps5 had fixed this issue for me ATM.
Bonus question - how to get onto the island in the middle of this lake on the atlas at 0:15? No paths lead to the locations there.

Boat crafting .
"Go buy a supporter pack and I might take you seriously." ~ Generic PoE whale

ICE BELL RINGER ~ Endgame Farming ~ Pinnacle Eraser ~ Gamepad Gameplay ~ Low Budget ~ 0.1.1 Version
Is this getting fixed ever?

I'm reinstalling PoE2 for the 3rd time now on PS5...

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