Jamanra sandstorm shield bug

Just had an instance where during the Jamanra sandstorm fase, the shield cast by Asala ended while the sandstorm was still ongoing, causing me to instantly die.

Im not exactly sure what caused this, but I found one other reddit post that it happened when Jamanra got stunned during the sandstorm.

This apparently causes Asala to stop shielding, but the sandstorm continues.

Last bumped on Feb 22, 2025, 4:48:38 PM
I've fought act 2 boss like 12 times now. Never encountered this. until today. Found this thread with some googling. RiP my hardcore character ;


Can confirm , for me in this video at least. I stunn'ed the boss while he was doing his wind attack. NPC lady put down her protective bubble , started attacking boss , i died to wind.
can confirm, happened to me today too. when you stun him during bubble phase the sandstorm gets you
I don't even get a shield for a while after the storm starts. NPC slowly walks over there as I die then puts up a shield to cover my corpse.
+1, my poor HC pathfinder that was steam rolling through early campaign succumbed to this last night. Stunned boss during wind, Asala dropped her shield and left me for dead :(
I've failed two copper citadels in a row post-patch. Both times one-shotted by Jamanra's sandstorm about 1-2 seconds before the sandstorm or shield shows on the screen. Then, even though I die and he has more than half health, he performs his death animation (dies), then comes back to life, slices the floor, then the screen turns light blue, and I exit.
+1 to this, fought the boss and the NPC never shielded me, and I just lost the citadel fight :(
+1.Happened to me. Shield was not popping up. Lost citadel to this bug.
So this kind of happened to me but instead he did the sandstorm and the nice lady just never put up the shield at all lmao. I recorded it and when I rewatched it's because she got jammed on my minions. So that's nice.
happened to me, she opens a shield and goes and teleports then comes back and goes again.

%10 exp and fragment gone...

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