Incinerate best support gems
" Oh for sure it's a fun skill and the mobility on it feels great compared to POE1 but the damage is just not there to make it worth staying that close to mobs/bosses in maps and just forget about doing mechanics. Switched to fire minions and immediately was far stronger. Maybe if they make a specific ascendency that works with it or buff the skill quite a bit I would try again. |
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I love this skill even in Path of Exile 1 i did a build arround scorching ray and it was cool. Here incinerate scale very well with level, ailment/ignite magnitude, spell, elemental or fire damage. Penetration don't work since its only working for hit. For Ascendancy i tried Infernalist but its beyond trash... so Chronomancer since presence that slow very well by 20% base + 34% slow magnitude on tree. Blasphemy + temporal chain for another 36% slow + curse hinder which reduce movement speed of monster by another 15% = nothing that enter my curse area can do anything. There is also +48% effect of aura on tree that scale debuff (curse + slow effect even more). And since scalling area of effect scale presence + curse aura + incinerate size its a perfect stat actually at 7meter incinerate and curse aura so almost half screen wide for curse aura and beyond my screen for presence slow. Take also into account that we have with Chronomancer 30% damage taken recoup as life + recoup instead occur in 4 second + +25% increased speed of recoup effect on tree = 3 second. We can have easily 100% of damage taken as life recoup in 3 second which make it strong for defense and coupled with slow effect dying became hard other than ground effect or One Shot. To finish for support gem (4 link) im using Searing Flame, Controlled destruction, Mobility for clear and i switch to concentrated effect on boss, Considered casting seems bug because its clearly that for spell hit but in tooltip its also make ignite deal more damage. |
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That Chronomancer variant sounds interesting too.
But with Infernalist passives, the hound and Cloak of Flame (40% phys to fire) and Atziri's Disdain (30% of hp to shield) and Enfeeble as aura it is actually pretty damn tanky aswell (i basically only die for being very reckless). So i have absolutely no issues engaging in close range combat. Since Incinerate cant crit, you cant push dps with cast speed and cast on ignite is bad (or meh if you really push this stuff) the endgame scaling potential is not good, so it should recieve some buffs in base damage imo (or reworked level scaling). In genreal i would strongly recommend: Mobility and Momentum + Controlled Destruction ... the rest i would consider "optional" - like more damage with Searing Flame, or more ramp-up with Tempo or more debuff with Strip Away (with passives 100+ exposure no problem). edit: for the Infernalist "version" with SRS, i recommend dual wield wand + sceptre for some nice synergies Last edited by Alopex81#5818 on Dec 27, 2024, 9:13:45 PM
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yep came to the same conclusion because i was looking for an alternative to uncapped demon form, ed/contagion just dont scale very well with it, or its too slow or its too fast, i mean it would be great if you could maintain a sweet spot but you cant.
Since i loved incinerate when it was actually good in poe1 i wanted to try while demon form give this opportunity to push damage tests like we never did. Granted i have no damage wheel for fire or ignite, i need like 500 stack of demon form to make it feel good, on t7 mobs... Any passive wheel should do marginal damage compared to 500 stack anyway, right? Also the burning ground doesn't seam to work very around terrain obstacles. set up is arcane tempo, mobility and controlled destruction. Does this skill even scale with spell damage? numbers are meaningless if they have no noticeable effects in game. Last edited by Halagaz#4583 on Dec 28, 2024, 3:15:58 AM
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" It does. While the tooltip for this spell is a bit of mess ... or lets call it mysterious, it shows grow in spelldamage. I am at lvl 23 (17+6) atm, and i clocks for 6.6k (and 1.5k ignite) in the tooltip (not including the 40% from momentum). That doesnt seem much, but with 8*40 more damage at stage 8 and 91% exposure it does good damage (good as in: not dogshit). But, as mentioned, that isnt enough. So i bombard my enemies with Solar Orb, Firestorm and Spirits before/during channeling to make up for it. Ultimativly that plays like a DoT-build with multiple layers (even Incinerate is basically a channeled DoT in a way). Last edited by Alopex81#5818 on Dec 28, 2024, 4:49:22 AM
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" You shouldn't need more than 50 stacks to start to really feel the power, if you need 500 to feel good you're doing something wrong I would guess. I did have 2 nodes of fire/ignite on the tree including the big one up top in order to make incinerate feel decent plus a lot of increased area of effect. Part of the problem is fire spells are so weak you almost have to take the extra fire damage, leaving less room for things like energy shield. Again, there is no ascendency that makes fire spells work and in my experience this skill becomes unplayable about 5 minutes after you make it to maps. You literally cannot cover enough area or turn fast enough to kill large groups that start swarming you. The fact that everyone who tries to play it also has to use solar orb, firestorm, and/or fuselage should tell you all you need to know about it. The skill is just too slow and the damage is too low. Demonform doesn't fix it, it's a temporary band aid for the lack of power that forces you to stack tons and tons of life regen. |
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" I think your doing something wrong because I just reach map yesterday and im already doing map T10 fine my Incinerate cover almost all my screen and monster die in seconds, I switch mobility to concentrated effect for boss since I have 4 link for now. My Incinerate with mobility deal 7500 ignite damage and with concentrated effect 10500 in tooltip. Chronomancer slow presence + blasphemy temporal chain help a lot to slow everything on scren + 100% damage recoup as life in 3 seconds make defense very strong with only 2000 life, 300 ES, 0 armour/evasion, capped elemental resistance and 35% chaos resistance. Other than some nasty rare monster with hasted + slow resistant that can one shot me and ground effect i don't die. |
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" It could be demonform, which is a totally separate problem. I played incinerate for years on POE1 and stuck with it until almost level 80 before swapping over to minions and have not died since with greatly improved damage/defense. The skill is lackluster and fire is by far the weakest element/category of damage; you don't have seconds to kill mobs in tier 15 before you're dead. Fire skills need more damage and compared to things like spark the skill is a meme. There are no real ascendencies that help contribute to much of anything for incinerate (pathfinder for mobility maybe); so the tons of extra damage was helpful but the toon was super rippy and the skill felt like I was intentionally handicapping myself. Lucky for me infernalist makes good minion builds. We aren't going to see people clearing juicy maps/breaches with this skill in end game tiers absent something like a 100 divine investment. Even if a player can do that, it's a gross waste of currency/time that would make many other builds do far more output. I think that fire spells need some tuning and incinerate in particular is not worth getting that close to end game mobs that can 1 shot. When things like detonate dead and spark can effortlessly clear entire rooms quickly it's obvious the balancing of things has a long way to go and it will likely get more complicated as more classes/skills are introduced to the game. |
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I have "completed" my core setup. Char is at lvl 88 atm, doin all content beside pinnacle (so far) with ease. It is just not fast (compared to zooming builds). It is "hard" to die in this setup, the combat is methodical and varied. So if you guys are into that, may try it out. I actually prefer this, even though i have a Invoker that can (with crap gear) do stuff just way faster (exploding everything instantly may be efficient and "fun" for some time, but i find that rather boring ... idk ...). I was under the impression that PoE 2 was supposed to be more about fighting than screen exploding zooming and cruising (and yet it is happening again) - this build would fit that kind of philosophy. Last edited by Alopex81#5818 on Dec 30, 2024, 1:02:10 PM
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Hoheinheim#3026 do you have a passive build/item list you can share for chronomancer please?
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