Hexblast Chayula Monk - Easy 15s (mid bossing) - One Button Build [Updated 12/28]
I. Introduction
My original build was clearing 15s fine, but high level bossing was undoable. I have remade and tested the build further, now I can do juiced 15s with breaches quite well with no chance of dying. However, the endgame bossing as you will see is still quite slow (I mean the major ones, map bosses are fine). With more gear it could get better, but it will never be as strong as excellent bossing builds (such as my other build, Gemling Totems). I have nearly doubled the damage from the previous version and increased the tankiness substantially. I am doing around 50k sheet dps on bossing and nearly 40k while mapping, this goes up substantially with Flames of Chayula. The build is around 6k ES and 66% evasion with Acrobatics. This build could do +0 Breach Lord and +0 Arbiter without a lot of difficulty. But so far the only late game boss I have really tried with the new build is max rank Breach Lord, which I got to ~20%, but died to misplay/bad rng. This at least shows its viable (especially with further optimization and better gear). However, I would not play this build expecting good boss damage. II. Vods
New build VoDs T15 Mapping Example: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2338289753 20% Max Breach Lord Attempt: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2338297139 New Gear Video: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2338299180 Old Vods from league starter
T15 mapping/boss: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2331822037
Trial Master Encounter: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2331821190 Gear video: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2331904910 III. Skills & Supports
This section will show what skills and supports I use. These are not necessarily the perfect one for every build set up. But with my set up prioritizing defensiveness and gem level for scaling, I think it is good. I will provide reasoning as I go through.
A good Rule of thumb for PoE! K.I.S.S. ~ Keep it Simple Stupid! Hexblast:
Controlled Destruction/Considered Casting: These two are your primary more multipliers for damage. The 7% base crit of Hexblast makes crit non-viable so Controlled Destruction is excellent. While reduced casting is reduced DPS, there are precious few more multipliers so Considered Casting is still good. Chaos Mastery/Arcane Tempo: One or the other is going to be good for DPS too. Arcane Tempo will be more damage, but also more mana per second. Inspiration / Arcane Surge: You will run into mana problems, especially as you scale the spell to level 25-30. These are will manage that. Concentrated Effect: This should be swapped in for a different support for bossing since you don't need the AOE for mapping, and it does a lot of damage. I have been swapping out Arcane Surge. Note: You cannot use Spell Echo despite Blasphemy reapplying the curse automatically. You also do not get double damage from having two curses (at least currently, if you did it would be bonkers). Further note: You could use Magnified Effect for clearing I guess, but I use it on Blasphemy to increase range. Blasphemy
Despair/Enfeeble: I use Despair primarily for damage, but you could use Enfeeble for tankiness. You could also use Whispers of Doom for both. Blasphemy will auto reapply when you Hexblast. But remember, you will not get extra damage currently from two curses and you cannot echo it. Magnified Effect/Ritualistic Curse: These increase the range of Blasphemy, which in turn increases the range of Hexblast. Until you have these and some nodes on the tree you will be almost melee. (note: you can slot Expanse in, but it will not up the AOE of Blasphemy curses) Heightened Curse: This costs spirit, but will up your damage. Not ultimately necessary. Defensive/offensive Persistent Buffs (which are not Blasphemy)
As spirit is an expensive stat, I have placed these in the order of importance that I believe is correct: Grim Feast: This makes your mapping tankiness insane as an ES build. Withering Presence: This makes you do more damage. Use Persistence to up the number of stacks on the enemy, as new stacks do not refresh old ones. Ghost Dance: This gives you a lot of ES sustain if you are ES/Evasion hybrid. Use Fast Forward. Arctic Armor: I don't currently do, but this can freeze enemies who attack you, use Glaciation, Bludgeon, and Cold Mastery. Note: You can use Clarity if you have spare spirit for more mana. You can also use a second curse to use spirit. IV. Skill Tree
New Basic Endgame Tree:https://maxroll.gg/poe2/passive-tree/lf1ayq01 Notes on tree: I take Zone of control for mapping because it enlarges your range. You don't need to take it. Asceticism stops you from being stunned, Icebreaker from being frozen. Acrobatics with heavy evasion investment and a high evasion chest makes you very tanky, but you could go Full ES is desired. At lower skill gem levels or higher mana Conservative casting may not be necessary, especially since Mental Toughness should be annointed. Other good potential nodes are: Ingenuity, Patient Barrier, Pure Energy, Open Mind, Practiced Signs, Mystic Stance, and Mental Alacrity. There are also two close jewel sockets, jewels are quite good. Gemling Legionaire Version Tree: https://maxroll.gg/poe2/passive-tree/6n1c3801 Gemling note: I have been playing it on both classes. Gemling has vastly better mana, but is a little less tanky with less potential damage. Old Trees:
Earlier Tree: https://maxroll.gg/poe2/passive-tree/39caa01f
End game Tree: https://maxroll.gg/poe2/passive-tree/9rcis0v4 V. Ascendancy
Reality Rending is the only "good" damage point here for the build. Waking Dream/Lucid Dreaming offer mana on bosses and ramping damage. Do note that stacks of Purple Flames of Chayula DO NOT refresh eachother. I just threw my last point in Ravenous Doubts because the mana from Flames of Chayula is typed as leech. Now you could take the point out of Reality Rending and put it in Consuming Questions to get flames that refresh ES. This is potentially good, but it will come at the cost of damage and dictate your movement much heavier during boss fights. Note: Darkness nodes are worthless since they get rid of spirit. VI. Desired Stats
I am not going to go in depth, but I will provide an analysis of basics. Also I posted a video of my gear above if you want to see it.
Defenses: Resistances should alawys be capped. Your chest should have as much evasion as possible, your helm should have as much ES as possible. Try to have ES or ES/Evasion on other pieces as well, but it doesn't have to be hugely prioritized. Mana: Flat mana increases base scaling of mana regen, mana regen multiplies this. Since skill levels increase mana cost massively, both mana and mana regen are important. Intelligence also is mana. Damage: Skill level can be gained on wand, focus, and amulet. Skill level is a large multiplier to damage, but also mana cost so keep that in mind. Cast speed similarly can mess with mana, but is a large dps boost. Spell/Chaos damage comes next. Extra damage as lightning means you sometimes apply schock. Spirit: In my current build I use 145 spirit. I could easily see myself using 90 more if I double cursed and used arctic armor. That does not mean you should, but you need a lot for a decked out Blasphemy and your defensive/offensive buffs. Get it on chest and neck. VII. Gear
I am going to be brief, I posted a video of my gear above if you want to see it:
Weapon: Use a wand/Focus: Get skill levels on both (+5 on wand, +2 on focus). Get cast speed/damage and/or mana on wand. Get cast speed and spell level as well as damage on focus. Armor: Use a full Evasion chest and full ES helm. Other peices should have both, but can just have one. Get resistances and mana on them. Body Armor/Helm note: Acrobatics requires you have a lot of evasion to be good. A full evasion chest (mine is 2400) with Beastial skin on the tree goes a long way to support this. With Spectral ward you still get ES. A full ES helm with Subterfuge mask means you still get evasion from helm. Jewelry: Amulet has spirit and can get ES and such. Rings can easily get spell/chaos damage and cast speed, however I think mana regen and mana are more important to go for as you push higher skill levels. So tbh resistances and mana are going to be what you should primarily go for on rings. Stuff with spell levels: Amulet, Wand, and Focus can all get spell levels. These increase mana costs bust heavily increase damage. Jewels: Its easy to get many jewels on tree. For damage get chaos damage/spell damage prefixes, or sub in ES or ES from focus for defense. Mana regen is a good suffix. Cast speed is also a high damage suffix. Possible Uniques: Corpsewade boots could make clear a lot better, Skellington who has posted on here told me they are working well. I have also made a build using these as my only damage. Ghostwrithe body armor could be used if you are making an ES build. Chayula's gift makes it more appealing. VIII. Outro I may have missed some things with this updated version of the guide, and I still think there is room for improvement. But it is significantly better than it was before. I would like to get this build killing bosses without issue, but with current optimization it does to little damage to make that easy. I have tried it on Gemling Legionaire too, the mana is better but the potential for damage is lower. I probably will not be working on this build for quite some time as I am finishing up one more build (corpsewade gemling) then going to take a break. Let me know if you have any questions or improvements. My other build guide is for Shockwave Totems here: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3668662 Blood Witch guide from my friend who got me to make the guide here https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3648838 Last edited by Legarto#7574 on Dec 30, 2024, 12:56:02 PM Last bumped on Jan 28, 2025, 4:37:14 PM
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Hello, Trying that build for Monk.
I have a few questions about the build. I would be glad if you could answer. Do We only use Hexblast for attacks? That's all We need? Evasion how much affects that Build exactly? really need Evasion for survivability? Last edited by _skellington_#7923 on Dec 21, 2024, 4:13:42 PM
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Yeah all you need is hexblast, at least for 15s and the early bosses. I fiddled with Chaos bolt for a little, and I think there could be a chaos bolt for singletarget hexblast for aoe build that works well. You could use a lot less mana nodes and such, but the clear will be worse and I am not sure if the boss damage would be better.
As for evasion, I think you could do full ES instead of ES evasion as I said in the guide. Having a lot of evasion is good though as it will reduce the number of attacks yo uare hit with and give you regen from ghost shrouds. Mine was up to almost 400 ES per shroud. Hope that helps. EDIT: I also wanted to let you know I changed my passive tree discussion. My tree is pretty unoptimized (no path of building hurts) so you could probably make it a lot better. I'm off to work on a different character now tho Last edited by Legarto#7574 on Dec 21, 2024, 10:05:22 PM
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Btw Do I need to level up my Hexblast or support gems or always need low level skills for low mana cost? |
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" Skill levels scale you damage a lot. I was generally always going for skill levels not just with the newest gem but also as I progressed into later maps on my weapon/amulet/focus. If you are having mana problems you solve them with gear/the tree. Get flat mana on gear to up base regen and then mana regen on rings/amulet/focus. Looking back I think that if I had ran a lot of mana regen on my rings I wouldn't have needed inspiration support ever and I could have pushed my damage higher. |
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Any update for that build? |
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EDIT: I am updating the guide soon. I have swapped back to it.
No. I have been playing Gemling totems for a while and just cleared a lot of the end game on it. I'm making a guide for that, then may revisit this character. Last edited by Legarto#7574 on Dec 28, 2024, 12:46:46 AM
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I have tried the same build (first with mind over matter and than also as CI). My tree is pretty much the same. I use chaotic freeze on Blasphemy to reliable freeze Rares and Bosses. (Works at least for now around T10+ Maps pretty good) What I am currently considering is if Essence of the Mountain together with Thin Ice is worth it. It would give the build most likely enough cold damage to freeze smaller fry and improve the freezability on bosses. I also use Hindered Capabilities as Zone of Control is applying hindering state. Besides that Dreamcatcher is also pretty good I think. |
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Chaotic Freeze on Blasphemy? I am unable to slot it in even with Decaying Hex on. Are you putting it on a DOT? If you are freezing, that those two could be a play. The slowing from Hindered capabilities with zone of control would make things pretty slow, certainly a decent idea. If I wasn't going Evasion I think going for other defensive things such as increasing the hindering of your curse could be good.
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I was struggling trying to make this work for a while now. Thanks for posting this.
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