POE2 - Filtering for specific mods on Against the Darkness Time-Lost jewel

Person named "Oi" from fubgun discord

here u go
This might be helpful for others, made this script to filter the jewels
search for the jewel with your price budget to limit amount of results as only 100 results will be shown, don't set minimum price to 1 div and expect cold damage..
press F12 to open the console in your browser and paste the script, press enter and wait until all items has been loaded and it'll filter the results
(async function() {
async function loadAllItems() {
while (true) {
const loadMoreButton = document.querySelector('.btn.load-more-btn');
if (!loadMoreButton) break;
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));

await loadAllItems();

document.querySelectorAll('.row').forEach(r => {
r.innerText.toLowerCase().includes('cold damage') || (r.style.display = 'none'); // change the "includes" to w/e you want to filter

console.log('Filtering complete');
Please add us more search options its literally impossible to search for this jewel
this topic is of utmost importance

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