Invalid query; Your account must be in-game to use this feature.

I'd like to buy an item for my ranger on POE2 but i'm unable to message any seller because of the message that keeps popping up.

My account is logged into the game but its not working.

I've linked my steam account to my POE account but still no joy. Any advice?
Last bumped on Jan 23, 2025, 5:23:31 PM
My POE2 characters are on MilkySplash#6256, i seem to have 2 accounts under the same login.
Ok nevermind ive sorted this out now.
Same problem...This part of the email i sent a week ago, and still have no reply.

I am unable to use the PoE 2 Trade Data base with my Poe 2 account and my in-game PoE 2 Character "Ghost_Pepper"

For some reason, my new PoE 2 character "Ghost_Pepper" is linked to my old PoE 1 account..

As a result, when I am in game in PoE 2 as my main character "Ghost_Pepper" it shows my old PoE 1 account in the social menu.

My only PoE 2 character "Ghost_Pepper" isn't even showing up on my account!!!! This MUST be the reason that I am unable to use the Poe 2 Trade Data Base.

I NEED my main Character "Ghost_Pepper" on my PoE 2 account.

Everyone needs to get together on this so that GGG will fix it...
Hey Milky, did you ever find the resolution to this problem? I seem to be experiencing the same thing. I'm also a first time POE player so never played POE1. From my perspective it seems i'm logged in on the site and in game.

Any help greatly appreciated.
same problem been days with no fix to this, they did respond to the email i sent that they might be able to help but then nothing after that. if you fixed this i would like to know how
I went to poe 1 website. Then I swapped my account in top left to the one i am playing in game. Left it there, went to PoE2 trade and direct whisper worked. try and lmk if it works for all y'all. Been frustrating AF.
Ok I figured out why I was getting the message. Turns out going directly to the poe2 trade site gives the message of invalid query. I kept going to - PoE1 and logging in and then hitting the PoE2 trade site. You need to go to PoE2 website and login there. THEN go to the trade site while logged in the game and this will go away. There's no switching char's ... that's PoE1 website. Try that out and see if that works for you guys.
Wont work for me

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