Have GGG let us down?
I have 100% trusted GGG's vision with all of their game decisions because PoE1 was phenomenal. It had its issues but at its core it was a phenomenal game. They didn't always cater to the masses and instead put their own twist on feedback to make it successful and they knew how to make a great game.
But what happened with PoE2...has the hype under-delivered on expectations? After all the playtesting and feedback and experience with making truly great ARPG's why does it feel so unpolished in areas they should have nailed. There is no crafting...orb slamming is lottery. The way Jonathan described it was 'you would take a base, craft it and keep crafting it until end game'. I loved that idea! What we have is pick up a base, transmute & aug it and hope for the best and throw it away if we didn't hit the first mods we needed. Where is the crafting??? Trials suck - how did GGG think this was a good idea? I was expecting this glorious feel good moment of ascension where rainbows start shining out your ass. Are better trials coming...I hope so and this can be forgotten. Sekhama's suck ass because of an honour system. Trials of chaos are horrible because debuffs are totally RNG and the bosses are way overtuned. They one shot you and because they change each time you can't learn their moves until you die from them enough times after re-doing the trials. Not fun! Movement speed is an essential stat. GGG wanted to slow the game down but movement speed is literally the first thing people chase doesn't that tell you something. Monsters respawning and loot disappearing on death in massive maps. The solution was to add more checkpoints...what?! Classes are so unbalanced how did this not be picked up in playtesting but it does make sense. All the vids were invoker monk, minions, ranger and merc the rest can die in the bin. My Acolyte of Chayula who is supposed to channel the power of Chayula through his fists can't instakill a white monster. I'm not in maps yet and I'm not hearing good things there but that was also the last minute additions so I get it. I think people are disappointed because it's fallen short of expectations. For me anyway. I didn't think I'd be going back to PoE1 once this came out but I am. Last edited by GuiltyParty32#9913 on Dec 21, 2024, 5:43:10 PM Last bumped on Dec 23, 2024, 1:38:22 AM
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I don't think they let us down, poe2 is a success in terms of the foundations are there, they just need to tune it, and add more things.
Unlike a lot of recent releases, PoE2 has the possibility of being a great game, most other games don't have that going for them and are doomed to always be shit because they are rotten to the core. If we continue to see these ~2 week or so patches that continually improve things, and some more content every month or 2, it should be in a great state in around 6 months. Took me 6 days /played to reach the point where I felt like I've done it all in early access and got bored. And im playing that /played at least 3 times more efficiently than most people are going to be able to because of thousands of hours in PoE1 and understanding the systems, trading etc. to get ahead faster. |
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I would say that I am extremely disappointed that they seem to have not learned why people enjoyed and didn't enjoy various systems in PoE 1, and have carried over problems from PoE 1 despite having the opportunity to start over so those problems would not exist. See: resistances/gearing, content scarcity, lack of visual clarity, lack of a death recap, on-death effects, map progression, etc.
They had the opportunity to examine each of PoE 1's aspects and improve on them but chose instead to copy the same systems but make itemization worse. That is more disappointing than anything else. So yes, in that sense I am let down. |
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" Well obviously not "us" Many people are enjoying it But yeah, lot of people are letdown That's what happens when you make a sequel that's very different from the original |
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Have GGG let some people down? Yup, undeniably, and unavoidably. By taking such a different direction with 2, there was always going to be a contingent of POE1 players who would be let down, particularly if they hadn't been following pre-release information that very clearly showed it would be.
Luckily, I'm not in that group. But I know how much it sucks for the people that are, because it's happened to me in other games in the past. I can't say I hope POE2 changes to be more in line with what the disappointed people want, because that would mean removing things I find fun, but I do hope that down the line they use what they can from POE2 to improve the POE1 experience for people that prefer that gameplay style. |
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The game is actually much more interesting than the poe1 was. Gameplay wise. Because mobs are stronger, you actually need to pair a number of skills in order to clear packs...
What i dont get it is why all these soft hearted beings whine so much about a little challenge? "Oh nooo my lousy glass cannon build died and i have to repeat map... Why cant i beat 30lvl boss with my 4lvl armor" "poe2 sux because i cant zoom through map and have to actually pay attention to enemy movements :( " Ascendancy quests SHOULD be HARD. And it SHOULD be a CHALLENGE, a thing that ascends from the rest of the simple folk have to actually BE better. Unlike how in poe1 you could charge through all the traps and ignore everything. Yes, honour system is frustrating and it took me 5 or 6 tries to complete it with my first character because it was too tanky to die (being hc) and had not enough dps, but thats what nakes it interesting- you have to actually think in poe2 and make decisions. Not mindlesly pick 1 random skill and spam it for the rest 80 lvls. Gameplay wise, poe2 is much more superior and i hope the mobs only become more durable and stronger, because the poe1 plague- insta screen clear is already seeping in and i say let it stay in poe1. So all in all- no, GGG didnt let anyone down (not to mention that its literally v0.1), its your soft sick heart that needs a fix. Last edited by raptas#1569 on Dec 21, 2024, 4:10:53 PM
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" It's rare to see someone willing to try and put themselves into other peoples shoes Always nice to see |
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" because majority of players nowadays just want instant gratification. they'd rather pay $60 for a max lvl WoW char instead of lvling up. or, would rather zoom zoom across entire map in a few clicks instead of killing monsters and sifting through loot. the entire industry is going down the tubes. ![]() "Path of Exile's engine is currently modern, lean and fast." - Chris Wilson, September 19th, 2019 "It looks like we broke something with 3.10.0. We don't know what it is yet." - Bex, March 16th, 2020 Last edited by girng#7675 on Dec 21, 2024, 4:12:33 PM
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Some people have no patience or vision for developing a new game, and just want or expect everything to be perfect and or handed to them. this attitude from some of the louder minority is absolutley ridiculous and needs to stop. Not everything is perfect or immediate and probably never will be, but i have faith GGG will do whats right for the game and the community just like they always have in POE1. Take a breath and go touch grass and come back in 6 months if you just want to be negative and doom about a new game that isnt even officialy released. Once the game is released if these problems are still there and or continue then i will be the first to agree something is wrong, But i have faith that 90% of any major problems or concerns will be worked out and resolved. |
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It's actually amazing to see people defending PoE2 who have never gotten a single character over level 50 in PoE 1. There is at least one person in this thread that has never ascended a character in PoE 1 that is shilling so hard for "working toward gear."
My man, you haven't put in any effort and you never will. You are very obviously not the target audience for PoE. You are posers, talking about things you will never actually engage with. And what's funniest of all is the "they're going a different direction" crowd. No, that's not the issue. The issue is that, where it actually matters, they arenot going a different direction at all. Systems that were problematic in PoE 1 are just as problematic in PoE 2 or even more so. Gear progression was far and away the worst issue in PoE 1 and it is infinitely worse in PoE 2. Endgame progression is worse, visual clarity is worse, so many things are worse or just as bad and it is not because these things are different--it is because they are too much of the same. PoE 2 was an opportunity to re-examine PoE 1's faults and fix the problems from the ground up. GGG did not do so, and that is why us actual veterans are so disappointed. |
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