Diconnect on 1st Enter of Waystone Map-Deletes Stone & Map MASTER THREAD [WORKAROUND CONFIRMED!]
I've found so many of these threads now and I'm going to make more until this is solved -
Whenever I juice up a waystone and open portals, I go to enter the map and I crash to main screen. I lose my waystone, boss abilities, its like I failed the map. This makes the game impossible to play and its starting to wear on me personally to being close to quitting. deleting at least half a bag of waystones per session. I've tried absolutely everything mentioned in every thread, nothing works. It's completely insane that this isn't even in the Known Issues and Top priority thread for PC. FIX THIS GGG Solution Found - Workaround Confirmed: I have a workaround. I played all day to confirm this - and I think I have it cracked. 53 maps and no crash. its the multithreading I saw in another thread somebody saying something about how its related to multithreading but people were upset cause really, you cant play without multithreading on you get like 3 fps. I then also saw in the Known Issues thread that they have multithreading related crashes as a known issue and top priority. This lead me to believe they just don't respond to this thread because in their heads, they have it as a known issue...but to us, we don't know to correlate "mulithread issues" as this waystone deletion + DC issue. So, all day what I did was try: 1) Turn off multithreading 2) Pop the waystone & open the map 3) Enter the map 4) Immediately go back behind the portal and turn ON multithreading so I can play the map. If it crashes going back to town who cares. Once you have it opened and you enter, you can crash and you don't lose it. 5) Complete the map and go to town, turn off mulithreading, rinse repeat I've done this successfully all day. Not a single DC entering, but after multithreading is on (when I begin playing the map and go back to town to sell etc) I DC quite a bit. TL:DR - TURN OFF MULTITHREADING BEFORE ENTERING THE MAP FOR THE FIRST TIME AFTER POPPING THE WAYSTONE IN THE NODE. ENTER THE MAP, THEN TURN IT BACK ON TO PLAY SO YOU DONT GET 3FPS Youre welcome. P.S - GGG You're unprofessional for not having the staff to deal with everything but no problems taking peoples money. Sometimes twice.... Last edited by The_Spaghetti#4448 on Dec 27, 2024, 9:03:37 AM Last bumped on Jan 7, 2025, 9:39:04 AM
I am having the same issue, consistently losing my maps is very frustrating.
just keep bumping till fixed them. if they come in and lock it, at least they read it.
I've had this happen over 50 times now... That's 50+ lost waystones... 50+ lost map modifiers... and any of those waystones I juiced -
This needs to be fixed asap - as it's making the endgame very frustrating. |
And now since posting I've lost 10 more back to back -
What the hell! Please get this fixed asap! |
yes it makes it impossible to play because you invest or try to keep up with waystones, and its hard as it is, but even with atlas specced into it, the deletion of it makes it literally an exalted orb sink that is impossible to deal with.
What I HAVE figured out - I think its related to upscaling/downscalling. 2 things I did that have so far worked it out: 1) I uninstalled the steam version and installed the stand alone 2) revert to defaults 3) the default upscaling (which I will link below cause its probably different for all) fixed it. the SECOND I changed this after being stable for 10-15 maps (cause I wanted more fps), it started crashing again right away on first map entry after popping a waystone. When I reverted it back, stable. it's been stable for like 20 maps now. I still crash sometimes on EXITING maps but its saved at that point. Last edited by The_Spaghetti#4448 on Dec 23, 2024, 12:05:15 PM
all of a sudden im back to crashing. nothing for 2 days then tonight boom boom boom. fin da rare map, put a super juiced T14 stone in it worth 10ex, disconnect.
Map failed, stone gone. I think I'm done with early access.... give me my map and juiced stone back or something. at least reply to my ticket where I said I had to buy this game 2 times to play it and never got my coin rewards....stupid company. This is my first go with path of exile and GGG, really upset at the silence and these insane problems and time it takes to fix. If you ever address game balance before people being able to successfully play the game, you're doing it wrong. |
bump!!! Hoping the devs might reply to something about this!!!