Suggestion: Reimagining Solo Self Found (SSF) Mode in Path of Exile 2

in favor
What is there to desecrate? SSF is literally only enforcing "no trade, no party" on yourself technically, but it is absolutely no different from normal mode. You can play that in normal mode if you want.

This is not true. SSF is all about the SSF ladder... competing with players who you know are also playing by SSF rules. Just like Hardcore-SSF is all about the hardcore-SSF ladder.

I suspect you don't care about the ladder, as you seem to think there is no difference between SSF and self-imposed-SSF, but the two are very different.

I'm currently playing SSF-style in trade league because I wanted to co-op with my friends, but if and when I want to compete on the ladder, I would absolutely roll SSF.

The last epoch circle-of-fortune is fun for a while, but turns into an unmitigated nightmare of excessive loot raining from the sky that devalues the entire game. Please no.

I personally would just like to see a ladder that values skill over try hard. The current "calendar time level race" is absolutely pointless to me. I'd rather see a ladder by "who achieved level X in the least time played", or something that is achievable through skill.

I,m completaly noob, i put self found, but now i have friends to play, how can i change self found mode to standard?, the game said tha i can change
Same question here please. It seems possible to do it, but in the other hand, on the characters selection screen, the transfer says there is no other league to transfer it. And I heard the devs said it is bugged.
KuroSF#6521 wrote:
What is there to desecrate? SSF is literally only enforcing "no trade, no party" on yourself technically, but it is absolutely no different from normal mode. You can play that in normal mode if you want.

This is not true. SSF is all about the SSF ladder... competing with players who you know are also playing by SSF rules. Just like Hardcore-SSF is all about the hardcore-SSF ladder.

I suspect you don't care about the ladder, as you seem to think there is no difference between SSF and self-imposed-SSF, but the two are very different.

I'm currently playing SSF-style in trade league because I wanted to co-op with my friends, but if and when I want to compete on the ladder, I would absolutely roll SSF.

The last epoch circle-of-fortune is fun for a while, but turns into an unmitigated nightmare of excessive loot raining from the sky that devalues the entire game. Please no.

I personally would just like to see a ladder that values skill over try hard. The current "calendar time level race" is absolutely pointless to me. I'd rather see a ladder by "who achieved level X in the least time played", or something that is achievable through skill.

Yes you are correct. I don't care at all about ladder and "99%" of players too. If it's important for GGG to keep players that care more about gameplay than enforced trading, they need to adress this in some way. For those players it's an unwanted chore to burn their precious time in.
They could just make it so we can't leave the private league. You pay for a set time and when it runs out you don't transfer. That would be the price you pay for doing your own group stuff.

I agree. As an SSF player I love the idea of luckier RNG but your suggestion is the only way it wouldn't be abused.
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51R3N#2385 wrote:
They could just make it so we can't leave the private league. You pay for a set time and when it runs out you don't transfer. That would be the price you pay for doing your own group stuff.

I agree. As an SSF player I love the idea of luckier RNG but your suggestion is the only way it wouldn't be abused.

Yeah, merging with standard normal league would be not possible after such changes, because it would spoil the market as such. Only way possible could be, that you are moving your character only, but not items, effectively deleting all the stuff you got from the SSF.
Last edited by Puliver#7825 on Jan 1, 2025, 3:56:52 PM
SSF with better/personalized drops + No Migration to standard League to not influence standards market Economy would be the way to go. The Game is just way too focused on beeing an MMO that SSF feels just like a restriction with no reward. Also There's a lot in trading that just safes unnecessary farming time for necessary things and that not just make the Game easier but make the Game feel better to play.

I mean just think of Boots for example. Increased movement speed on them is more of a QoL than a DPS or survivability (not saying it doesn't improve survivability at all) Upgrade. Now try to get decent Movement speed boots with okayish other stats and you'll waste weeks farming them...

Also we're in dire need of less luck based but more skill/effort based crafting.
ING: Pan_Samolodzik
Last edited by chukhan_resit#0891 on Jan 2, 2025, 10:08:37 AM
Interesting, as an older player I had no idea that my playstyle was a designated class league. I don't call it SSF though, I call it grumpy old man that doesn't want to deal with greedy people and has no interest in being scammed or hacked using a separate website to "trade" in game items thank you very much.

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