1. Change your password - make it unique(as in never used before). Go for 24+ characters.
Don't do RMT. Those responsible for this campaign are very likely RMT traders. Don't go to the websites, click on the links, talk to them, don't do any such thing.
3. Try to stay away from open-source software like trade macros and such for the time being, unless you know how to read the source code, check for vulnerabilities, or very much trust the dev.. This is not to accuse the devs of these apps of being malicious, nor to say they aren't, but these may not be safe.
4. Try to stay off of any PoE related third-party content sites for the time being. Including sites popular for build guides and such wikis.
these sites could be vulnerable to numerous exploits(XSS, CSRF, etc). Try to stay off of anything that could be leveraged against you in a Watering-Hole type of attack.
(You can use something like https://www.browserling.com which will give you a browser window in a virtual machine, so your machine is not exposed).
5. If you have been compromised, reset your browser to its default settings, removing any and all cookies and extensions. Delete any accounts or software you've made/installed before you were breached, go back to step 1.
Hopefully this is just ppl being hacked b/c they are clicking on ads for RMT, or re-using/using weak passwds. Hopefully there was no data breach at GGG or anything.
The rest is up to GGG, they must implement modern security best practices as soon as possible.
Stay safe, Exiles.