Death penalties make the game easier, not harder

Challenge is what you face before you die. The punishments are what happen after.

I'd much rather have a challenging game than a punishing one. You can't have both.

The most challenging games have no death penalty.

Players are willing to fail a level a hundred times and keep going, because they can get right back into it and try again, learning and getting better each time.

Path of Exile 2 is much more player skill focused than Path of Exile: timing dodge rolls and mastering movement matters as much as skills and gear. Or at least, it should.

As it is, the devs simply cannot create bosses and maps that good and geared players will be expected to die to multiple times. They cannot demand skillful execution and mastery of boss mechanics because a) you lose the map and who knows when you'll see that boss again, and b) you'll go so far backwards you'll give up in frustration.

The end result is an easier game. Sure, it might take longer this way, but tedium and grind does not equal difficulty. Challenge does.

More challenge, less punishment.
Last bumped on Jan 2, 2025, 5:43:44 AM
you are so cooked.
It makes sense to have the game be hard, but the punishment makes it not fun. A hard game is fun however a punishing game isn't.
You could have gotten all of your experience back in the time it took you to write the mountain of cope.
Bountak#7882 wrote:
It makes sense to have the game be hard, but the punishment makes it not fun. A hard game is fun however a punishing game isn't.


I WANT the challenge.

The whole map system is setup as a risk vs reward for you to see how much you can juice the map. The problem is the reward isn't worth the risk.
post makes sense unfortunately.
at least ggg has this possibility in the campaign. unfortunately as i said in another post, since the campaign bosses will be reused with late game map mods, they have to make them easier so in maps they dont become too insane.
sometimes ggg put themselves into corner for some strange reasons. they love corners or sth
Last edited by SerialF#4835 on Dec 31, 2024, 6:27:29 PM
theres always a tension there in a game like this, because its select your own difficulty. you are not on rails, during the campaign you have to do the boss to get through. in endgame there is no road blocks, everything is optional, you can avoid all risk.

thats sort of inevitable with the choose your own difficulty nature of a game like this. i guess where they are trying to find some leverage in the situation is with reward. you can avoid playing the boss at a high level but you can only get the items he drops from playing him at that level, and thats where they are trying to strike a balance.

i do find the death menalty in poe1 generally speaking just made me risk averse. the game i played was a lot easier than it could have been because losing so much xp in the high 90s was too much of a feels bad, i rarely challenged myself. your have dedicated bossing chars that sat at a given level and never got xp etc, i would never just throw a character i was levelling into a desperate situation where the chance of dying was in any way significant.
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
Endgame everything is optional? I guess you could opt out of endgame content beyond basic mapping, is that what you mean? If that's the case, you should just play the campaign and reroll the next character until you are ready to find a different game.
Endgame everything is optional? I guess you could opt out of endgame content beyond basic mapping, is that what you mean? If that's the case, you should just play the campaign and reroll the next character until you are ready to find a different game.


To all players who says "yOu DoNt hAvE tO dO EnDGAmE, EvERyTinG iS OpTiOnAl", do you have brain damage or were you just released from the mental hospital???
Did not read, probably missing context...

But I was this year old honestly when I figured out the reason I don't like hardcore isn't because it makes the game harder. It makes you play the game in easier places.

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