Death penalties make the game easier, not harder

op wants hardest content without penalty. i could agree if it is single player game. I hate to say but in poe1 most of us playing with glasscannon builds. it is sucks. just 1 shoot everything and move on. if you die try again. weird design.
Endgame everything is optional? I guess you could opt out of endgame content beyond basic mapping, is that what you mean?

i mean you can run that map with 6 ridiculous damage mods on it... or just put it back in your stash and run one with 1 damage mod instead. you can run the no regen map and work a mana flask into your build, drop an aura, try and make this thing work by thinking around the challenge of it and then taking the risk your mana might not be there when you need it, sounds dangerous.... or you can just not run that map and run an easy rolled one instead.

you can run that elder guardian map with -max and extra as lightning and extra crit and hasted an... or not, just run it white.

theres a lot of potential risk in a game like path of exile and most of it you dont really have any need to deal with it, and a real strong reason not to deal with it.

you see people who play hardcore on stream and theres map mods they will just nope, not playing that. but as a softcore player you just look at it as whatever, i wouldnt think twice about running that.

the more you are risking the less people generally take the risks. mathil might have 40 deaths at lvl94 while a hc player is also at lvl94, but mathil has been playing a much harder game that takes way more skill than the hc player because hes running around with half the hp, 1/4 of the mitigation and hes doing content thats 10x more difficult.

you put a lot of risk on the gameplay and the result is that the game being played becomes a lot easier, because once you get to endgame its all options, you cna build tanky and swerve content that is gonna take a lot of skill to survive.

Endgame everything is optional? I guess you could opt out of endgame content beyond basic mapping, is that what you mean? If that's the case, you should just play the campaign and reroll the next character until you are ready to find a different game.


To all players who says "yOu DoNt hAvE tO dO EnDGAmE, EvERyTinG iS OpTiOnAl", do you have brain damage or were you just released from the mental hospital???

are you ok over there m8?
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)

theres a lot of potential risk in a game like path of exile and most of it you dont really have any need to deal with it, and a real strong reason not to deal with it.

The games seems to have been designed to have a constant risk vs reward element to the maps, but the reward is simply never worth the risk.
This is very much accurate.

Everyone, including PoE 2 devs, holds up the Souls games as examples of engaging, challenging combat. But the point of the Souls games is that you throw yourself against a boss dozens, if not hundreds of times, until you git gud. This is incompatible with single attempt bosses and high XP penalties.

GGG has to decide. Either get rid of the penalty for failure, or make the fights simple and over-gearable.

You cannot have both.
You could have gotten all of your experience back in the time it took you to write the mountain of cope.

Im lvl 91, when I die I loose about 30 Minutes of clean XP farming with good t15+ maps. Now imagine in that time, I'd die a 2nd time to one of the many oneshot mechanics or perma CC stuff, I'd already loose 1 hour of my LIFETIME. Awesome and enjoyable mechanic.
Makes sense. Challenging/hard games are fun, especially when they let you keep trying over and over. That is what a lot of roguelike/roguelite games are like, same with Elden Ring.

I don't get why GGG can't just drop the baggage from PoE1 and move on, innovate, make a game fun for normal players, not PoE1 vets. If I play 1-2 hours a night, I don't want to die and basically make 0 progress that night. Imagine if you only get 1-2 hours a week... People want progress, even if it's slow and difficult, but getting knocked down every time you get back up IS NOT FUN.
nitefox1337#3569 wrote:
The hypocrisy in the XP Loss Defenders is off the charts.

Dude, where's your "BRING LEVEL LOSS FOR MORE CHALLENGE!" thread?

Yeaaah, you don't have what it takes for that, so you think you have skills and you think know your build just because you cheat this obsolete useless meaningless XP Loss system by Safe Farming, while people who have work to do and don't have much time to play quit because of this BS.

If you had skills and knew what you're talking about, you'd either ask for Level Loss, or play Hardcore.

All you have is too much time to Safe Farm. So don't kid yourself.

That's merely a reductio ad absurdum argument. It could be that way. I used to play exclusively HC. But I find the current XP loss a fine enough punishment to make you fear death, but it also has some counterplay to it. For instance, you can do all of your risky stuff when you're at 0%.

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