SERIOUS BUG: Main Weapon DISAPPEARED after equipping another item on controller (POE2)

My main Sceptre DISAPPEARED!! (Controller player)
(POE2 - Around 12:00pm 1/4/25 PST)

While running Maps, I picked up another sceptre and equipped it by pressing X on the controller. It's normally supposed to SWAP with my weapon but instead REPLACED my main Sceptre. I did not hear the sound effect you hear when you swap weapons. Instead, I heard the sound when you slam an Exalt Orb into an item. I thought "That's not normal". Sure enough... my main sceptre is GONE!! I anxiously searched around.

- it's not in my inventory
- it was not dropped on the ground
- it is also NOT on my weapon slot 2

I tried relogging hoping it would reappear. IT DID NOT. "GG...." that's all I kept telling myself. I had to log off and go outside to cool my head as I was just so discouraged.

I know I give Diablo a lot of complaints.. but I've never lost my main weapon in Diablo... As someone who only has 1 Divine... getting set back 5 Divines is a huge blow to both my progress and my happiness playing the game.

My main sceptre that was LOST due to bug:
+ 50% Spirit
+ Allies 47% Damage
+ Allies Crit damage
+ 4 Minion Skills
+ 2 other modifiers
Last edited by jzhu1225#7611 on Jan 4, 2025, 6:14:49 PM
Last bumped on Feb 22, 2025, 3:02:04 PM
Bro exact same thing just happened to me man WTF im screwed now
I'm so sorry you had experienced this too.... I don't mind janky bugs but losing your main weapon worth several divines is the WORST feeling ever.
I just lost my sceptre worth 20div this way
Same here mate, lost my scepter with +5 minion skill, I also can no longer use my chest piece because I lack attributes the scepter was providing :(
This just happened to me too.. lost my rattling scepter with spirit, +minion skill and damage too :(

Support gems etc. everything just disappeared as if the weapon was overwritten
Last edited by Spythe#9189 on Jan 13, 2025, 3:33:51 PM
Slab Hunter here and I just had my sceptre vanish when I pressed square on another one in my inventory… instead of it swapping place it deleted my good one (150 hours to get) and replaced it with a junk one. Wth 🤦‍♂️
Sure took the wind from my sail I tell you.. can’t image some of you dudes that have 20-80 divines invested I would puke. What a waste of time, I have no other sceptre so it’s like I’m screwed. I have a video of it on PS5 showing it vanish. Unacceptable. I’ve logged 5000 hours plus into D2R and NEVER had something like this. If I lost my 6 40 Javs or my perfect infinity.. I’d go insane. They need to fix this BADLY and some how help the people who lost their hard earned work. If it was a few hours ok, but it takes hundreds of hours to obtain these items. Once again unacceptable
Exact same thing happened to me now on my lvl 88 Infernalist.
Did an excavation picked up some stuff - full inventory.
Go to check the stuff I picked up - mis-clicked "X to equip" on a white rattling scepter (pressing X on controller - playing on PC). And it "overwrote" my +4 minion, 60% minion damage rattling scepter - placing the white scepter in my hand. Rare scepter and support skills gone.
Spent 15 or so exalt and 7 chaos orbs trying to get anything close. Best I came up with for now is a +3 minion and +25% damage.

This is terrible!
Wish they could roll back my character. This is extremely demotivating for continued play. Lost main weapon and many ex and chaos orbs for nothing.
Just lost my level 14 Skeletal Warrior scepter +4 to all minion skills and it's replaced with a base weapon. This sucks! Can't believe my main awesome weapon just vanished!!
I literally just had it happen to my +5 minion +71% spirit 38 minion health 128 mana sceptre. It's a 50+ div sceptre. Needless to say my game is done
Last edited by temp-241775508#8664 on Jan 23, 2025, 5:11:48 AM

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