This is not a finished polish product this is a BETA if you have never played a beta before you need to understand that features, preformance and other things just aint gonna run or be perfect thats why the game will feel jenky people wanting loot filters and running the BETA as if its league understand that at any moment or and patch GGG CAN DO A FULL REST this means ALL LOOT AND CURRENCY you are trying your best to blast will be gone EVERTHING IN THE BETA IS EXPENDABLE meaning NOTHING will go to standard come game release all that crafting you have done will just be wiped!! there no need to treat this beta like your trying to climb ladder or be POE rich. THE BETA is ment to be a massive play testing session where you give them constructive feedback on things you like about the game, and things you dont (not having a loot filter is not the thing you dont like about the game) its ment to be character classes, items (thing you find useful or not with crafting etc etc) Maps layout boss design, interaction with the atlas map, preformance, general feel about the campaign etc etc thee actual working of the game. i understand people are going to get frustrated because you just think yoooooo GGG released POE2 login. and i get it. but you need to understand that the abuse some people are giving out in the forum im honestly suprised you havnt been banned imo, the Dev are people just at work trying to do there job and although there is alot of problems atm, and although its frustrating THIS IS A BETA there is going to be many patches (beta is supposed to be 8 months minimum) so there a long way to go. looking at some of the posts in this forum honestly as a community id be ashamed of myself the Dev's have been on Christmas break just like everyone else in the world who has time of from work over Christmas and all i see is they dont care about Console....really??? open you eye and go read the PC section looks like they dont care about PC either they have been back at work the majority of the team since Monday just gone so they have been back at work for 3 days. im sure they have came back to see there house on fire and are working on fixes and patches and there will probably be a patch next week at the latest in my opinion, i know there will be alot of Children playing this game but the majority of the player base are all adults apparently (aged over 18+) so how about people start acting like it and have patience and no spew hate or harassment towards the Dev's and give them time to cook up a fantastic patch then see where we are at. give feedback for sure and this isnt a dick riding post im pissed off as well preformnce is shit at times, bosses sperg out and monsters randomly 1 shot you, map substain is shocking, AND YES NO LOOT FILTER IS A KILLER but there is ways to go about things and a way to ask or give feedback take a step back from you personal adgenders atm (mainly a loot filter probably) and look at other problems in the game to do with graphics and preformance the more info we can give them in feedback the sooner they can move on to stuff like loot filters as thats a QoL feature, and there are much bigger problems that need sorting. and obviously this takes time as well we as a community need to give them time they have just got back to work like i said 3 days back they started hotfixing this again you can find this info in the PC section in announcements and also patches for poe2 when PC get a patch so does console remember that so its not that they have abondoned or forgot about console its more like they look at th forum and look how abusive some people are we are not making it easy for them to want to communicate with us HOPEFULLY in the next patch which i imagine will be soon we will see alot of good changes in the right direction in GGG we trust Last edited by WarhawkOfficial#9280 on Jan 8, 2025, 8:43:28 AM Last bumped on Jan 9, 2025, 5:48:07 AM
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You're right and you're not! Sure, it's a BETA game. But they rewrote POE1, and features that have been fundamental for 5-10 years in the game just don't work. It's not about minor bugs. It feels bad watching Twitch streams and seeing how different the game is for them compared to what I play on console. The conditions are different. I'm not upset because it's a beta, but because of the discrimination. I won't even bring up the fact that there's no Mac version in 2025, but I've already accepted that.
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IF this is beta, why does pc have better beta than ps5? Out early Access costed less?
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Honestly beta or not, as soon as you pay money for something you have expectations, I really don‘t care,about the stuff that is still lacking or buggy, but to not have a lootfilter ready for console is pretty lame, seeing videos of PC players getting their loot so easy and we as console players need to get some glasses to see what we got, this is really the only thing that bothers me a lot.
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Well the beta has affirmed that in GGG we DO NOT TRUST. Because our issues get ignored just like in path of exile 1.
Going on week 5 with no loot filter and no response. Would like to be able to play the game at end game. Will 100% never buy another beta product from GGG. Last edited by Khiljaz#9924 on Jan 8, 2025, 7:12:19 AM
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" Explain the differences? PC will naturally have a better opperating system then Consoles High end ones anyways and if you mention a filter that because they can manually go into game files ancchage things themself (the player) IF console has the capability to go into game files we too could have a filter right now nothing to do or wait with GGG over that fact, but unfortunatly we cant so thats the only reason we cant do excatly what PC players have done anyother differences id love to hear it |
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" LOOT FILTER IS QOL not a necessity EVERYONE keeps going on about a loot filter for console PC DO NOT HAVE A LOOT FILTER they have manually changed infomation in the game files MANUALLY EACH PERSON EACH PLAYER ON PC has had to go into the gamefiles and change it themself if console had that capabilty then we could do the exact same how dumb is the community to not understand that GGG have zero to with PC PLAYERS having a loot filter? that have changed game info in there own personally game files, as for not buying another beta off GGG dont worry im sure they will jsut keep it behind closed doors next time. as for 5 weeks without a lootfilter they have been on holiday for 2 weeks minimum, maybe even 3 and they have put out releases and patches as much a possible on a skeleton staff. you are going to get mad and cry for the next few month cos buddy they have already addressed lootfilter and when to expect them on NEVERSINKS STREAM they said months but refuse to understand and listen to the info given out ALSO there is no point havning a lootfilter if end game doesnt run smooth, or there bugs or content is too hard there is balancing changes to come first like Archmage is going to get nuked well you wont need a lootfilter cos your build wont be able to run the content when there finished. and as for ignoring issues how? like i said they adressed the loot filter on NEVERSINKS STREAM so you dont listen or look at any other piece of content other then the cosnole forum, 2 they post things all the time in the Announcements and the patches section in the forum literally right above the console area (so you prob dont look there either) AND they have been at work for 3 days since Christmas break jsut because they dont jump to you tune doesnt mean they irngore us they are prob working on stuff, and will address the qwhole community at some point on top of this WHEN PC PLAYERS GET STUFF GUESS WHAT SO DO WE ITS CROSSPLAY WE ARE ON ALL THE SAME PATCH no1 is in a better situation all players on this game are in the same play infact id say console is in a better place than PC as PC have a instance crash bug where they just lose everything constantly i have only ever crashed when enterting the trails of sekham and even then i cant just rejoin, and i had 1 crash in a map ut then again was able to rejoin Last edited by WarhawkOfficial#9280 on Jan 8, 2025, 8:02:18 AM
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" Wrong. PC has a filter because the API hooks exist in the client and NeverSink was able to use them to do GGG's job for them. The API is not accessible in the console client, per NeverSink. We'd have a filter if they just exposed the API for him to continue doing their job. And considering I have 6 characters that can run t16 juiced maps, I think one of them will be fine after nerfs lol - go on with your bad self though. When you get to end game and have a wall of text, let me know how QOL it is. Last edited by Khiljaz#9924 on Jan 8, 2025, 8:00:20 AM
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" again WRONG AND MISS INFORMED i have watched Quin69 go into his game files on multiple occations and qweek and change his filter constantly on stream and you go inot the game files and manulally change items and colours again another person who thinks he knows what he is on about but doesnt really know anything |
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" I spoke with NeverSink brutha. You're wrong and misinformed but I'm not going to argue anymore. BTW they have that base file to edit because NeverSink posted it to Github. Once again, not something provided by GGG. You might want to inform yourself before you pop off. Last edited by Khiljaz#9924 on Jan 8, 2025, 8:08:53 AM
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