Why 1 Portal is Bad

Yea people that make comparisons to hardcore mode, dont play hardcore mode. Its an entirely different beast of approach.

Mash the clean
Fhrek#4437 wrote:
like some players having 1 portal while others have 6, won’t help—it will only ruin the game.

Like having two game modes that already exist in PoE 1?

Hardcore = 1 Portal
Standard = 6 Portals

Those of us who enjoy the challenge of having just 1 portal play

But, play Hardcore - the game mode where One portal is the standard challenge - those of you don't want. The irony!

Want challenge, but don't want to play the challenge mode already in the game.

Do you seriously not understand what challenge and competition are? Go play your Diablo 4 instead of trying to turn PoE into D4.
hboi#6131 wrote:
Why would hardcore need one portal. If you die your whole character gets deleted. The whole game is one portal for hardcore characters.

That IS the point in playing Hardcore, risk vs reward, but some entitled snowflakes don't want it, don't want to tackle the challenge of hardcore play. They want easy standard play with "challenge" of a hardcore experience.

Cry me a river.


Do you seriously not understand what challenge and competition are? Go play your Diablo 4 instead of trying to turn PoE into D4.

Different of you that is crying, I'm playing HCSSF. The real challenge mode.
Last edited by Fhrek#4437 on Jan 12, 2025, 5:53:36 PM
Fhrek#4437 wrote:

Different of you that is crying, I'm playing HCSSF. The real challenge mode.

It’s just a challenge against yourself. That doesn’t interest me. I’m interested in competing with others and boosting my ego, knowing that I spend less time and achieve better results.
My point is, that i wanna chill and relax while blasting maps and get my dopamine frome drops.
With 1 portal i can't chill. Add thisb1 portal thing to ruthless mode. Thx
Bentic#7016 wrote:
My point is, that i wanna chill and relax while blasting maps and get my dopamine frome drops.
With 1 portal i can't chill. Add thisb1 portal thing to ruthless mode. Thx

Yeah thats the point. We don't want poe2 to be a 'chill' game. We want something that induces adrenaline anxiety and emotions.

When I got my 4th ascendancy I was literally filled with adrenaline it was awesome.

You have poe1 to play as a second monitor game. Please go back to it
Maps are working as intended.

And how exactly will whining about the game being too hard for casuals help?
Casuals want to ruin the game and turn GGG into something resembling AAA garbage.
They don’t understand that introducing options, like some players having 1 portal while others have 6, won’t help—it will only ruin the game. Those of us who enjoy the challenge of having just 1 portal play because we feel the sense of accomplishment, knowing that everyone is in the same boat. I know that my careful, well-thought-out gameplay brings progress and rewards, while casuals, who rush blindly through the content, crash into a wall and shatter like glass.

This is exactly why all AAA games fail - because they cater to casuals, stripping away elements of competition and challenge.

This is wrong on so many levels. 6 portals didn't ruin PoE1 why would it ruin PoE2? There are much more punishments in 2 that makes the 1-Portal mechanic just a spit in the face. Choices give the player agency. Calling everyone who complains casuals isn't really helping. The Point of Early access is to explore and discuss every possible avenue where the game is great before release, not to just stick with what was implemented day 1 and stick with it.

Introducing options is the core of PoE (just look at the skill tree), and it wouldn't hurt if you want to have 1 portal or 6, just give the players options such as:

1. UI Options - 1 portal = 160% quant/rarity, 6 portal = 100% quant/rarity < also a band-aid fix to MF

Similar to PoE1 Map Receptacle Options when you click a map device; free or payable in currency

2. Map suffix - "Map has a 50% chance of not consuming a portal or "Map has 4 portals"

3. As a tiered system - White = 6 Portal, Yellow = 3 Portals, Red = 1 Portal < We get it, you're good. 6 portals on white maps wouldn't affect you since you're Elon-tier at juiced red maps with 1 portal.
hboi#6131 wrote:
Bentic#7016 wrote:
My point is, that i wanna chill and relax while blasting maps and get my dopamine frome drops.
With 1 portal i can't chill. Add thisb1 portal thing to ruthless mode. Thx

Yeah thats the point. We don't want poe2 to be a 'chill' game. We want something that induces adrenaline anxiety and emotions.

When I got my 4th ascendancy I was literally filled with adrenaline it was awesome.

You have poe1 to play as a second monitor game. Please go back to it


what you seem to want is to force everyone to play the game exactly how you want. That isn't how Path of Exile works. The entire purpose of having an atlas passive tree was to give you ways of customizing your endgame experience so you can play how YOU want to play, not to be forced into 1 meta.

The solution is obvious. Give us 6 portals and take them away for item rarity and bag size on the atlas passive tree. That way you can play your pseudo hardcore endgame and you get more drops and a bigger inventory. Meanwhile chill gamers can play with 6,4 or 3 portals depending on which atlas passives they take. Everybody is happy, everybody wins.

fouquet#0993 wrote:
hboi#6131 wrote:
Bentic#7016 wrote:
My point is, that i wanna chill and relax while blasting maps and get my dopamine frome drops.
With 1 portal i can't chill. Add thisb1 portal thing to ruthless mode. Thx

Yeah thats the point. We don't want poe2 to be a 'chill' game. We want something that induces adrenaline anxiety and emotions.

When I got my 4th ascendancy I was literally filled with adrenaline it was awesome.

You have poe1 to play as a second monitor game. Please go back to it


what you seem to want is to force everyone to play the game exactly how you want. That isn't how Path of Exile works. The entire purpose of having an atlas passive tree was to give you ways of customizing your endgame experience so you can play how YOU want to play, not to be forced into 1 meta.

The solution is obvious. Give us 6 portals and take them away for item rarity and bag size on the atlas passive tree. That way you can play your pseudo hardcore endgame and you get more drops and a bigger inventory. Meanwhile chill gamers can play with 6,4 or 3 portals depending on which atlas passives they take. Everybody is happy, everybody wins.

If you want 6 portals play poe1. Poe2 is wildly more successful even though it only gives out 1 portal. You are in the minority. Most people who enjoy it are in game as I soon will be too.

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