1 Portal - 5 Loot after Death Portals

I'm perfectly fine with the 1 death for the map....

What I would think would be great is the ability to after dying, being able to go back and loot the map, but all the monsters were disabled / removed. So the map is basically in a statis mode, but the loot is there.

What the pain point for me has been is having an amazing breach, or a super strong ritual and on the last yellow, get nuked for something stupid and die, with either a 10k ritual stack I can't use, or watching 40 splinters cover my dead body, that I can't get. If I could go back into the map. Not generate any more currency, or items etc, but could get what I had earned prior to the oh crap moment that ended the map for me. I would be perfectly fine with the current system...

But to die to a corpse explosion or such and end up losing out on the investment into the map, and the drops is bad.

The other issue we all have found is you clear the map first, then BACK TRACK for the Rituals / Breach / Expeditions.... Which makes things just feel bad especially in big maps, and with the markers not being well shown.

Just feels bad.... But if we could go and still at least loot what we had earned, the death would still have a penalty, we would of lost out on the rest of the map, we still have to rerun a blank map on it, and we would of lost some of our boosting if it was well boosted, etc. But it wouldn't be as bad.

Last bumped on Jan 25, 2025, 10:36:23 PM
A mirror dropping on an on-death mob.. and you run to pick it up.. greedy greedy.
Well seeing we could deal with 6 on death monsters for that mirror before. Perhaps the balance is we don't get 6 tries to over jack the insane map with a billion mobs and then get 6 tiers to clear them, instead we get 1 try, but if we did clear it, then our map is still over we still lose the juice investment for anything past our death point. BUT we don't lose it all.

Been partying and realizing this is a feature basically for parties, that solo players don't get to enjoy.

Basically the one person dies, and the rest of the party gets to keep going, picking up the loot etc. Where solo player is jsut burnt on anything like a bunch of spliters, or currency that dropped before they died.

So making this change shouldn't be an issue, and would make the death be painful as you still lose any future value, but you get to loot what was in the map before you died.

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