As a new player how am I suppose to know what a "Meter" is in POE2?

Is this a problem because you don´t know the metric system, or is it about what a meter is "in game"?

For refference, you could just go with roughly three lenghts of the character model.

Could be in feet for all I care, not a single clue how it interprets in game. Sure would be nice if GGG cared the slightest about accessibility and real player feedback (as in, the game giving the player feedback to what X does or how big Y is or how much Z damage you just took, why, and from what)
Zarithos#4147 wrote:
When I hover Presence, it says "By default this has a 6 metre radius" but I have no scale to go off of to distinguish what a metre even is. It would be cool if when I hover over Presence. That a "Circled Indicator" showing increments of 5, 10, 15, etc metres. So at least we can get an idea of where our area of influence is.

There is a visual representation here from PoE 1. I can almost guarantee it's the same for PoE2.

1 meter is 10 units. From one ring to the adjacent is 5 units. Every other ring would be 1 meter, so the 60 unit ring is equivalent to 6 meters.

Last edited by swardmore#3539 on Jan 13, 2025, 8:43:49 PM
That something we have in PoE 1 for a loooong time allready :). There are some hints at the wiki but nothing ingame.

But it would be a great oportunity to just make a ingame video how much 1m for example ingame is.

Or while you are in your hideout a cycle around the char with 1, 3 and 5 meters radius.
Zarithos#4147 wrote:
When I hover Presence, it says "By default this has a 6 metre radius" but I have no scale to go off of to distinguish what a metre even is. It would be cool if when I hover over Presence. That a "Circled Indicator" showing increments of 5, 10, 15, etc metres. So at least we can get an idea of where our area of influence is.

That's a great idea. I'd go even further and say that all auras that have a radius range should have an indicator around them.
Yeah it should be in feet because of America *bald eagle screech*

Wait are you saying my character is only a meter tall? (Ok the witch IS kinda short) 6 Feet is roughly 1.8 meters. I mean Warrior is like 7 feet tall so you know he is about 2.1 meters, I'd put Merc at least the 6 feet.

Not sure where you got 1 meter from......OP's example was SIX meters, and the response was "roughly 3 character lengths". That's a 2 meter character length, pretty much exactly what you described lol.
Starting anew....with PoE 2

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