Path of Exile 2 - Patch 0.1.1 Patch Note Preview
W update
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Console doesnt seem to work?
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Console patch is busted. Although it was downloaded, it keeps saying I need to download the new patch. Gonna try reinstalling but.... it's a thing.
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Since servers are down I might as well go into a venting ramble, fully knowing no one gives a shit and that this is the infamous patch notes thread.
It boggles my mind how many people cannot seem to grasp the concept of early access. "Wolcen was better on launch" -> when was POE2 fully launched? And no, Wolcen was definitely not better (anyone remember the non-targetable Bat bug that was obvious and around since Alpha?). In POE1 I turned off global many years ago, now for EA I am having fun reading the mental gymnastics people come up with in this regard on the side while leveling. It also boggles my mind on how a large number of people in this forum can't seem to write any coherent sentences let alone constructive criticism anymore. People are either shills or simps from what I can gather/read, real feedback or concerns communicated without coming across as being an entitled whiny little bitch seem to be the exception to the rule. All I read is "I am offended" 1000 times over, especially in this thread. I guess I should have expected that, it being a Patch Notes post by GGG after all. But to you seemingly 20 year olds and teens out there: Guess what? It is not anyones job to cater to your specific "my build needs to work or my issue needs to be fixed first or else game bad" needs. Some further advice: Full sentences are good in job applications, and no, you generally cannot have 90 days paid vacation, make 500k a year and only work 3 days a week in most jobs out there straight out of college (some of the applications I get are WILD). Companies do not need to cater to your entitled mindset. I wonder how devs of any game these days still find the energy to get up and do their work. Game is too woke, not woke enough, game is too hard, not hard enough, crafting is too easy, not easy enough, Atlas sucks, Atlas in POE1 sucks too though, D4 sucks also though. Jesus. Oh yeah, and if you seriously thought Temporalis was not going to get gutted: Ha. Ha. (Insert Nelson laugh here). I came into POE2 EA fully expecting a game totally different than POE1, which I have 13k hours in on a side note, and so far, apart from things I find less fun such as forced random Ultimatum Trials with random conten in the trial, I have been pleasently surprised. I initially thought I would surely like the game less because of the "souls" aspect. But the active combat actually feels fresh to me (a change of pace of 1-button speed POE1, once I reach that state I generally get bored), Monk-combos show promise in the idea of combos (which I hate in POE1). And once I started mid-tier mapping the basic feeling of POE came back into effect for me, especially with that first schwing sound and the game speed picking up slightly. There is just not enough to do yet (which is not surprising given statements by GGG). My first class and ascendancy was Warbringer by the way, so I had copious amounts of fun reaching maps the first time around. Did I think it played like ruthless for a bit? Yes. Do I like not having a crafting bench for basic 1-affix crafting in campaign? No. Do I like the overall state of crafting and items? No. Do I think we still need some more QOL for ATLAS / some ATLAS changes? Yes. Am I optimistic that certain aspects I do not like will change until release, such as endgame and crafting? Yes. Am I looking forward to seeing more acts, ascendancies, etc.? Yes. Do I think this game has super high potential? Yes. By comparison, did I like POE1 when it was first released? God no. Do I also think the devs made some strange design choices given feedback they had from POE1? Yes, but, to be fair, it is a different game and maybe they just don't give a flying fuck. And hey, maybe if you take the game for what it is, early access with no pre-defined set of "must be finished", you too might find some things enjoyable. For others only time will tell, and if you dislike the game so much you don't want to play then perhaps some actual feedback would be good. And / or drawing your conclusions including quitting for now. The first time I installed POE1 in 2013 I uninstalled it 10 minutes later, yet here I am farming my challenges and MBs every league (except Kalandra, cuz well, Kalandra). This is literally the first bigger patch we are getting and one can argue that fixing Una's lute should not have been the highest priority, but guess what, maybe someone actually working at GGG thought it was a quick fix and felt particularly annoyed by this, or maybe Elon called and wanted it done asap and promised to buy 1000 packs. Who knows what drove that decision. Maybe it was a meme. And had they not mentioned it and instead done something else someone would have bitched about that too. Such is the internet. If you don't like a comedian they should not change their program to fit your taste. Find a different comedian. And perhaps, just maybe, only having a few weeks to address major concerns and technical issues is not enough of a time frame to fix everything that is ACTUALLY wrong. Wolcen was a shit-show from release until its demise and back when I joined Alpha I personally had such high hopes for that game. LE has promise, but nothing seems to be happening there, D4 is, well, D4 -> everything in that game feels pointless to me since the core item chase of D2 is gone and has been replaced by grindcore material farming to build a Shako. On top of that leagues are uninspired. TL just is not my cup of tea. In a final thought I find it funny that economy in early access and build nerfs are an actual "concern". I would have assumed massive nerfs across the board and almost weekly meta-shifts. But strangely that has not happened yet. Bots are an issue yes, bugs were and are (literally and figuratively) an issue, item rarity / drops, no crafting bench or meaningful way to get basic gear, being hacked, and the sorry state of the warrior are all concerns for me, but the economy itself? I would hope that all the huge fuck ups that happened in that regard do not happen on actual launch when the economy actually matters to people. Why the fuck would I care about farming 1000 divines in this state of the game when builds can potentially change weekly? But I guess that is my personal opinion. In any case if anyone reads until here, you have my eternal gratitude. Try to have some fun and give meaningful feedback. Servers should be coming back soon, maybe I can find a citadel now. Last edited by Valencius81#3952 on Jan 16, 2025, 3:54:34 PM
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True... Xbox is down 👎,
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Well gg to Xbox players for now, can’t even log in because of a error saying we have another patch yet the update is already finished, great job
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In Xbox is no working ;(
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Help! Cant load game on xbox x, says it needs update and to restart even though i already did. :( absolutely Love the game just wondering whats wrong is all.
Last edited by GmAngel186#0630 on Jan 16, 2025, 3:49:06 PM
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awesome sauce
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