Poe 2 Console Loot Filter Not Working?

Playing Poe 2 on PS5 and my console loot filter isn't working but is for all my friends. I've followed the neversink strict and semi strict filters for Poe2 and they show up on the ui in the options menu in game and are enabled but loot is not being filtered at all as if the filter was not on. Can anyone help me?

It's the same problem & solution as map reset : exit , launch another game then come back ... if that didn't fixed the issue you'll have to reinstall the game .
"Go buy a supporter pack and I might take you seriously." ~ Generic PoE whale

ICE BELL RINGER ~ Endgame Farming ~ Pinnacle Eraser ~ Gamepad Gameplay ~ Low Budget ~ 0.1.1 Version
Yeah, none of these solutions work for me. GG triple G, no filter, nt

And by the way the fog resetting on exit is even more annoying.
Last edited by ButzMcGee#9295 on Jan 28, 2025, 6:25:51 PM
Same here, Not working, pls fix it!!!!
I play normal with filter after one houer all filters dead
For me I play on ps5 I’ve followed multiple loot filters on the website but they do not show up on my account whatsoever on ps5. I go to options and go to the drop down for loot filters it it’s only default and then no filter options. My followed filters aren’t there. Need fix.
are you following poe1 filters maybe?

i create my own filter from templates on here:

works really well and syncs wiht my PS5. Currently however its buggy and i found this thread, very annoying but early access i guess.
Ninjiah#8075 wrote:
are you following poe1 filters maybe?

i create my own filter from templates on here:

works really well and syncs wiht my PS5. Currently however its buggy and i found this thread, very annoying but early access i guess.

This, all day long. If you’re going to be a Poe (1 or 2) player you are going to eventually get used to making your own filters. For now pick a default one from above site and export that.
(ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
a solution for some of you maybe when you go to follow the filter make sure your on your other account... in GGG website if you are on a system, you will have 2 accounts... one will be a GGG account and the other your system account... just follow on the other account and it should help
Works fine here, after i figured out, that i followed the filter in wrong account.
To be safe, i followed the same filter on both, it worked well on PS 5.

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