'reality rending' chonk passive proc chance very bugged

I only noticed this when playing around with a new build recently, I don't know if it was always like this or is a recent thing: something is wrong with the 'reality rending' passive that makes it proc SIGNIFICANTLY less than it is stated that it should.

I tested this by taking off all other instances of chaos damage so that the only time I do chaos damage is with this passive - when you hit an enemy with chaos damage from an attack, a purple visual effect occurs, so this gives a handy tool to see when the passive is proccing or not if there are no other chaos damage instances happening.

I then went to the boss in cruel difficulty clearfell, and smacked it a couple hundred times with a low level quarterstaff and counted the amount of times I saw the purple effect. This had the added benefit of being able to see the damage amount as well, so I could see that the visual effect indeed lined up with the extra damage proc.

The result of this casual test was that the purple effect occurred in a whopping THREE out of the ~150 times I hit this witch boss, and the amount of damage from the three instances were noticeably higher than normal, suggesting that these were indeed the only 3 times that extra damage was applied. The effect should proc roughly 40% of the time, yet here I got only roughly 2% of the time. Suffice to say, something is very wrong here - the probability of this happening if the passive was working properly is.... quite low.

Something else I notice is that the effect happens closer to the expected probability when doing more damage. When using my normal staff (but still without a bunch of supports and a lower level skill gem so much less than normal, but higher than the low level staff) and just hitting mobs in cruel clearfell, it procs significantly more than when I did so using the low level quarterstaff. When I moved up into an act 3 cruel and went around smacking stuff, it procced much less.

I have no clue exactly what is going on here, but something is clearly going on. And that sucks. The entire build concept I had for my chonk is centered around this passive, so I'm kinda just giga nerfed until whatever the hell is going on here gets fixed.

GGG pls. I'm begging you. Save my chonk pls.
Last edited by thejollygreenone#1911 on Jan 25, 2025, 12:12:11 AM
Last bumped on Jan 25, 2025, 12:03:47 AM

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