Lost connection to Server. Citadel gone 3 fragments gone. Why GGG? Logfile lines added.

Title says it all.
Just GGG connection lost.
YouTube and Twitch is connected and was connected.
Second map today. Annoyingly this one on citadel with 3 fragments I had looted to my stash.
Gone as I reconnect.
Also again no portals map is just failed.
Why GGG? Seriously why? Not even an error message. All I could read was not able to connect to achievment Server or something.

Ok after I came down a bit here are the errors from the log file.
I dont know how specific you need it.

2025/01/28 02:23:25 Unable to load steam stats. Achievements will not work. Error: 2
2025/01/28 02:23:25 Joined guild named Die Unterlippen aus Habsburg with 4 members
2025/01/28 02:23:25 InstanceClientSetSelfPartyInvitationSecurityCode = 0
2025/01/28 02:23:25 Failed to add node to quadtree due to it exceeding the bounds: AscendancySorceress1Notable4
2025/01/28 02:23:25 Failed to add node to quadtree due to it exceeding the bounds: AscendancySorceress1Notable2
2025/01/28 02:23:25 Failed to add node to quadtree due to it exceeding the bounds: AscendancySorceress1Notable4
2025/01/28 02:23:25 Failed to add node to quadtree due to it exceeding the bounds: AscendancySorceress1Notable2
Last bumped on Jan 27, 2025, 8:39:44 PM

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