Where in ANY description of PoE/PoE2 is there the idea that you MUST spend the VAST MAJORITY of your time trading? Seriously, the ENTIRE economy is broken, and we can't just kill the stuff we're supposed to and get the items needed?
It's devolved into a dumpster fire, and of course GGG is LONG GONE into the sunset, 10c is probably botting/RMT'ing the backend of this, or just straight up creating than selling, does anyone actually believe anything anymore about whoever is running this crapshow?
Lies and more lies, straight up bait and switch, and you trust this all...why?
Yeah, got some axes to grind after being banned for letting my nephew play some time back, and NOW, well everyone and their brother is admitting in videos to doing the same, exploiting, etc.
I was willing to give this a shot, I play lots of games going back to BBS boards (before the internet, I'm 63), and this is as sad as as it comes, GGG is gone, heart and soul, and it's all a scam now.
They care for nothing BUT your money.
Posted byzasmonius#6690on Jan 31, 2025, 8:48:19 AM
Path of Exile has a 13+ year history of being a 100% PC ONLY game. Every menue, every mechanic, every fight was designed to work best by useing Keyboard & Mouse. And with this in mind Path of Exile and so GGG gathered a huge fanbase and long term Supporters. Some of them spending hundrets if not thousends of real world $ Dollars.
Then came Tencent and the seduction of money.
Sorry, I do not belive GGG it was their idear to bring Console Ports!
It am sure it was presure from Tencent with the Asian market in mind.
And the NEGATIVE influence is directly noteble in several steps:
If we, the player, would create and use a AIM BOT our accounts would be INTA PERMA BANED! It is a direct violation of GGGs own term of service agreement.
But to be able to play a game like PoE handycaped Controler users need it. Else they wouldn't be able to kill a single white Zombi.
mainstreaming talent Trees
The atlas tree reminds me more of Diablo IVs fireball tree where you chose 5% more damage or 5% more crit damage and that's it. Sero depth, sero choise.
But the char-trees aren't much better. Don't know if there is a heat-map somewhere but I'm sure it would look super boring as every char uses the same pathes and passives with maybe the exception of max 5 points :(.
And this again I'm convicent had been done by presure from Tencent to get their no-skill ADHD console kiddys into PoE 2.
The large, complicate and MEANINGFULL tress in PoE 1 are a big point why long term supporters like me loved PoE 1. You realy had the choise how YOU designe your char! Sure, many just copy&past builds from random streamers. But if you choised to and invested the time the most satisfying moments of PoE 1 had been when you managed to get YOUR selve made build finely running :).
Even my Day -14 Invoker Ice Monk (told my friends 2 weeks pre launch this is my char) ... I do not feel the same satisfaction :(. His gear, tree, skills, support gems look very likely like any other Invoker Icestrike Monk. It feels like there is just ONE way to do it with sero choise.
And why? Tencent & consoles!
Cash Shop IS COMING!
Where you can buy Exalts, Divines, Chaos for real money.
Where you get Loot-Boxes with "chance to get this super duper uber weapon".
Where you can buy exp-doubler and more inventory slots.
Tencent wants it for their ADHD army of zombi consol kiddos!
And as GGG now is 100% owned by Tencet ...
Like what you believe doesn't change the fact it's still wrong..... Tencent has owned GGG since 2018 and poe came to consoles in 2017..... They were talking about it years before that so tencent wasn't even in the picture yet. Tencent owning 87% of the company or 100% of the company changes nothing when it comes game direction. They owned a majority of the company if they wanted a certain direction for the game that would be it.
Last edited by baconbyte#0146 on Jan 31, 2025, 1:13:00 PM
Posted bybaconbyte#0146on Jan 31, 2025, 1:12:31 PM
cu guys in 3month @poe1 ;)
For real, they need 1 year to filter the feedback forum and sort it out ... .
I dont like endgame system, but we will see what happen. The Consoleros ... i dont care , i was surprised hwo good wasd rly is ! And i miss it in D4 , lol.
Just dont forget ,they HAVE TO make money,and now even more. U will fall off your chair when someone told u the development costs these days.
Posted byeschandin#3638on Feb 1, 2025, 11:45:24 PM
Path of Exile has a 13+ year history of being a 100% PC ONLY game. Every menue, every mechanic, every fight was designed to work best by useing Keyboard & Mouse. And with this in mind Path of Exile and so GGG gathered a huge fanbase and long term Supporters. Some of them spending hundrets if not thousends of real world $ Dollars.
Then came Tencent and the seduction of money.
Sorry, I do not belive GGG it was their idear to bring Console Ports!
It am sure it was presure from Tencent with the Asian market in mind.
And the NEGATIVE influence is directly noteble in several steps:
If we, the player, would create and use a AIM BOT our accounts would be INTA PERMA BANED! It is a direct violation of GGGs own term of service agreement.
But to be able to play a game like PoE handycaped Controler users need it. Else they wouldn't be able to kill a single white Zombi.
mainstreaming talent Trees
The atlas tree reminds me more of Diablo IVs fireball tree where you chose 5% more damage or 5% more crit damage and that's it. Sero depth, sero choise.
But the char-trees aren't much better. Don't know if there is a heat-map somewhere but I'm sure it would look super boring as every char uses the same pathes and passives with maybe the exception of max 5 points :(.
And this again I'm convicent had been done by presure from Tencent to get their no-skill ADHD console kiddys into PoE 2.
The large, complicate and MEANINGFULL tress in PoE 1 are a big point why long term supporters like me loved PoE 1. You realy had the choise how YOU designe your char! Sure, many just copy&past builds from random streamers. But if you choised to and invested the time the most satisfying moments of PoE 1 had been when you managed to get YOUR selve made build finely running :).
Even my Day -14 Invoker Ice Monk (told my friends 2 weeks pre launch this is my char) ... I do not feel the same satisfaction :(. His gear, tree, skills, support gems look very likely like any other Invoker Icestrike Monk. It feels like there is just ONE way to do it with sero choise.
And why? Tencent & consoles!
Cash Shop IS COMING!
Where you can buy Exalts, Divines, Chaos for real money.
Where you get Loot-Boxes with "chance to get this super duper uber weapon".
Where you can buy exp-doubler and more inventory slots.
Tencent wants it for their ADHD army of zombi consol kiddos!
And as GGG now is 100% owned by Tencet ...
Whenever i read about "... its because Tencent" i just see some murican China hater. Tencent is owner of many companies, best example is Riot games. And LoL is one of the best examples of monetization.
Posted byKupemeu#4587on Feb 2, 2025, 1:36:54 AM
How you all are being screwed. Have you ever looked at the mobile games company? You are real dreamers. pudg, fortknight, rob1ox, Lol. tons of gambling games. Games for "children". Where the gameplay sucks, the shop is even bigger. POE2 is now being freshened up so that it is enough to play, then you go to the shop and the only thing that will change are the items in the shop, now and then a new mode, like in every other Tencent game. Look at LoL, the same game for 15 years, a few little things here and there, but the biggest changes are the shop and the battle pass and the money.
If you hide the mistakes from people, no one would complain. That's the problem with GGG at the moment. They simply have to hide their mistakes from the eyes of the players, so everyone thinks it's a well-developed game.
"Every Card Game", as long as the game works, we can throw out as many new cards as we want.
Posted byPxo617#2597on Feb 3, 2025, 2:41:25 AM