GGG is dead

For the $29.99 Supporter Pack i got 6 Weeks of playing.

Love and Hate would describe my feelings for POE2 over this time.

I do suspect the hype was a CASH GRAB by GGG more and more every day.

I wont spend money for POE1 or POE2 in future.

Not even for a Stash Tab.

One thing I always respected about GGG was their interactions with their players. I would always feel well informed about what they were working on just by visiting the home page and scanning the news which were updated every day or two.

Things have changed, and not for the better. The only updated we have heard since the latest patch was two sorries, one for lack of customer support and one for dropping POE1 now that the cash cow is here. Not a very good look for GGG. Tell us what you are doing to improve, not how you fucked up.

I am starting to suspect the people that think this was a blatant cash grab might have been right. What is the point on wasting time and money on a game when the player count is going to be dropping anyway? Milk them from what its worth as soon as the game drops, and then forget about them immediately, since you got max returns there and the rest are diminishing.

Not the GGG of old who seemed to care for their players. Just a bunch of short term profit chasers now.

Damn wait til you find out what the devs you like aren't being transparent about.
PoE1 took around a year in beta before it was even a reasonable game worth talking about. It was so buggy, servers were a mess, lag and chop was all over the place, balance didn't exist. It took them a lot longer to get things to a proper state back then, it will likely take just as long this time.

That said, you can't expect them to communicate all the time. That is not a standard nor is it owed to anyone. Wait for the first big patch before judging them too harsh.

However, so far their communication is not just lack luster but confusing. They are flip flopping and doing damage control as the scale of work needed and the issues they are finding are much bigger than anticipated. Integral functions of their engine and the interactions of player skills are not working. Meaning they have to alter some skills and limit how they work just to stabilize servers. They have to destroy a few skills in the way that they work so they decided to wait and let people play for a bit before taking the axe to the classes. Expect some major over hauls to not just game play mechanics but a lot of skills getting redone the same way they did for Poe1.

Unfortunately, they forgot how much meta data and time it took to sort it out the first time. If their data scrapping is not targeting the right info, then they can be implementing things that do not fix it. Forcing them to redo it a few times before getting the right balance. Its tricky and takes time. Something they did not allot for themselves at the rate they are going. We should still wait for the first big patch to see what they do. It will tell a lot more about their focus and intent than forum speculations

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