Poe 2 Xbox skill tree bug

Same for me on ps5, nothing I do seems to fix it
Seems GGG are replying to a few things or the forum today so let’s see. Fingers crossed it gets fixed

New hotfix but no fix for this still
This has just happened too me on PS5, all dex stats turned into strength , and now my character is unplayable
GGG said they’re fixing it, it should be in a new patch soon
Anyone still having this issue?
I'm glad that it's just not me. It's literally been driving me crazy having to out of the passive tree and look at my character screen to see the correct values where they should be.
just got early access today, noticed this stats mix up happend when I chose "flow like water" passive on my monk, description says +5 dexterity and intelligence, but it actually increased my intelligence and stength... any way to fix this?
Same here, I’m pc using GeForce now and I have this same issue and the game is now unplayable super fckng annoying
Yea it’s been like this for like 10/11 days now. GGG commented on another post like 4 days ago that it’s due to be fixed in a future patch. Not seen much more about it unfortunately
I’m on PS5, haven’t played for 2 weeks bc i had BiS sorc class, hopped in a party to introduce the game to my friend and i couldn’t help but notice that my sorcerer had 597 strength… if u don’t know, for sorc some run chaos inoculation the skill brings your total hp to 1. now i have almost 600 strength that literally isn’t being used which all should be intelligence, im just glad it isn’t just me

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