don´t worry you need just one good drop.
I played now a bit more than 300 hours in poe2 with different classes to test. Ivoker is the most funniest for me.
Was just one good drop I get some ex in direct in-game change after that I was able to buy what I need and that change my game completely from I don't want anymore (your point now) to oh f.. yea. :P
My biggest problem was to buy stuff because I play on console but now I learn nobody want I tell thank you (that's the biggest problem with controller I was afraid about the chat) now buy stuff is no problem anymore.
btw I can give you a body armor usual I´m online after 9pm (German time)
Posted byBaldwithgun#9712on Feb 17, 2025, 8:42:30 AM
don´t worry you need just one good drop.
I played now a bit more than 300 hours in poe2 with different classes to test. Ivoker is the most funniest for me.
Was just one good drop I get some ex in direct in-game change after that I was able to buy what I need and that change my game completely from I don't want anymore (your point now) to oh f.. yea. :P
My biggest problem was to buy stuff because I play on console but now I learn nobody want I tell thank you (that's the biggest problem with controller I was afraid about the chat) now buy stuff is no problem anymore.
btw I can give you a body armor usual I´m online after 9pm (German time)
Thank you brother, I appreciate that!
To your point, i agree with you, I wanted to quit the Monk two times, but I got a good drop for my quarterstaff an then for my helmet which allowed me to keep going, and you are right with this one :)
Posted byArdeleanuG#2185on Feb 17, 2025, 8:58:41 AM
You're buold is good man, don't be discouraged.
The devil is in the details.
In Game my name is NotPivot (I play quite a bit but I work during the day, so I'm available most evenings), hit me up and I'll get you sorted.
I would recommend finding a HOWA (I got mine for less than a divine, I have no problem just getting yours for you bro, free of charge). I know in this game and in this day and age that when offers that seem to good come around they are usually scams, but this is a video game and the currency is fake, and lately divines have been dropping for me pretty often, and... I've not really anything to spend them in since I'm pretty much a one trick player.
Drop the caged God staff for now and run with HOWA and a crit/crit bonus staff with as much attk speed as you can get on it (I got a stack of good ones in my shop tab, you can have one).Focus ele DMG and crit, trash your maps that give the monsters ele resist and threshold. Stack int and Dex until you get to a spot you can stack str and get the caged God staff back.
Also, drop ice strike and pick up Tempest Flurry. Dknt believe the flicker strike hype, you can do without. I run it for the funzies, but it's a learning curve and flicker will get you killed quite a bit when your figuring it out at first.
Focus on the issues, fix them, and then once your sorted move to the next issue and sort that one.
But again, your build is good. Monster stuns and freezes are rough - I had 5 points invested in both freeze threshold and stun threshold for 13 tiers of maps, it's not a waste because you can get the DMG back from a decent staff with real stats.
Seriously man, hit me up in game.
P.S - I'm an acolyte Monk and I run 5 persistents without the spirit cheat codes from the invoker tree, and still run a solid att stacker build to boot. Im not trying to toot my own horn but I do know the Monk pretty well, and I just being able to help someone get past their frustrations and have fun again makes the time worth it to me.
Stupid people never lose an argument. Last edited by NotPivot#9831 on Feb 17, 2025, 10:26:28 AM
Posted byNotPivot#9831on Feb 17, 2025, 10:16:37 AM
You're buold is good man, don't be discouraged.
The devil is in the details.
In Game my name is NotPivot (I play quite a bit but I work during the day, so I'm available most evenings), hit me up and I'll get you sorted.
I would recommend finding a HOWA (I got mine for less than a divine, I have no problem just getting yours for you bro, free of charge). I know in this game and in this day and age that when offers that seem to good come around they are usually scams, but this is a video game and the currency is fake, and lately divines have been dropping for me pretty often, and... I've not really anything to spend them in since I'm pretty much a one trick player.
Drop the caged God staff for now and run with HOWA and a crit/crit bonus staff with as much attk speed as you can get on it (I got a stack of good ones in my shop tab, you can have one).Focus ele DMG and crit, trash your maps that give the monsters ele resist and threshold. Stack int and Dex until you get to a spot you can stack str and get the caged God staff back.
Also, drop ice strike and pick up Tempest Flurry. Dknt believe the flicker strike hype, you can do without. I run it for the funzies, but it's a learning curve and flicker will get you killed quite a bit when your figuring it out at first.
Focus on the issues, fix them, and then once your sorted move to the next issue and sort that one.
But again, your build is good. Monster stuns and freezes are rough - I had 5 points invested in both freeze threshold and stun threshold for 13 tiers of maps, it's not a waste because you can get the DMG back from a decent staff with real stats.
Seriously man, hit me up in game.
P.S - I'm an acolyte Monk and I run 5 persistents without the spirit cheat codes from the invoker tree, and still run a solid att stacker build to boot. Im not trying to toot my own horn but I do know the Monk pretty well, and I just being able to help someone get past their frustrations and have fun again makes the time worth it to me.
Thank you brother for your willingness to help :D
I'll add you in-game and maybe you can help me decide on two quarterstaffs to use as I have another one stashed away, maybe that one is better :D
I'll send you a whisper and friend invite
Thanks again :D
Posted byArdeleanuG#2185on Feb 17, 2025, 3:28:43 PM
You're buold is good man, don't be discouraged.
The devil is in the details.
In Game my name is NotPivot (I play quite a bit but I work during the day, so I'm available most evenings), hit me up and I'll get you sorted.
I would recommend finding a HOWA (I got mine for less than a divine, I have no problem just getting yours for you bro, free of charge). I know in this game and in this day and age that when offers that seem to good come around they are usually scams, but this is a video game and the currency is fake, and lately divines have been dropping for me pretty often, and... I've not really anything to spend them in since I'm pretty much a one trick player.
Drop the caged God staff for now and run with HOWA and a crit/crit bonus staff with as much attk speed as you can get on it (I got a stack of good ones in my shop tab, you can have one).Focus ele DMG and crit, trash your maps that give the monsters ele resist and threshold. Stack int and Dex until you get to a spot you can stack str and get the caged God staff back.
Also, drop ice strike and pick up Tempest Flurry. Dknt believe the flicker strike hype, you can do without. I run it for the funzies, but it's a learning curve and flicker will get you killed quite a bit when your figuring it out at first.
Focus on the issues, fix them, and then once your sorted move to the next issue and sort that one.
But again, your build is good. Monster stuns and freezes are rough - I had 5 points invested in both freeze threshold and stun threshold for 13 tiers of maps, it's not a waste because you can get the DMG back from a decent staff with real stats.
Seriously man, hit me up in game.
P.S - I'm an acolyte Monk and I run 5 persistents without the spirit cheat codes from the invoker tree, and still run a solid att stacker build to boot. Im not trying to toot my own horn but I do know the Monk pretty well, and I just being able to help someone get past their frustrations and have fun again makes the time worth it to me.
Thank you brother for your willingness to help :D
I'll add you in-game and maybe you can help me decide on two quarterstaffs to use as I have another one stashed away, maybe that one is better :D
I'll send you a whisper and friend invite
Thanks again :D
No problem man.
I took a couple more ganders at your build too, and was wondering; why do you have chaos damage on your rings?
I don't want to say anything else if I missed something crucial that makes that work, but as far as I know, chaos on an invoker is a waste of a modifier, especially on a breach ring. I can help you out with rings too if you need.
BUT, like I said, I could have missed something.
Stupid people never lose an argument.
Posted byNotPivot#9831on Feb 17, 2025, 4:00:58 PM
No problem man.
I took a couple more ganders at your build too, and was wondering; why do you have chaos damage on your rings?
I don't want to say anything else if I missed something crucial that makes that work, but as far as I know, chaos on an invoker is a waste of a modifier, especially on a breach ring. I can help you out with rings too if you need.
BUT, like I said, I could have missed something.
Yeah well.. you're right, it doesn ot help my build with anything
I bought the rings like this because they were te cheapest ones out there.
I could not find cheaper and better ones at the time
Posted byArdeleanuG#2185on Feb 18, 2025, 1:05:10 AM
Add me ingame if want, I got a ton of old monk weapons and gear and will be running maps this evening around 1800 GMT. Usually couple of us just burning through maps.
I’m U.K. and play 1800-0000 mostly :)
Character name: Valenthee
Thank you man, I'll ping you in the game after 1800 uk time :D
Posted byArdeleanuG#2185on Feb 18, 2025, 1:12:26 AM
Attri stacking is giga expensive when reaching endgame and higher tier content and in the meantime can mess up your defense when getting started, very specialized jewels and full ascendency help that build.
The HOWA gloves are essential, pick one up cheap and upgrade later:
Make sure to get capped (75%) resistances and focus your nodes and gear on Energy Shield and Evasion. Damage is no good when you are dead. CI is great to eliminate Chaos Resistance all together, but require a great Energi Sheild to support you anything less then 2000 in base energy sheild + grim feast before turning off your lifepool. Grim feast is mandatory.
Since your staff doesnt have elemental, and quite low flat damage. You want to add this with rings. As you get more money, upgrades are mostly done here for damage. God tier for the build is dubble damage tripple attributes + energy sheild/evasion/mana. I use this search and modify parameters (minimum values) to fit my budget. The trick is to have the two rings complement each other I/O you find one good for a decent price. When you look for the next ring, remove the first rings mods from the search pool to round out your stats.
Also remember: Your tempest bell is gaining % Damage per elemental ailment it holds. Adding even the smallest roll of Flat fire damage will increase your single target / Bell damage by 25%. Huge.
An alternative before you can overpower the regular staff with attri is swithching to a well rounded cheap but effective staff until you can fully get your attributes and nodes to support the stacking build.
Something like this would probably be stronger for you at this point, sama as rings, flat damage is great here but not mandatory if you have the rings.
Posted byNinjiah#8075on Feb 22, 2025, 7:50:49 AM
Attri stacking is giga expensive when reaching endgame and higher tier content and in the meantime can mess up your defense when getting started, very specialized jewels and full ascendency help that build.
The HOWA gloves are essential, pick one up cheap and upgrade later:
Make sure to get capped (75%) resistances and focus your nodes and gear on Energy Shield and Evasion. Damage is no good when you are dead. CI is great to eliminate Chaos Resistance all together, but require a great Energi Sheild to support you anything less then 2000 in base energy sheild + grim feast before turning off your lifepool. Grim feast is mandatory.
Since your staff doesnt have elemental, and quite low flat damage. You want to add this with rings. As you get more money, upgrades are mostly done here for damage. God tier for the build is dubble damage tripple attributes + energy sheild/evasion/mana. I use this search and modify parameters (minimum values) to fit my budget. The trick is to have the two rings complement each other I/O you find one good for a decent price. When you look for the next ring, remove the first rings mods from the search pool to round out your stats.
Also remember: Your tempest bell is gaining % Damage per elemental ailment it holds. Adding even the smallest roll of Flat fire damage will increase your single target / Bell damage by 25%. Huge.
An alternative before you can overpower the regular staff with attri is swithching to a well rounded cheap but effective staff until you can fully get your attributes and nodes to support the stacking build.
Something like this would probably be stronger for you at this point, sama as rings, flat damage is great here but not mandatory if you have the rings.
Thanks man. Duly noted :D I really appreciate the help , especially the links to teh searches directly. :D
Posted byArdeleanuG#2185on Feb 22, 2025, 8:05:12 AM