SSF Necro Settlers Migration issue

+1 bump, having the same issue
+1 same
+1. same here with HC SSF Necro Settler.
+1 Please migrate HCSSF Necro Settlers to HCSSF Settlers.
Guild Leader of the OFFICIAL HCSSF Guild.

Guild Thread:
+1 Bump, still unable to migrate my Necro Settlers SSF character to another SSF league. Please GGG!
+1 samesies
How long does it usually take?
+1 samesies
How long does it usually take?

Usually on the same day the league ends, but I think it needs to be done manually. It's possible they simply don't have the manpower right now.
Guild Leader of the OFFICIAL HCSSF Guild.

Guild Thread:
+1 :<
+1 same issue.

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