Level 28 PvP Trading
too bad the hybrid roll is (squire's) lucky to hit it though
keep crafting! / thread moved =.= / well done Azdrubel! but still, no official response? Last edited by exmse#1126 on Feb 8, 2014, 5:53:55 AM
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Thanks to GGG support for revisiting the movement of the thread, you guys do an amazing job even when criticized.
Dear forum mods,
this thread is, at least in parts, a discussion about PvP gear and therefor it is important to keep it in a seperate section of the forum dedicated to PvP, as different users are posting their gear here for offering-, but also for bragging- and discussion-purpose. Granted, it is not entirely centred on PvP feedback, but in that case we need a section for "PvP Discussion". Otherwise, by moving it, you have condemned this thread to die. Think about it, this thread was started by Suspended, and the thread has 18 pages of different users posting gear they have for sale. Now, if this thread is constantly moved to "Standard Trading" (apart from the fact that there are Hardcore, Domination and Nemesis items in here too thus moving it to Standard Trade is simply wrong) who will post there anymore? How do you expect players to even find this thread again? I mean, Standard trading has like 100 threads bumped per hour. It would be impossible to keep track of this thread (unless you bookmark it). Me personally will NOT go through the hassle of scanning through like a bazillion pages of Trade-forum bullshit just to find this thread again. I would rather ignore it alltogether. Speaking of ignorance: I understand your desire to keep the forum clean. But for the last 2 years you didn´t care about this section at all. There were maybe 3-4 posts of GGG-personal alltogether in this section, the rest were players discussing. Basically, you ignored PvP for the last 24 months and players were self organising. And now you come over, move around threads with no clear idea what you are doing, and simply mess up with the stuff people have built up for themselves. Yes, I know that the items in this thread will now be available through the indexer, allright (which leads me to the question if you moved the thread for that purpose in the first place? If yes, why? PoE.xyz is not an official GGG tool, is it? So why do you even care about that? Wouldn´t it be about time we get a similar but official tool from GGG themselves?) Seriously, before you fuck up shit think about what you are doing! Now, I know this thread will be available in "PvP Feedback" for some more time (how long? who knows, who cares...) thus I can still access it from this section of the forums. Still, you are messing around with stuff you have no idea about. For months you (neither the mods nor the devs) didn´t care about PvP and now you mess up with self-oirganised stuff from the communitry? Are you nuts? Better keep ignoring than starting to wet-nursing us! Granted, there are some spam- and troll-threads in this section (you know, swords and stuff) but (at least in my opinion... but who cares about that anyways) this is the most spam-free and civil section of the entire forums! With the least mod-activity! Most mature players here and the ones that need the least attention from you! Stop it! STOP IT! If you really wanna do something for the pvp com, then first try to UNDERSTAND them! I mean, your thought process was probably something like this "oh well, the other subsections are f*cked up, so I can either waste my time by trying to clear out General OR I could sort out the PvP-section which has not been done for the last 2 years." So you came over here and moved around threads at will. I do not blame you. It is like cleaning out my closet, which I have postponed for months, but sooner or later I have to do it if I do not want the rubbish to spill out one day. But unlike my closet (which needs no cleaning because I keep track of the stuff I put in there) you are dealing with players here. Players who have a clear idea of what they are looking for in a subsection dedicated to their favourite activity in this (virtual) world. IF you REALLY want to do something for the PvP community then give us a subsection labeled as "PVP DISCUSSION" and move this thread THERE. Moving it to Standard Trading - Selling makes NO SENSE at all! AT ALL! yeah, I know writing in caps is badmannered but I am pissed and I mean to shout at this point, althought that is the most stupid form of communication with the least effect. Now, if you would be so kind to revert this change and give us a section to discuss PvP. Or just keep it as it was. And the next time you come somewhere where you have no clue about what´s going on in the first place please try to understand the locals before you mess around with the stuff they did so far. regards btt Hold on to yer shite load o´ bloody barnacles on me arse-cockles, me hearty! IGN: Trapsdrubel Last edited by Azdrubel#6242 on Feb 10, 2014, 5:14:41 AM
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" well said I rly love the part about how this is the most mature and civil part of fourms because it is so true with the exception of a few people who just get mad because they don't understand how a lvl 28 can be so good but that aside ggg you have ignored pvp for to long you need to do something about it very soon. |
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" wow insane sword, keep going! To the Top! Last edited by Cananubis#6410 on Feb 9, 2014, 5:21:29 AM
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" lol iv used over 20 eternals so far and 15 exa I keep hitting a fcking 1-2 cold dmg roll iv hit that mod 5 times now and im cinda out of orbs atm |
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Eat your heart out.
Mirror Service ;) Last edited by Lordsidro#6913 on Feb 17, 2014, 10:42:57 PM
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standard? D:
bin chimeric march? |
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That Dread Talisman amulet is pretty sick omg.
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S1 Europe LLD champion :) Last edited by SirEdwards#1342 on Feb 18, 2014, 9:29:13 AM
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How much would you pay for this 5 L armor ? THX Last edited by ciociagosia#1772 on Feb 21, 2014, 11:30:47 AM
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