[2.4] How to smash Heads. Extremely detailed guide about the Facebreaker gloves and builds!

Nah no prob. :)

So the thing about conc effect is that it boosts your DPS by insane amounts. If you don't use it you don't really have a reason to use Inc AoE support gem.
Up to this point the combination of conc effect and Inc aoe makes it possible to increase your DPS by a lot without loosing too much AoE radius. After the various aoe nerfs in the beta it seems like conc effect cripples your radius way too much. So of course you could use it for bosses ( tho using it for everything is much better at this point .. as for after the Awakening ... well.. i already explained that ) .. but for that purpose you need to have 1 blue socket. You are suggesting using inc area effect all the time .. but that hurts your DPS way too much ... and at the same time it gives you AOE which you don't really need that much. So the obvious solution is not to use conc effect and inc aoe at all, or use both.

And for the question .. well .. exactly ( tho in this example it's a buff ;) )! The meginord's nerf is just a piece of the puzzle and when you take into consideration all other pieces you end up with a generally buffed build.
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
I happened to gather pretty great gear in beta for this build and I'm currently running it at lvl79. I've got a perfect rolled Meginord's belt, 798% facebreaker gloves, 6s5l carcass, 40%rolled abyssus, in my opinion really great jewelery, Lioneye's Remorse and a 30% movement speed double resist boots. My cyclone and melee phys dmg gems are at lvl 19 and 20q. I'm streaming at the moment so If you want to see how the build plays in the beta come and say hi and ask anything. (I'm not looking to become a streamer or anything, atm I'm only doing it to test my new PC and stuff). Thanks!
@Buks great stream and tx for taking the time and answering some questions!

Can you guys tell if Rallying Cry and Abyssal Cry will be have big impact on facebreaker build?
- the damage explosion form Abyssal Cry sounds amazing
- also the +damage form Rallying Cry

---> only downside you have to stop and cast it :)
Well you've said it - good bonuses but you have to manually cast it again and again and again. For me and my playstyle it's a no go but that doesn't mean that they are bad.
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
so anyone got some stream or videos from beta? i wanna see some facebreaking.
cyclone seems to be the new flavour of the month skill from what i can see in the posts on this thread.

i have always been using infernal blow myself. never liked cyclone much like you lot. stops at the slightest little rock or obstacle and desynchs 24/7. guess desynch isn't an issue anymore though.

regardless if anyone got some videos or stream feel free to pm me with a link please. would be much appreciated.

maybe korgoth can upload some beta gameplay?
Last edited by kompaniet#2874 on Jun 27, 2015, 3:25:08 PM
3 post above you -> "Buks" streams beta facebreaker cyclone :)
edit: I actually decided to turn it on for now, if you tune in please say hi and let me know how is the quality and sound, I'm a noob at this, thanks!

We have to organize it tho, I don't want to run the stream all the time, just if someone wants to see the build in action in pretty great gear: 25.8k buffed dps atm (798% rolled facebreaker)
Last edited by attiGT#7833 on Jun 27, 2015, 3:41:46 PM
i don't see a link to your stream. maybe i am just blind but i look and don't see it.


this guy is doing the same as me. swapping iaoe for conc for bosses. do you have the three jewels he is talking about? is there another one that is good for us? seems pretty solid for beta.
Last edited by kompaniet#2874 on Jun 27, 2015, 5:33:17 PM
kompaniet wrote:
i don't see a link to your stream. maybe i am just blind but i look and don't see it.


this guy is doing the same as me. swapping iaoe for conc for bosses. do you have the three jewels he is talking about? is there another one that is good for us? seems pretty solid for beta.

there were some nerfs ... that video is a little old:
- the 3 jewels are no more: one got nerfed, the other removed, and one reworked and useless for facebreakers.

shure you can swap iaoe for conc for bosses, why not.

kompaniet wrote:
i don't see a link to your stream. maybe i am just blind but i look and don't see it.


this guy is doing the same as me. swapping iaoe for conc for bosses. do you have the three jewels he is talking about? is there another one that is good for us? seems pretty solid for beta.

Only running a 13% rolled martial artistry jewel atm. Having a week of experience in the beta with this build I can tell that unless you don't have great rolled jewels it is not worth taking the 2 points to allocate them. One you definitely have to for Martial Artistry tho. Unless we get some new unique jewels I feel like we are gonna be using 1 unique and the others are optional for rare ones. (Also I'd like to mention that everything I say is from a HC league player perspective, I take defensive things first. I made my own build for marauder since they are a bit tankier thanks to the first couple nodes. All credit to Korgoth btw, they helped me a ton in the past couple weeks and I really appreciate it, he is amazing!)

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