[2.4] How to smash Heads. Extremely detailed guide about the Facebreaker gloves and builds!
No , no my bad ... i guess i've forgot to make my character list available.. anyway it should be visible now ( next to achievements and challenges )
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
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I absolutely need to do a facebreaker build with the new unique talisman that adds crit and claw nodes to unarmed.
But I have no idea how to go about it. A friend told me that Shadow would be optimal for it. I know you`ll update this thread soon with the crit version of the build but what would you suggest? |
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" Well shadow would be the best option but i won't include a crit FB build in this guide ( though i'd probably made a separate guide for it at some point ) . And a quote from me on the matter: " When it comes to the gear for it i would say: Weapon: None Gloves: Facebreakers Shield: Great Oldd One's Ward Chest: Daresso's Defiance///lightning coil Boots: Rare boots /// Atziri's Step Belt: Meginord's Girdle Helmet: Abyssus Rings: Rare rings with flat phys, life, resists, accuracy ( possibly diamond rings ) Amulet: Rigwald's Curse Gems: Cyclone + Fortify + Melee Physical + Blood Magic + Faster Attacks + Crit Multiplier Auras: Hatred + Grace OR Hatred + Blasphemy + Poacher's Mark that way you could possibly drop the blood magic and use crit chance///PCoC instead "I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!" Last edited by KorgothBG#4084 on Dec 17, 2015, 4:23:06 AM
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" Ranger have hp+eva nodes at start. prob best choice if you are going crit. Things to take note is that you are going to play evasion melee build with bad hp pool and +40% phys damage helmet. In standard you prob can run lighting coil but gearing is going to be really expensive. giving up amulet slot is not a small thing in facebreaker. you lose alot hp+flat phys+possible resist. Rings should have lot of resist+accuracy+flat phys+hp aka really expensive rings. If you dont have shit loads of currency RT is lot better for fb. Last edited by Taotao11#4367 on Dec 17, 2015, 4:14:01 AM
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" Yup i have to agree with everything you say. The good thing about FB is that you get more than enough damage without huge passive tree investments and that allows you to focus on your defenses, and that is just not an option for crit builds. "I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
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Hey KorgothBG
That Rigwald's Curse Talisman looks cool, to make a "diferente" Facebreaker build :) You think that the crit would add much more damage to the build? While using it, it would get crit from any critical % node on the tree (Like, Assassination), or only the crit from craw ones? You think theres any point doing a crit FB build, starting at the left side of the tree (Duelist or Marauder)? Wich one would be better? Thank you! Would be nice to have a Crit FB guide, I really belive that your guides are the best written ones :p |
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Hey DreamE!
All crit passives AND gear mods will affect the crit chance while wearing the talisman and not just the claw ones. As for going on the left side ... i don't really know ... there aren't many generic crit related nodes there but on the other hand there are plenty of awesome defensive passives. Personally when it comes to crit i like to go full crit aiming for max crit chance etc. That is not possible if you go for a build on the left side of the tree. My honest opinion is that a crit FB build will be significantly inferior compared to a regular RT Facebreaker build ( of course i might be terribly wrong! ...though i doubt it). I'm glad that you like my guides ^^ I like to believe that they are good for something because they are made after extremely extensive testing ... and when (and if) i decide to make a new one i'd have to once again test the shit out of it before i even imagine to present it to someone else. So yeah ... maybe i'll make a crit FB guide at some point ... but sadly i doubt that it would be anytime soon. "I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
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Thank you!
Also, going CI for crit wont be viable? Im very noob about CI Your guides are nice! I have already followed the facebreaker and the 2h flicker, and i enjoyed both builds :) |
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Yeah, i guess that CI can be doable, though there might be some mana issues ( since yo can't use blood magic support gem ).
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
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