:;()$&@"\The Anime Pub/:;()$&@"
Done with 2wei... let's move on to 2wei herz.
After I'm done with Kaleid, should I go for Fate/Extra or the Fate/Grand order ova? Oh, yeah... then there's also planet with (the name still kinda pisses me off... with WHAT FFS???) that I wanted to give a shot. I make dumb builds, therefore I am.
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I started Mo Dao Zu Shi, dont know what to expect. Animation looks awesome, VA is in chinese so it needs some getting used to but looks promising after first 20 mins.
Spreading salt since 2006
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" By now I'm quite used to chinese VA. I mean, I've seen king's avatar quite a while ago. That was an amazing series. Animation was top-notch and neither story nor characters were bad. The only thing that was slightly off-putting was the constant mcdonalds product placement. Edit: Forgot to mention this earlier, but holy crap, Iri cracks me up pretty much everytime she's got some screentime in Kaleid. That woman's comedy gold. Either that or I have a really weird sense of humour. Or both. Probably both. I make dumb builds, therefore I am. Last edited by FCK42#0688 on Aug 18, 2018, 2:39:28 PM
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Aaand I'm done with 2wei Herz. Damn, I'm devouring them at an alarming rate o_o
Good to see that Gilgamesh still enjoys being an asshole. I feared for a bit that the series will try to force me to like him. I'm happy it didn't.
I still can't really decide what to watch afterwards... I think I'll manage to find something in time though. Still have catching up to do on Planet With, Hanebado and Revue Starlight. That'll probably be enough to keep me busy until delve hits. Hmmm... should I make a made in abyss reference with my delve league starter? I'll think about it. I make dumb builds, therefore I am.
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I've watched cells at work from the very beginning. No need to tell me to watch it, the stuff red and white blood cell stumble into aswell as the platelets are enough to make me keep watching it.
Regarding your comment way back about the body displayed in cells at work
By now I'm also pretty sure that it's not mine either... while I DO tend to shake off most illnesses as if they were nothing, I don't have any known allergies, which the body displayed in cells at work clearly has.
Honestly though, I'm healthy to a ridiculous degree. More so than anyone else is or was in my family, at least to my knowledge. And nobody even knows why. I make dumb builds, therefore I am.
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I'm at episode 2 of 3rei right now and goddamn...
Light spoiler
ANOTHER gilgamesh it seems? Really? Don't you have ANY other villains you could use? Then again, Kotomine Kirei is running a ramen shop, so they couldn't use him. That part had me in stitches though, it was utterly hilarious and came out of NOWHERE.
I make dumb builds, therefore I am.
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Im thinking of starting gintama, looks to have hundreds of episodes ready for some long term fun. I started it years ago but didnt continue, but now i should be ready.
Also, seeing how you (鬼殺し) are watching naruto. I gotta ask what do you think of one piece? As somehow mentally i put those 2 together as they used to air on tv at same time where I live years ago. Spreading salt since 2006
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Alright, I finished 3rei
I liked it, despite the darker overall tone than the previous seasons, it also had a lot more comedy in it. And more references... shady ramen guy Kirei, Carnival phantasm pyjama and Sakura as a corrupted heroic spirit.
And way too fucking much Gilgamesh. We had his child form in friendly, at least two different people using his class card, one of which got taken over by his spirit and semi-evil child gilgamesh. The only thing missing would be Shinji showing up at this rate. Well, I did mistake Julian for Shinji when he was shown from behind for a split-second when he left the school area. I'm still kinda mad with the show though. The ending didn't explain jack shit! Who is Tanaka? What happened to Gilgamesh? What's that black-purple-ish space supposed to be that Julian now resides in? And why the Well, I guess I have no choice but to watch the movie then, I hope that'll explain some stuff. And if it doesn't, I guess I have to take a look at the manga. Edit: I finished the movie.
STILL DIDN'T ANSWER MOST OF MY QUESTIONS! Which probably pisses me off way more than it should.
I make dumb builds, therefore I am. Last edited by FCK42#0688 on Aug 21, 2018, 4:17:17 PM
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Alright, I decided to watch some whacky comedy next to prepare for my next MEGA series... so I'll be watching Sket Dance for now. And after that... well, you should be able to guess it. There isn't all too many really long comedy series out there that were recommended to me over and over and over and over and over and over again. And again. And again and again. And again and again and again and again and again (sneaky little reference to "The horribly slow murderer with the extremely inefficient weapon". Fun stuff. Not anime, but fun).
I make dumb builds, therefore I am.
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I couldn't help but throw in Fate/Grand Order: First Order randomly. I was interesting, I quite liked it... maybe I should pick up the game? I don't know.
About that easter egg you mentioned, charan...
I honestly don't know what you meant. Either you value it a LOT higher than I do or I completely missed it (both options sound very plausible to me). My personal favourites were the lancer servant being the first servant we see that dies (as always), Cu Chulainn later asking to be summoned as lancer next time (pls, just... no) and the Shinji statue getting ripped apart (hey, at least one timeline where he doesn't act like an asshole during his screentime).
I still think neither of those come even close to Kirei's "Yorokobe, shoujo" in 3rei though. I make dumb builds, therefore I am.
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