:;()$&@"\The Anime Pub/:;()$&@"

That connection to the Edelfelts makes a lot of sense, since Luvia (I think? Me and names, you know...) also used gem magic.

So it's basically my 2nd theory, Rin actually does pronounce everything perfectly and they likely got the spells from the Edelfelts. Which would alsa explain a certain rivalry even more. Yeah, I think I can live with that explanation.

I still doubt that a german dub would overall improve the experience. I've witnessed way too many german dubs to believe in that kind of miracle.
I make dumb builds, therefore I am.
鬼殺し wrote:
Dororo continues to impress.

As does Tensura.

Neither is a surprise though.

Same for Mob 2 and Run with the wind.
I make dumb builds, therefore I am.
Finally caught up on most stuff that came out over the weekend+monday (there's just SO much...).

From among them, Mob 2 definitely sttod out this time. That was an absolutely stellar episode. Slightly different style (probably someone else worked on the animation this time? Or it was a deliberate choice for the circumstances our protagonist was in), but I found it to be damn near perfect for what they tried to achieve there. That was some Sieg vs Karna meets Saitama vs Boros shit there. Like... gimme a break, I can handle only so much awesome.
I make dumb builds, therefore I am.
Dororo wins hands down this week for me though.

The entire show is so well executed which made that last part in this weeks show come over almost as "brutal".

The childlike "first time hearing sound", the enigma of a womens voice singing beautifully some action thrown in for the right reasons....

And then that ending, just ouch.

Mob was also stellar and so was slime-kun.(needless to waste words on them, they are just A+ shows all rounders in my opinion)

Btw anybody watching the domesticated girlfriend show? I watched the current four episodes and i found it entertaining for a drama/rom show with like a very awkward feel to it at times.
I'm curious what spin they are going to give that show past the half-mark.
Could end up terible, cliché, maybe a mix of both or solid if they don't fall in obvious story plots.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Wait, so everyone is picking up additional shows now? Damn... well, I'll go with the CG heavy Kotobuki then. Premise sounds ok, setting is supposedly steampunk-esque. Sounds reasonable enough to me.

Other than that, I still have my go-to guilty pleasure this season... Manaria Friends. That show looks damn gorgeous. For real. We're talking Violet Evergarden levels of background details here.
I make dumb builds, therefore I am.
Ok guys. I watched the Dragon Ball Movie: Broly earlier today.

What did you guys think of it? I thought it was amazing.

1) I really liked the origin story at the beginning.

2) I liked how the movie tried to make you understand that Broly is troubled because he had a bad childhood and an overbearing father. I wouldn't consider myself a true DB fan. I didn't know much about Broly before this movie except that he is crazy and very strong. It was great the movie didn't presume the viewer to have prior DB knowledge to understand. I liked how the movie "humanized" Broly. I really liked Broly's friends. They were great. The girl was cool.

3) Goku was hilarious. I remember there was a part where Goku was jumping on his toes like a ballerina to warm up (before the fight with Broly I think?) lol. The movie was hilarious. It was great every time Vegeta told Broly he's an idiot. The movie is also self-conscious. The writers know it's insane Goku keeps putting the universe/Earth in danger b/c he wants to get stronger. So I loved that bit in the beginning where Vegeta is berating Goku when Whis is questioning the two of them what they fight for and Goku says he wants to get stronger.

4) What did you guys think of that part of the movie when Broly was absolutely wrecking Super Saiyan God (red) Goku? Was that part supposed to be so over-the-top that it intentionally became hilarious? I watched that part 2-3 times. It was so brutal. And b/c it became more and more brutal it became sorta funny. There was even a shot when Goku was screaming from the pain and the animation focuses on his tonsils. And when Goku was getting his head smashed through the entire length of the outer edge of a glacier you could hear Goku quietly scream the words, "oh my god...". That's got to be comedy, right? So confused lol. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to be shocked from the horror of the brutality inflicted upon Super Saiyan God Goku or to just laugh.

5) It was hilarious Freeza wanted the dragon balls to be 5 cm taller haha.

That's all i can think of for now. Great movie!
Last edited by coatofarms#2347 on Feb 8, 2019, 4:09:17 AM
I never really cared about dragon ball and probably never will. It's one of those series that I don't really get and can't be bothered to get into. I DO know that it is a ridiculously big and important franchise with a rather passionate fanbase. Not really my thing though.

I still have yet to watch this week's episode of neverland... I'm genuinely scared of that show. It gives me a feeling of unease that so far only shinsekai yori managed to achieve. It's just... unsettling to the very core.

This week's dororo was, despite being predictable, really good. As always. I think I'll refrain from saying anything about in the future to avoid repeating myself over and over and over and over again.
I make dumb builds, therefore I am.
It's not that I'm not interested in general. It's just that people have been VERY aggressively trying to get me into dragon ball. Which made it much less likely for me to actually watch it, not that it was all that likely to begin with, the setting and characters simply didn't appeal to me and still don't to this day.

I tried watching katekyou hitman reborn, but I just couldn't get past the first 8 episodes. Nothing particularly interesting happened there and almost everyone who watched it says that it goes on like that for another 20 episodes before getting better. No thanks.

I'm somewhat interested in naruto, but despite talking about it, you never gave us access or a link to the filler-free episodes spreadsheet.

As for Bleach, I had people recommend it to me a few times recently (not refering to the last 4 seconds), but I haven't taken a closer look at it yet.

One piece is just too big of a commitment at this point, I have a few friends who are huge fans, but according to them catching up would take about 2 months. If I dedicate a lot of time to watching it every day that is.

I was and still am watching fairy tail and enjoy it.

Conan just isn't the kind of setting that I tend to enjoy and would be as much or even more of a commitment than one piece.

And if they count for this argument, I've watched FMA, FMA:B, HxH and HeroAca and greatly enjoyed watching all of those. I don't think I lack interest in Shounen series in general, the specific shows I'm not interested in have pretty precise reasons for me not wanting to watch them.

Regarding the Dororo thing, I'm afraid to say that I went into it completely unbiased due to a lack of knowledge about Tezuka's other big works (which I hereby want to apologise for). I thought what she was doing was rather obvious from the moment she mentioned working at night on the not-yet battlefield, which resulted in her being apparently very exhausted the next day. I thought it was made very clear in the scene on the stairs when she found out about Hyakkimaru's "sight".

That's how it appeared to me at least. Maybe I'm just way too pessimistic a person for shows like this. I don't know. I should probably stop writing on this post. This starting to get awkward now. Like... for real.
I make dumb builds, therefore I am.
It's allright if you don't want to share it then. I'm pretty sure there's at least bits and pieces of which episodes are filler and which aren't out there. I guess I'll look it up sometime soon. If worse comes to worst, I just gotta watch the whole damn thing. Still less than one piece and somewhat conveniently split into two parts.

It's mostly just that in some series important characters (that seem like they will stay with the main cast until the very end) end up annoying the living shit out of me. That was the case for katekyou hitman reborn (did I spell that right? I never really know with this one). At the beginning, everyone was just so damn obnoxious... it made it unwatchable for me. Other than that, it's often the setting. There's just some things that I don't really like, pretty much regardless of the media used to convey the story. Detective stories for example are one of those things (which is why I never bothered with conan).

And for dragon ball... I wasn't there. At all probably. I'm pretty sure I was nowhere near born yet when it started. And I had more than enough people telling it was the best thing ever... and I just wondered what's so awesome about two people screaming at each other for what feels like 10 minutes and why nobody ever sucker punches them during their charge ups or whatever.
I guess another severe case of "being too young to understand jack shit about something".

I still don't really get that last part though. So many fights would've ended much earlier if the main characters were able to forget honor in favour saving the damn universe for once and then proceed to punch the bad guy in the face during their obligatory bad guy speech. Seriously. Then again, this isn't limited to shounen series or even anime for that matter. At all.
I make dumb builds, therefore I am.
Picking up on a few things here and there ...

Domestic no Kanojo has been immersive. There are enough laughs in it that the awkward dramatic moments Boem mentions don't weigh too heavily on the experience of watching it. Part of the charm so far, for me, is how they navigate a lot of familiar ideas and still keep things not easily predictable or cliche. So far. The director seems to have a pretty good sense of timing for scenes, as well, which really helps to make the experience more enjoyable.

Dragonball and Dragonball Z were how I became interested in manga and anime. For me they were fun ways or learning Japanese when I was living there and didn't know very much Japanese. I read the manga and was watching the anime on TV during the same time frame. I learned to not like doing both in the same time frame; the anime was generally "watching paint dry" slow compared to the manga, as there were lots of scenes on the TV show in which the camera would very slowly pan up or down a character, showing their look of amazement or whatever for waaayyy too long. It was clear the director was constrained by not being able to go any further than the manga, at times.

I found that DZ movies were quite a bit more enjoyable than the TV shows because the director would be more free to set the pace, instead of being constrained by the manga a lot of the time.

Naruto is a really good anime, overall. Even the filler episodes were often surprisingly watchable, especially when compared to Bleach filler episodes, which quickly grew aversive. As much as I like that anime, though, I'm not certain I'd suggest to anybody that they begin with a firm idea in mind of watching all the way through. I would suggest that if somebody is interested then watching the first handful of episodes would convey a pretty good sense of whether they're likely to enjoy the rest of the series. I'd echo the recommendation for Naruto: The Last to anybody interested in the series; it's not only key to understanding how the series evolves, it's also a very enjoyable movie in its own right.

I'm sideways on Boruto. Don't hate it, don't love it. I'm probably behind by about 60-ish episodes by now and I don't feel any desire to catch up.

Run with the Wind got better after a mixed start. My wife and I are enjoying every episode as it comes out. The progression is starting to feel entirely natural and we're rooting for the key characters. Kaguya is also a lot of fun to watch. Kaguya feels more "fragile", in a sense, as so far that show paints on a smaller canvas, compared to Run, and there seems to be more ways Kaguya show could lose its charm.

Quintuplets has been fun so far.

I finally did a Mob Psycho 100 marathon and enjoyed it a lot. Very thoughtfully done show, with quite a few laughs along the way and surprisingly emotional. Multiple characters grew noticeably in just 12 episodes and most were fairly complex, which made them more interesting. I particularly enjoyed the visuals because they suited the show so well.
Now that prestige classes will finally leave lab in 4.0, will GGG get it right this time or will they find new ways to repeat old mistakes?
Last edited by EnjoyTheJourney#0109 on Feb 9, 2019, 5:42:10 AM

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