Endurance Charge on Melee Stun

soul4hdwn wrote:
monsters are affected differently by charges (and only certain ones get them easily).

I know more about most of this game's mechanics than most and I've never seen that little gem.
IGN - PlutoChthon, Talvathir
I believe that was even in the patch notes some time.
To the googles!

"Monsters now gain 15% physical and elemental resistance per Endurance Charge, rather than 20%."
Last edited by Vipermagi#0984 on Jun 30, 2014, 3:10:11 PM
Harpel wrote:
It is a nice Support gem for Dominating Blow, because this does not only give you endurance charges but your minions as well. A dominated mob with 3 charges gets 45% resists AND damage reduction, which is awesome. Also, they stun better, adding to your and their survivability.

Great combo, give it a try.

For dom blow it is a bit expensive as 5l setup is pretty much fixed.

However been using this support with my zombies for ages and it works wonders
When I used it, I had it in a Bringer of Rain: Dominating Blow - Melee Splash - Multistrike - Endurance Charge on melee stun. Worked wonders.

In a 5link, I would use:
Dominating Blow - Melee Splash - Multistrike - Melee physical damage - Endurance Charge on melee stun

A natural curse would be the new warlords mark, further increasing survivability, so life leech is not needed. Increased duration is not really needed as well, because melee splash creates so many of them - no need to have more.

As Dominating blow is very mana-intensive, it is important to have support gems with a low mana multiplier to have a sustainable skill. Endurance Charge on melee stun helps with that.
I planned on using this for a strength/dex discharger. I actually found it to be rather disappointing.
It didn't work on rares at all, so whenever I actually needed it.
Global chat: Mechanics for A work one way, B for another, C for a third but also with A, B uses C but not A, and D uses A&B but not C

Isn't a "no" better than an ignore?
It does work on Rares - you just need to actually Stun them. There's a reason it grants Stun Threshold Reduction, you know ;)
Yeah, but on a discharger without a few ex to blow, you just don't deal enough damage to actually stun them without losing out on the spell damage to make discharge effective.
I was ok with killing them in a few seconds, but I never really got charges in sufficient amounts.
Against most blues and all whites, I was full in as many strikes as my charge limit was at the time.
Global chat: Mechanics for A work one way, B for another, C for a third but also with A, B uses C but not A, and D uses A&B but not C

Isn't a "no" better than an ignore?
This support gem doesn't quite seem to work as it 'should' when freezing/shattering. (If you fulfil all the criteria for a stun to take place, but also happen to freeze/shatter with the same hit)


Mark_GGG wrote:
It's not possible to stun and freeze on the same hit. Once they're frozen, they can be stunned, and Roman was confirming this did work as intended.

Mark_GGG wrote:
It's one of the basic rules of the system from way back before my time. Pretty much it's because stunning and freezing would stack (in that you can't play the stun animation until you unfreeze, so you'd be frozen for a duration and then stunned after that - and the stun would be longer due to chill). We can't make stun and freeze expire at the same time, like multiple freezes, because stun is based on the animation, which is prevented by freeze, so they're prevented from stacking in that way.

I can certainly see the logic in saying that a hit which kills something shouldn't count as a stun even if it would do so, but that's nontrivial to implement, since you can't tell for sure at the time of applying a stun whether the hit will kill or not.

I don't understand why a subsequent hit can 'stun' a frozen enemy since wouldn't that result in a nigh-identical situation to what is described above? The existing freeze will prevent the stun animation and they will stack as a result.
Or have I got things confused?

As a compromise it would be really nice to receive any other 'on stun' effects if a hit that would have stunned was prevented from doing so.
IGN: Victory_Or_Sovngarde
It's not a 13 week development cycle, it's a 13 week supporter-pack cycle.
You can play any build you want, as long as it's the current meta.
Last edited by Ashen_Shugar_IV#4253 on Jan 3, 2015, 6:19:17 AM

If I am going to use this support gem, I am perfectly entitled to receive any/all on-stun effects, especially from hits that would have stunned but were prevented from doing so - for whatever reason.

Edit: Except from stun immune monsters, inherent or otherwise (super late edit lol)
IGN: Victory_Or_Sovngarde
It's not a 13 week development cycle, it's a 13 week supporter-pack cycle.
You can play any build you want, as long as it's the current meta.
Last edited by Ashen_Shugar_IV#4253 on Jul 7, 2015, 10:16:04 PM
I've been using this in the closed beta with vigilant strike and melee splash for happy fun time damage. I can say that the charge doesn't work when you shatter/freeze which I get, but that isn't the reason for my post.

When stunning multiple mobs with splash it only grants 1 charge. No matter how many mobs I can stun in a single swing I only ever get one charge which is a problem since I need multiple refreshes for my skills to work properly. I haven't tested with any full time AOE melee skills, but for single target abilities stuns from the splash don't seem to count. Which is odd since CoC doesn't care at all and will grant multiple charges from one mob if you shotgun it.

Is this intended or an overlooked bug in the mechanic since the skill is normally forgotten about? I would ask that the charge generation be treated much the same as the other similar skills. If thought to be too powerful then maybe introduce some modifiers to it like the % chance to work on CoC or the need for the target to die a certain way like the new ice(frenzy charge) support does.

(Edit): So I tested with cleave, ground slam, heavy/splash, and dom/splash. This support only seems to ever give a single charge. No mater how many stuns you manage with a single strike you will currently only receive one charge. The wording is a bit poor for the skill if this is indeed how it is meant to be. It is less "endurance charge on melee stun" and more "endurance charge on attack that stuns". The former insinuates that generating multiple charges would be possible with multiple stuns which is not the case at all.

Last edited by DrakeRye#2332 on May 17, 2015, 1:50:15 AM

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